View Full Version : Continue on subject of K9Advantix and Frontline with Vet and Chica

02-27-2006, 06:08 PM
Chica saw the Vet today. He prescribed Prednisone for a few days to get rid of the itching. I have a topical spray also to stop itching. Chica had a bad reaction to the K9Advantix.
I was on the net looking up permethrin, and all I got was prices for Advantix, no explanation on side effects. When I looked up Fipronil, which is in Frontline, I got this, pet products carry a signal word"Caution". Product is not absorbed through the skin. But may cause some skin irritation at the application site. They have low toxicity if ingested. At least they say something about the product Frontline. Chica can't use K9Advantix at all! My vet said not to use anything for a while until Chica recovers.I have to call the vet in 2 weeks on her condition. Evidently the K9Advantix is really harsh on Chica's skin!My vet did say I will have to try Frontline later and see if Chica has the same reaction! He also said we will have to try other products until we find one that will agree with Chica, and not irritate her skin.

02-27-2006, 07:52 PM
Awww, poor Chica. My dogs use Frontline, and they haven't had any problems. I hope you can find something that works.

02-27-2006, 08:23 PM
Thanks, me too. I don't want Chica To suffer like that again. She is doing much better tonight, because she is on the meds from the vet. :) ;)

02-27-2006, 08:26 PM
I just searched for Permethrin on Google and found this site...

Permethrin & Dogs (http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cls=0&cat=1463&articleid=1457)

02-27-2006, 08:32 PM
Thank you! I did bathe Chica Sunday morning when I saw how bad she was scratching the back of her ears. I took her to the vet today. Now she is on Meds to counter act the K9advantix. It was too harsh on her. :)

02-28-2006, 06:57 AM
Feel better Chica.

02-28-2006, 08:00 AM
Aww, Chica, I hope you feel better soon.

My vet did say I will have to try Frontline later and see if Chica has the same reaction! He also said we will have to try other products until we find one that will agree with Chica, and not irritate her skin.

I wouldn't. Why chance it? You said she's not outside too often. I don't put that stuff on my dogs unless I have to. We have a lot of trees around us and woods across the road, we had a bad tick problem for awhile and I was keeping Frontline on my dogs. I haven't put any on them in awhile though, haven't needed to, the ticks are gone. If you don't have a flea or tick problem than why put that stuff on her? Run a flea comb over her daily and if you see a couple fleas than bathe her. Sadly most vets are money driven, they push that stuff because they sell it and will make a profit from it.