View Full Version : reward increase for puppy abuser

04-19-2002, 03:31 AM
the reward for whoever did that to that poor sweet puppy, is now $30,000 !!! :) :)

04-19-2002, 04:05 AM
Sorry TC not quite with that - could you explain please?:eek:


Former User
04-19-2002, 04:24 AM
Lynne, click here ( to find out more

04-19-2002, 06:10 AM
:confused: silly question , but does anyone know the exchange rate between $ and € ??? Since we only have the € since January , I'm not sure about this ...
Anyway , the reward can never be high enough to me !! I hope they get the abuser soon , and they have my permission to skin him alive too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

Former User
04-19-2002, 06:30 AM
Lut, $ 30 000 is €33,715

04-19-2002, 07:27 AM
Niina many thanks for the 'click' - I do seem to remember something about this - absolutely disgusting. So pleased the reward money has been upped. I do hope someone with a conscience gives the A******* up to the police.


PS Lut when we were in Spain the blasted € was still causing concern there!! The peseta was so easy to understand - the € - forget it!!

Former User
04-19-2002, 07:33 AM
I was still learning the currencies from Finnish mark to Belgian francs, and then came euro... fun...not...oh well, getting there with the learning, have to be careful though, everything looks much cheaper now with euro :D . Casper and Kitty said it's okay, we can buy lots of stuff for them now then ;) since it's "cheaper"

04-19-2002, 10:08 AM
Niina - sure they didn't say 'Cheeper' with lickle birdies in mind?! LOL.


04-19-2002, 12:11 PM
I hope they catch the perpetrator soon. And I truly hope he gets a harsh punishment (although nothing could compare to what he/she did to the puppy).

I hate €uro too. I hope we NEVER get them in Sweden. I hate all of EU though; with the cruel animal transportations and so on...

04-19-2002, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Ann
...with the cruel animal transportations and so on...

Uh, Ann, I've not been keeping up with the news. What is this animal transportation issue?

Concerned and confused,

Former User
04-19-2002, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by AmberLee

Uh, Ann, I've not been keeping up with the news. What is this animal transportation issue?

Well, while transporting animals from place to another, if the drive is long, the drivers won't let the animals come out from the lorries to walk around, there are often way too many animals on the lorries, no room to move, no possiblity to drink, eat etc. Just stand and wait. I've heard of cases where pigs had to stand for 14 hours before getting out. And that's not even the worsest things that hapen.

Maybe Ann can tell more?

04-19-2002, 05:37 PM
Well, I could write a whole essay on this subject and give you more pictures than you could ever bare to look at, but since it's late I will make this short (for now atleast);

Example: A farmer in Sweden will get more money for his farm animals from a slaugther house in Germany, then he would locally. So therefore he stuffs his animals (cows, pigs, sheep etc.) in small trucks and drive off. There are certain rules on how this must be handled such as that the animals must have one hour break ever 12 hours and that they must have enough room to be able to stand up (great rules huh?), but those are almost never followed. The animals fall and becomes trampled and hurt in the small area, forced to be in there for over 24 hours without breaks at times. They aren't provided water or food, and when they atleast arrive they are just pulled out of the truck and slaughtered.

Here (http://www.djurensratt.org/djur_i_lantbruket/eu_djurtransport/kampanj/bilder.htm) are a few images (scary images, so be prepared).

Like I said, if anyone wants more in-depth information, more pictures or addresses or ANYTHING, please let me know and I will post more. But it's really late and I need to get some sleep now, so I'm sorry for the shortness.

EDIT: I forgot to translate the text under the images (it was a Swedish page), so I'll do so real fast incase someone would like to know what the text means:

Image 1: Trip to Greece by Bari. A sheep is trying to get air.
Image 2: Dead British sheep in Bari. They were suffocated to death.
Image 3: Tranqualizing before slaughter in Greece (most places doesn't even tranqualize at all).
Image 4: Illegal slaugter on the Eid-el-Kabir-festival in France.
Image 5: Trip to Greece by Bari. The sheeps are trying to get air.

04-19-2002, 06:56 PM
Last night I happened to be watching a program on Public TV (Educational???) and it was about the huge cattle feeding yards and facilities in the midwestern part of the USA. It was so disgusting that I turned it off. They pack the cattle in yards, feed them corn grain and never, never a blade of grass. They live and sleep in their own waste, creating even more of a chance of infection/outbreak of disease. They lace their feed/grain with antibotics to ward off diseases. It is all about money here in the USA. Granted, we have (may have) had our share of burgers etc, but I would be willing to pay twice as much just to have the animals treated humanely while they are living. I don't eat beef that often but it will be a long time until I do again. I understand that chickens aren't usually any better off as far as living conditions go.
Again, its all about money.

Sorry for such a yucky story.