I make digital pet portraits on ceramic tiles from your dog and cat photo. For more info and examples please check out my page at www.styleartc.com/digital-portraits.html
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I make digital pet portraits on ceramic tiles from your dog and cat photo. For more info and examples please check out my page at www.styleartc.com/digital-portraits.html
Why do you want a middle name for your dog? By the way I think Button is a cute name for a chi. I have a chihuahua too, her name is Baby Shannon
Oh I love that last pic!
Well it sure looks like she's enjoying winter...and the snow
I think floppy eared dogs look cuter, I have a chihuahua and I like to flop her ears over because it makes her look so cute, my Mom doesn't think so, she thinks it makes her look ugly.
The easiest solution is don't give your dog access to the room
You're all welcome to download a free printable calendar or 2018 of my Boston Terrier art at www.styleartc.com/calendars.html
There's one of a Northern Cardinal too.
I'm in Ontario, Canada, we're under an extreme weather warning too because of the freezing temps, and the chilling weather is suppose to last well into next week.
Hey at least she struts in style, even if it's only around the corner, lol. My chihuahua won't even poke her head out in the deep freeze.
Yeah even the backyard is a dangerous place to leave a Chihuahua alone.
Definitely have a vet check her out. She could be going blind and feels more secure in the house where she knows her way around.
Dogs that are left alone outside for hours can become a nuisance to neighbours because of barking and whining out of boredom.
I agree with the others, no dog should be left outside alone for a prolonged period of time.
I don't have a cat but I was wondering can you train a cat to do tricks and obey commands like a dog?
Fabulous pictures! She really knows how to ham it up for the camera, lol
Thanks everyone! Thanks very much Freedom for giving me a plug, I really appreciate it!
Hey there Ellie, good to know that CP got it right the second time around
I make custom pet portraits on framed ceramic tiles, I'm now having a sale. For more info and examples see my webpage at www.styleartc.com/digital-portraits.html
Sale ends Mon., June 12, 2017....
Congrats! She looks beautiful no matter what "hair style" she will have
Thanks for the replies. She only ate a small thin slice and she's fine. I figured it would take a whole bunch to have an effect but ya just can't help but worry, especially when she's a wee little...
My chihuahua found a piece of onion on the floor and ate it. I know onions are toxic to dogs, should I be concerned?
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