Congratulation to Chloe! What a wonderful and beautiful girl!!!!:p
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Congratulation to Chloe! What a wonderful and beautiful girl!!!!:p
Jackson, how absolutely wonderful you are!.. You made my morning. What a good boy and a wonderful companion. Congratulations on being DOG OF THE DAY
(Sal and Sierra)
Is it in Eaton Rapids or a nearby town...all those places around there are so nice and have so many great places for dogs..
Hope it all goes through... Good luck from AZ..
I just came on this morning, have been too busy to read posts for the last few days and I have read all of them on this subject.
I am a golden mom and cannot believe...
Wow, you are GORGEOUS!!!! Congratulations on being DOG OF THE DAY.
My little Golden Sierra is 6 months old and sweet and trouble all rolled into one. Her newest trick is throwing the ball back...
Thank you for all your kind words and thoughts.
Sierra is doing great, back to her old character self. It sure made us even closer than before. I am not taking her to agility class for a few...
Well I am finally able to talk about this now. Last week on Monday the 8th, I came home late from work and after a few minutes noticed that Sierra (Dog of the day 3-03-02), my 5 month old...
Wow,, I came into work this morning and saw Kia as the DOG OF THE DAY yesterday!!!! Wow what great timing. I am so glad she was chosen, she is so special. Hope all is well with you and...
gosh, how sad. Was your Grandpa from Michigan too? My husband lost his grandma back there last year, it is so hard. My dad is a vet from WWII also, he was a CB on Iwo Jima, they sure do...
You are wonderful and beautiful. Congratulations on being the dog of the day! You must be a very special boy to get to take care of other pets. I love your color and your eyes and face.. what a...
Wow, that is quite an Easter. I am soooo glad it was a happy ending. I hate that feeling of uncontrol and having to watch what happens next.
So happy you and Andy and Kia!!
by the way... my...
From all the humans who love you and all the furbabies too..
S & S
Yippee for Beautiful Cody... you are terrific and wonderful.
Congratulations of being DOG OF THE DAY!!!!
S & S
(Sal and Sierra)
Welcome Deb and Dave and Bonnie. Thanks for the wonderful pictures. Bonnie is adorable. I have a 5 month old Golden Ret. who looks (long and lanky) like Bonnie did at 5 months.
I am new too and...
Thanks Dixie that was great advice. I am basically doing the transitioning now but I really like the idea of putting her in the crate with something to occupy her and leaving the door open. I will...
I need to know this too. Sierra is 5 months now, but we have been trying her loose in the house a little at a time. Is it too soon for this? She has done really well for and hour or so at a time. ...
Hello Judy,
I am new too. My name is Sally and I have 2 dogs, Bailey (Lab/Dalmation) and Sierra (5mth old Golden Ret.). I have really had fun on pet talk since I joined a couple of weeks ago. ...
Hello to all! and Happy first day of Spring:)
I am new to Pet Talk. I have been posting here and there for the last week or so and thought I should officially introduce myself.
My name is...
I loved that picture. It reminded me of my late and wonderful pair of cat (Libby) and dog (Barney) who were the best of friends. I had Libby and we got Barney when he was 8 weeks old (Golden Ret.)....
I knew before I read the location that you were definitely California cool! You are so adorable and have the personality of a true celebrity. CONGRATULATIONS on being chosen for Dog of the...
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