Conversation Between Caro and Litterati

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Salut Litterati,
    Je viens tout juste de voir votre message. Ya longtemps que j'étais allée voir l'Inbox de COTD. Je ne me souvenais plus de mon User Code. Anyway, thank you very much for your nice message. Indeed, not much Montrealers on that site but a lot of very nice cats. Have a great day. Caro
  2. Bonjour Caro,

    Thought I'd say "Hi" to a fellow Montrealer. Not too many Canadians on PT, and perhaps we're the only Quebecers. So all the best and "Joyeaux Nöel et Bonne Année"!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2

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