Conversation Between susanswatlin518 and cassiesmom

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy New Year, Sue!
  2. Hi, Sue! Things here are good. The weather is a little un-summery - which is to say the temperatures are right about at the average for Chicago in July. Work is busy, which makes the days go fast, thank goodness! And Cassie is so funny - I found Petite Cuisine cat food on clearance at the supermarket so I bought some and fed it to her as a pre-bedtime treat. I gave her half of a 3-ounce can on Saturday night. Since then she "reminds" me that I owe her a bedtime snack! Stinker. I hope the supermarket hasn't run out of the clearance cat food yet because we are going to need more!

    That's about all from here -- hope you're well,
  3. Hi-i hope you are doing well! I am-except my eye problem is quite a problem right now. I love being on line and reading, and each yome=it is hard on my eyes. Now it looks as though i have been staring at the sun or something. Well i know it is timr for another injection. My cats are fun and never a dull moment. I thought i would say hi! Sue swatling 518 is really my area code!
  4. Hi-thanks for the info! I have never been to either store-but i mean to. I will call first. Have a great weekend! Sue swatling
  5. Basic info ... can you bring your pet to Petsmart and Petco? There's not a Petco around here. With Petsmart, I've never had the courage to take my kitty there, although there are always people there with leashed dogs, which is fun. One time I was there and a lady came in with a ferret on a leash.

    Hope that helps,
  6. Hi-how about some basic information? I was wondering ig stores like petsmart or petco allow you to bring your pets in with you when you shop there? I don't imagine they would- but i have seen recent tv ads where they show people with their pets0not to adopt-theirs from home. I wish all a great summer! Sueswatling
  7. Hi-i will be 50 in august lol! That's a nice picture of you. No-let's make that 49 again. I won't get any older. Lol-to quote "the raven" nevermore!! I am a poet so that puts me way out there! I am a 6 ft tall virgo and even with long hair some people think i am a guy!! God-try to deal with some people! That's why i stick totally with those of the feline pursuasion! See ya sue
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