Conversation Between cassiesmom and momcat

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Dear Groucho and Momcat -- just wondering if you'd seen this thread about kitties informing their hoomins they are hungry. Pinot's Mom mentioned your services may be of assistance here.

    Thank you very much,
  2. Dear Groucho, was wondering if you know a doggie lawyer who may help the IGs? They said their mum is being mean to them.

    Thank you,
  3. Momcat! There you are! I was worried about you, hadn't seen you for a few days. Yay, I am glad to see that you're here!

    Thinking of you,
  4. A case for Groucho, Kitty Lawyer...
    Could you please give him a mess of hugs and snuggles for me before he starts to work on it, though?

  5. Hi, Momcat ... Just checking in ... How are you? How are Soncat and Groucho? Things here are pretty good - it's a sunny day in Chicago even though it is cold.

    Thinking of you,
  6. Friday, 6:20 PM
    Hello, Eileen - Momcat! I am just reading your PM and thinking of you. I'm not quite sure what to say - I hope the hospice will be very helpful; my grandmother was in hospice care and the nurses and staff were great both to her and to my mom. So - I have you on my mind and heart tonight and I will just leave it at that.

    Thinking of you,
  7. Hi! First of all, I apologize for my holiday greetings being late this year. My Mom has been very sick and some things had to be put on hold. Anyway, I do hope your Christmas was a great day filled with more wonderful things than you ever dreamed of. My wish for you and those you care for is that 2009 will bring you peace, happiness, health, and prosperity. And please know that I'm honored to be on your Friends list!

    Be well,
    Eileen aka Momcat
  8. Hi Cassiesmom, First of all, I apologize for my holiday greetings being late. My Mom isn't doing well so many things had to be put on hold. I hope your Christmas was filled with more wonderful things than you ever dreamed of. May 2009 bring you health, prosperity, and happiness. I'm honored to be on your Friends list!

    Be well,
    Eileen aka Momcat
  9. Hi Cassiesmom, I apologize for my holiday greetings being so late. My Mom is in hospice as of last week so many things were left undone. I hope your Christmas was filled with more wonderful things than you ever dreamed of. My sincere wish for you and those you care for is 2009 will bring health, happiness, and prosperity. I'm honored to be on your Friends list!

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