View Full Version : knitting...my first scarves and hats!

finn's mom
02-26-2006, 10:42 PM
All right, I've been wanting to share with everyone...and, Cagney Dog asking about them made me motivated to get the pictures taken! I hope you guys like them a little. ;) My 22-year-old niece taught me to knit at Christmastime and I've really taken to it. I plan to attend a two day (two hours each day) class at my local AC Moore (huge craft and hobby store) to learn some different stitches and techniques. I started with just scarves and have just learned to make hats in the last couple of days.

Here are the scarves...only the one on the far right is really for warmth... the others (especially the orange and white ones) are more for pretty, I can actually wear them all year round if I want! The black one was my very first scarf, and, you can really see that it's homemade on the other end, I don't know what happened, but, it's holy, hahaha...


This is a close up of the thick scarf, it's really soft. I made this one for my mother. I plan to make her a matching hat, but, not tonight! I'm all hatted out today!


Here are the hats. I made the white infant one yesterday (took three tries, but, finally got it right!), it's my very first hat. I made a child's hat today and gave it to my 5-year-old niece, I'll get a picture of her wearing it, it's really cute! And, the grey one is the one I just finished today, I plan to make a scarf to match it. It's the same material that I made my mother's scarf out of.


Here is a close up...


And, here is the baby hat on a teddy bear!


Yeah, so, it's not that big of a deal, really...but, I'm so proud of myself and so super grateful to my niece for teaching me! can't wait to learn to crochet! And, I hope to make a blanket for my mother! Thanks for checking out my stuff guys!

02-26-2006, 10:52 PM
Oh man, Kari! Those are amazing! My favorite is the white hat, it's -so- cute.

Thanks for sharing!

02-26-2006, 10:53 PM
Looks great you'll become addicted. Next if you come to Montana I'll teach you to spin so you don't ever have to buy yarn again.

finn's mom
02-26-2006, 10:55 PM
Oh man, Kari! Those are amazing! My favorite is the white hat, it's -so- cute.

Thanks for sharing!

Yeah, I can't wait to see it on Isabelle (or Isabella, I can't remember!). I'm taking it to her tomorrow, so, I hope to get a photo. My favorite scarf is the orange one, it's SO SOFT. And, the color is awesome, it's called "Flame."

finn's mom
02-26-2006, 10:55 PM
Looks great you'll become addicted. Next if you come to Montana I'll teach you to spin so you don't ever have to buy yarn again.

I'm already addicted. ;) Spinning, huh? That may be in my future. You never know!

02-26-2006, 11:00 PM
Any time you can come up for a couple days I'll have you spinning. Warning though you"ll start haunting the local feed stores and pet grooming places looking for dog wool to spin.

02-26-2006, 11:10 PM
heres some of my knitting. some one asked a while ago about it . I have the patterns if you want to try any of these.
the last one is Gina's ark made from her ark and some buffalo i had left from a project.
Once a year I give a talk at the preschool story hour at the Libraey that is a sweater from dog wool and I sent it to Glacier to wear on the trail to keep her warm.

02-27-2006, 12:09 AM
Those all look great! I love knitting, but lost all my needles in the house fire. You making me want to go out and buy knitting needles and get started knitting again! I have already bought my crochet needles, now on to the knitting!

Again, I do love those scarves and those sweet hats. Corinna, you have some really good looking sweaters too.

Willie :)

02-27-2006, 12:26 AM
Cool, Those look great! Scarves take awhile to make but so worth it!
I just finished one for my Aunt it looks like the same kind of material you used for you mom's scarf but, it's in turquise and brown.
And I'm in the work of making some new red mitties for myself.. :D
Don't you just love knitting. It's so relaxing when I knit, and rewarding in the end.
But, sometimes it kinda fustrating when you make hats (or anything else)with out patterns and just kinda "winging it". Doing it a couple times before you realise what size you want with different needles. ;)
I just purchased a book called "stich'n'bitch" by Debbie Stoller and its a rockin book they have really cute patterns for cat mice, dog sweaters, tank tops, bikini, cell phone holders, purses you name they got most of it and it not ugly stuff either! :p
You should really ceck it out
Happy knitten..... :D

Daisy and Delilah
02-27-2006, 07:54 AM
Kari, those are absolutely awesome! What a beautiful job you're doing. When shopping in craft stores, I can't believe the gorgeous yarns that are on the market now. Good luck with your new hobby. Keep us posted on how it's going. Love the pics! :D

02-27-2006, 08:03 AM

I started knitting about 2 months ago, just before Christmas. I love it!! I started with the "fun fur" which is so cool!! Then I got regular black yard and another yarn that changes colors. I've given most of my scarves away except one for myself. They really keep my neck warm on my walks. Do yo have any idea how much those fun fur scarves cost at craft fairs??? Anywhere from $20-$50 depending on the detail. I just straight stitch. Keeps me from eating while watching television and makes the time go by fast.

I'm going to try and knit kitty mats since I pretty much know nothing more than a straight stitch and pearl.

Yours are great! Are the hats hard to make?

02-27-2006, 08:14 AM
Wow, very nice! Knitting, I remember my mom showing me how years ago, but I guess I don't have the patience. You did a good job.
Corinna, that sweater you're holding up is made of dog fur? It's beautiful!!!! (I'm still saving up fur for a future project!)

02-27-2006, 08:19 AM
Those are AWESOME, Kari! I wanna learn now.

I do a lot of bead work - bracelets mostly - but I may have to try this. The book that Kimboe listed sounds cool.

Ok, what's the difference between crochet and knitting?

finn's mom
02-27-2006, 08:25 AM
heres some of my knitting. some one asked a while ago about it . I have the patterns if you want to try any of these.
the last one is Gina's ark made from her ark and some buffalo i had left from a project.

Those are all great! I can't wait to start on sweaters and other more difficult projects! I'll definitely look to you if I need a pattern! :) Thanks for posting your pictures, I love them!

Those all look great! I love knitting, but lost all my needles in the house fire. You making me want to go out and buy knitting needles and get started knitting again! I have already bought my crochet needles, now on to the knitting!

Aw, dang, Willie! Thank you! I hope you're able to get back into it! I only have one set of needles so far, just a size thirteen for the scarves. And, the hats I'm making with a knifty knitter, it was a package of four circular looms. I do plan to get more needles soon, though, when I can!

Cool, Those look great! Scarves take awhile to make but so worth it!

And I'm in the work of making some new red mitties for myself..

Don't you just love knitting. It's so relaxing when I knit, and rewarding in the end.

But, sometimes it kinda fustrating when you make hats (or anything else)with out patterns and just kinda "winging it". Doing it a couple times before you realise what size you want with different needles.

I just purchased a book called "stich'n'bitch" by Debbie Stoller

Thanks! Yeah, the scarves have taken me three hours or so to make, but, they are definitely worth it! My mom's not even a scarf wearer, but, she humors me. ;) She does wear her scarf, and, will wear a hat if I make a matching one.

I'm wanting to learn how to knit socks and mittens, too!

And, yeah, I love knitting, it is very rewarding, and, relzxing. I haven't attempted anything without being shown, and, I haven't used a pattern for anything, yet. As I'm just making very basic scarves and using the knifty knitter for the hats.

And, I've seen that book, my niece had a copy from the library, and, I plan to either check it out myself or buy it when I can. It does look like a great book, and, I know it will help me learn to perl (purl?) and do other stitches, too. I wanna make the bikini, that looks so cute! :)

Kari, those are absolutely awesome! What a beautiful job you're doing. When shopping in craft stores, I can't believe the gorgeous yarns that are on the market now. Good luck with your new hobby. Keep us posted on how it's going. Love the pics!

Aw, thanks Terry! I know, some of the yarn is so beautiful, and, when I get consistently good at it, and, have some extra $$, I will buy some of the really expensive stuff to make gifts for some people. Right now, I get what I can from the clearance bin or from the mom fund. ;)

Do yo have any idea how much those fun fur scarves cost at craft fairs??? Anywhere from $20-$50 depending on the detail.

I'm going to try and knit kitty mats since I pretty much know nothing more than a straight stitch and pearl.

Yours are great! Are the hats hard to make?

I know, I've looked around and seen how much scarves (not even fancy ones) can cost, and, am so glad I picked up this hobby. I've been wanting a few beanie/tobogan style hats, and, they are so much cheaper doing it yourself. I did buy a scarf after Christmas at Old Navy, but, only because it was marked down to just over $2 and there was no way you could buy that much yarn for that cheap, so, I got it!

I've not learned anything but a basic stitch yet myself, but, I'm going to take a class next month hopefully, so, watch out. ;) hahahaha

And, no! With the product I bought, the hats are easier than scarves. And, quicker, too. You don't even use needles for it. The package came with four different size looms (small for infant, medium for children, large for teens and adults and extra large). I think you can make other things with the looms, too, but, I've only looked into making the hats. And, I'm not good enough yet to understand written instruction, because a lot of the lingo is beyond me, so, I just asked the knitting lady at the store. She was amazing! She works tonight, so, I may stop by to get instructions on how to make the pom poms, as I'm still not sure how to attach them. I'm a bit slow. ;)

finn's mom
02-27-2006, 08:31 AM
Wow, very nice! Knitting, I remember my mom showing me how years ago, but I guess I don't have the patience. You did a good job.

Thank you! I don't think I've ever had anyone show me, it's funny that I was shown by my 22-year-old niece, who's been knitting since she was ten. ;)

Those are AWESOME, Kari! I wanna learn now.

I do a lot of bead work - bracelets mostly - but I may have to try this. The book that Kimboe listed sounds cool.

Ok, what's the difference between crochet and knitting?

I've also been interested in learning to make jewelry, too, you'll have to show pictures of your bracelets!

And, as for the difference, I have no idea. I'm sure once I learn to crochet, it'll be obvious, but, for now, even holding the two next to eachother, I can see the difference (sometimes), but, don't really get why. ;)

Felicia's Mom
02-27-2006, 10:30 AM
They are all beautiful. It makes me want to get my yarn out.
I crochet but I can' knit.
It is easy to tell the difference between the two. Crochet looks the same on either side, while in knitting the stiches go accross on one side and vertical on the other side.

02-27-2006, 11:29 AM
Those are great!
My sister Crochets. She made a bunch of scarves (I think around 100?) and sent them with her pastor to Romania, the church has several of orphanages there.

finn's mom
02-27-2006, 11:37 AM
Those are great!
My sister Crochets. She made a bunch of scarves (I think around 100?) and sent them with her pastor to Romania, the church has several of orphanages there.

That's awesome! The lady at the store I have gone to, has participated in making hats for orphans. It's such an awesome thing! When I get on a steady money-earning thing again, I may try to do that. It's not expensive, but, more than I can do right now. ;)

They are all beautiful. It makes me want to get my yarn out.
I crochet but I can' knit.
It is easy to tell the difference between the two. Crochet looks the same on either side, while in knitting the stiches go accross on one side and vertical on the other side.

Ah, that makes sense! Knitting is easy, and, it's funny...I've heard some say that crochet is easier, but, then others have said just the opposite. I think it honestly depends on which you learn first. ;)

02-27-2006, 01:12 PM
It is easy to tell the difference between the two. Crochet looks the same on either side, while in knitting the stiches go accross on one side and vertical on the other side.

Oh! Well, that was easy enough. Thanks! :)

02-27-2006, 01:18 PM
I have been knitting for over 20 years, but for the life of me I can't seem to crochet. I have learned a couple of times and promptly forgot it as soon as I finifhsed what ever I was doing. For me, the knitting was so much easier.

But it is a VERY addictive hobby, I am in a weaving class in april. So once you get started down this road it can take over :D

02-27-2006, 03:11 PM
Those are so pretty! How cool that you learned how to knit. I've been thinking about it ever since I saw this little kit/dvd at Target. It taught you how to knit a doggy sweater.

How long did it take you to knit the scarf and hat?

02-27-2006, 06:46 PM
Those are awesome, Kari!!!!

finn's mom
02-27-2006, 09:09 PM
How long did it take you to knit the scarf and hat?

The orange scarf is really skinny (only 8 stitches wide, i think), and, it took me about 2 1/2 hours, but, I'm also just learning...it was my second scarf. I made it really long, but, very skinny...it's the only one I did straight through, though, so, the thicker scarf probably would have taken me four hours. The hats have only taken about an hour, but, I'm using the "knifty knitter", and, I don't know how long it would take to do it with knitting needles and a pattern. The circular looms make it really quick and easy.