The Earth lost a true Angel this morning ... A friend to every human and animal, Donna Mayes, a.k.a. "DonnaDWN" on this site. A loving daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, neighbor and...
Type: Posts; User: CavyMom; Keyword(s):
The Earth lost a true Angel this morning ... A friend to every human and animal, Donna Mayes, a.k.a. "DonnaDWN" on this site. A loving daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, neighbor and...
Happy New Year! :)
Congratulations, Lady Harvest Moon and Archangel, on sharing POTD honors! You 2 are gorgeous! We're so glad you have a loving home and live inside with your Mommy! We loved reading all about your...
Congratulations, Rudi, on being POTD! We are so glad you were rescued and now live a life full of love, fun and healthy food! Stay Safe, Sweet Boy! XOXO
Congratulations, dear sweet Sugar, on being DOTD! Your photos are heart-melting and your rescue story is inspiring! I'll never never never understand how a human can leave their beloved pet (family...
Congratulations, Jasper, on being POTD! You are absolutely precious and brilliant and have found the PERFECT home! :) We loved reading about your transformation from a skittish little guy to a...
Congratulations, Winnie, on being POTD! You are gorgeous, brilliant, fun and soooo loved! :love: We loved reading about your happy life, great personality and awesome human parent! (We :love:...
Congratulations, Anna, on being POTD! You are gorgeous and precious! We loved reading about your happy life and loving home! :) We know Anna enjoyed her 1st birthday party and appreciated all the...
Congratulations, Gorgeous Noelle, on being POTD! We :love: people who adopt/rescue pets (big OR small)! We're so happy that you have found a wonderful fur-ever home! God Bless your human Mommy for...
Congratulations, adorable Tiny Tim, on being DOTD and being adopted by the most wonderful Pet Mommy ever!!! You won the lottery, Tim! :) Your life is FULL of love, fun, companionship, treats and...
Congratulations, Miss Coffee, on being POTD! We :love: your name! :) You are so adorable and beautiful! We're so sorry to hear about Milk ... It's so hard to lose a beloved pet - no matter how long...
Congratulations, Emil, on being POTD! You are so precious! (We :love: cavies/gps!) I feel just like you do - I would rather be home than anywhere else! :) We would love to hear you whistling when...
Congratulations, Miss Josephine, on being POTD! You are precious, brilliant and so loved by your human family! :love: We loved reading about your happy, active life but we were shocked to read you...
Congratulations, Sally, on being POTD! You are GORGEOUS! Your photos are BEAUTIFUL! What a classy, sweet, darling girl you are! :love: We loved reading your human parent's loving tribute to you -...
Congratulations, Ellie May, on being POTD! Ohmygosh, you are sooooo cute! We loved reading about your happy and fun life now. Your early life was heart-breaking but now your life is wonderful...
Congratulations, Asian, on being POTD at 46 years old! We loved reading about your happy life and awesome personality! (Tortoises are fascinating!) Your loving humans are so caring and appreciative...
Congratulations, Xander, on being POTD! You are such a sweet and handsome boy! :love: Your photos are beyond adorable! God Bless your wonderful humans for taking such good care of you with your...
Congratulations, Charlie, on being POTD! You are adorable, handsome, endearing, photogenic and Heaven-sent! :) We are sending ALL best wishes for a long, happy, healthy, fun, safe life, Sweetie!...
Congratulations, Pika, on being POTD! You are adorable, beautiful, talented, fun, photogenic and precious! (We :love: birds!) We are sending ALL of our best wishes for a long, happy, healthy, fun,...
Congratulations, Twister, on being POTD! You are gorgeous, brilliant, photogenic and well loved! :) We had to laugh when we read that your toys don't last long! :D We're so glad you have such a...
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