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  1. You'll get 'em- we have a ton of rescues whose stories need to be told-

    We'll start with Romeo- on his way as soon as I write him up-
  2. Is the site ever coming back? Can anyone help?

    This was a big part of our lives for a long time-- can we resurrect it somehow?
  3. R.I.P. Gretel- a very sweet little Maine coon girl

    In 2011, my wife bowled a tournament at a center in SC- there she met and fell for a small female Maine coon-like tabby living in the center parking lot. The center manager was elated because she,...
  4. Thread: Church Kitty

    by bowlkat

    Church Kitty

    Greetings to Church and congrats on being Cat of the Day (or week, month or half-year)! You're a near-twin of our Oreo, the smartest and handsomest black-and-white in the pride!

    Enjoy your special...
  5. R.i.p. Ralph- cotd 8/15/2023 - (2004?)- 9/14/2024

    Our beloved Ralph has crossed Rainbow Bridge tod=
    He had a tumor form on his neck last year- it weirdly grew until it separated from his neck and was hanging in his skin, then it necked itself off,...
  6. Replies

    UPDATE- Ralph may have arrived at the end of his long road-

    Our beloved Ralph came up with a fibrosarcoma about a year ago- it formed a tumor on his throat which grew to about golf-ball size, then inexplicably separated itself, slowly necked itself off til it...
  7. Replies

    R.I.P. Junior- a very very sweet Tabby

    We had to send Junior to RB on Monday- he'd developed a round-cell carcinoma in his upper jaw and face, which was deforming his nose and mouth- he was himself for many months, eating and playing and...
  8. Replies

    R.I.P. Tiggi- a beautiful tortie cat

    We lost Tiggi on Thursday- she was one of our famous feral momma cat Sophie's second litter, 4 torties- Holly (who had a litter of her own in the wilds of Dunellen, NJ and brought herself and kits to...
  9. Replies

    Not again- R.I.P. Mookie

    We lost sweet little Mookie this morning- not completely unexpected, she was 20 and for the last 2 years she's been a walking skeleton (despite repeated thyroid tests which showed no abnormality)-...
  10. Update - thank you!!!

    Tabby heard they were prepping for surgery and apparently thought "OH, no, no more of that crap!" and HE STARTED PEEING ON HIS OWN!! They kept him another day to observe and SENT HIIM HOME WITHOUT...
  11. Asking prayers for Tabby II- major surgery today

    Our Tabby II has gone through the worst 2 weeks of his life with urinary blockage- he blocked on Thanksgiving day, was unblocked and came home on special diet, but it happened again and last week he...
  12. Thread: R.I.P. Hunter

    by bowlkat

    R.I.P. Hunter

    We also lost Hunter, an older momma cat from the Union City Shell station pack- we caught them all in early 2015- in this group, there were two momma cats, Cleo and Hunter, and we really didn't know...
  13. Replies

    R.I.P. Rowdy- gone WAY too soon

    Rowdy was one of four kittens whom we caught with their mother Momma Tuxedo in 2015- they were living at an Arbys in Union City, GA at the time. One kitten, Lil Tux, had a heart defect and passed...
  14. Replies

    R.I.P. Taz - gone but never forgotten

    Reposting this from the end of the post requesting prayers for Taz- he had 9 months of happy life before the osteosarcoma got him, MUCH more than we had any right to hope for-

    Taz is gone. The...
  15. Replies

    Taz is gone but never forgotten

    Taz is gone. The cancer had gotten into his sinuses and probably chest as well, it was making breathing difficult- he was too congested to taste or smell so he wasn't eating- no treatment would have...
  16. Replies

    This may be it for Taz

    As of this morning, Taz is snuffling and drooling a lot, isn't eating (probably can't smell or taste anything)- as of yesterday, Lysine helped a lot, and he had a good day, dragging himself across...
  17. Replies

    R.I.P. CeCe- the sweetest foundling waif

    In December 2010, shortly after we moved into our current house, on the coldest bitterest day of the year so far, my wife looked out the front window and said, "There's a cat on the porch, yelling at...
  18. Replies

    Taz is doing wonderfully so far

    THANK YOU ALL for your prayers- they're WORKING!! Taz hasn't shown any deterioration at all yet- no evidence of recurrence- he's happy, noisy and eating very well-- for however long he has, he's...
  19. Replies

    Asking for prayers for Taz- in his last days

    Our handsome tabby Taz is looking at his end-times, to our great sadness- Taz was a young cat, 8-10 months old, when we caught him and his whole group at a Shell gas station in Union City, GA in...
  20. Replies

    Chessie - r.i.p.

    Woke up this morning to find my old friend Chessie dead beside the bed- he must've been on his way to jump up, he always slept next to my legs at night. He was 14-15 years old- it must've been very...
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