View Full Version : Yogurt

02-27-2006, 02:52 PM
I've been doing a lot of research on the internet concerning home made dog food. I've also downloaded a cookbooks with food and snack recipes for dogs and cats. The use of plain, lowfat yogurt and cottage cheese is mentioned serveral times. Have any of you had experience with this? Is it healthy for dogs and cats. I tried the yogurt with the dogs a couple of times and my hesitant eater dove right in.
Please advise. ;)

02-27-2006, 02:58 PM
I give plain yogurt to Frankie often.
He likes it and yes, it is good for them too.
Don't give your dog a whole lot though.... it softens the stool a bit. :p
Milk is usually not good for dogs. I don't know about cottage cheese.

02-27-2006, 03:16 PM
Fenway eats the small containers of cottage cheese. It's a treat for him and he loves it.

When we go out for ice cream, I used to buy him a kiddy yogurt in a cup, but he always wanted to eat my ice cream. So I just share my ice cream with him.

02-27-2006, 04:49 PM
I give 1 tablespoon of yogurt to my girls almost every day. They love it! The bacteria in it is supposedly good for dogs.

02-27-2006, 04:57 PM
The food I am buying for my Dane puppy is Eagle Pack Large & Giant Breed Puppy and it has yogurt in it. I think it is a GREAT addition to dog food. :)

02-27-2006, 08:40 PM
Yogurt is a greyt addition to both humans and canines. Plain, organic yogurt in particular contains a high amount of L. Acidophilus, which is a GI tract-friendly bacteria. It helps restore your GI back to its normal state and is a grrreyt source of calcium :) I know plain, organic yogurt is an essential part of many raw feeders' diets, including my own. My 19 lb Peke receives a heaping soup spoonful of yogurt while my 60-ish Greyhound gets about 2-3 tablespoons each day. Cottage cheese is a very prevalent ingredient in many of Pitcairn's recipes. Others, like Schultz, do encourage feeding a small amount of cottage cheese from time to time but she does not endorse it the way Pitcairn does. One thing to watch for is the sodium content in cottage cheese. As well, you must remember dogs are naturally lactose intolerant and do not produce sufficient lactase to digest the milk sugar in these dairy products, so I would keep the cottage cheese at a minimum, IMO.

Cats are a completely different story because they're true carnivores, so I'd have to consult a nutritionist to help you there!

02-27-2006, 09:15 PM
My boyz get cottage cheese everyday I mix it in with their food to moisten the food, they love it, they have eaten it for years. No ill effects here. Joann

02-28-2006, 07:41 AM
My three dogs are getting a spoonful of yogurt everyday. I mix a heaping tablespoon into Samson's food with a sprinkle of garlic powder. He weighs about 55 pounds. He had some serious gas issues when I quit the yogurt for a while. The other dogs get a little less because they weigh less. It does make the food more palatable for my fussy eater, Scruffy.

When my diabetic dog (RB) wouldn't eat, the vet suggested a little cottage cheese to get his appetite started again.