Conversation Between hammiegirl and charlie116

55 Visitor Messages

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  1. haha yea he's really soft =). when i take him out of his cage, he jumps onto my back & then hops on the floor. it's so cute!
  2. Basically how I take care of my rats. I even give them alfalfa too. Mouse is very a big furball. You just want to cuddle him to death.
  3. hey! =) most books that talk about chinchillas make them seem hard to take care of, but mine has been relatively easy to maintain. i give him a big bowl of food & let him eat as much as he wants throughout the week. i make sure he has water from one of those animal water bottle things (haha). he has to have hay (alfalfa or timothy, doesn't matter) every day so he doesn't get constipated. i give him raisins as treats (but not too many, like 5 a day or so). i also give him a dust bath & let him run around my room twice a week for about an hour. he's pretty easy to take care of. =) if you have any more questions, let me know!
  4. Your Welcome! I love your avatar w/ the pic of your dog....he is adorable!!!! I read that you have a chinchilla and two hamsters. I have three now...well hamsters. Are chinchillas hardy creatures and easy to take care of? Or get sick easily?
  5. thanks for adding me as your friend!!! =)
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