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View Full Version : 10 best reasons to breed your pet dogs!!

02-26-2006, 08:40 PM
This was posted on another pet board I'm part of,I was confused by this at first but I understand now that they are being sarcastic and pointing out the bad things...in a weird kind of way...just ya here..

10) You like the idea of having a house overrun by dogs you were unable to sell.

9) You'd rather spend all your money on dog bills than buy that new faux fur coat/build the new house addition/get that new car/buy a boat, etc.

8) You get to spend all your spare time at the vet's office.

7) Making enemies with the neighbors is a big priority on your list of things to do.

6) You never wanted a yard with grass anyway--mud is so much more stylish.

5) Staying up all night bottle-feeding sick/orphaned/bitch-rejected puppies is your idea of a good time.

4) You savor the idea of having to explain to the kids why Fifi didn't come home after that one-way trip to the veterinarian during labor complications.

3) It will be fun watching the kids' expressions when you tell them that all the puppies they were so enthusiastically looking forward to having, died.

2) Chewed-up furniture, peed-on rugs, and fur everywhere is THE new "look" in home fashion.

And the number one reason to breed your dog is......

1) Adding to the huge number of genetically inferior/homeless/euthanized dogs is something you've always wanted to do.

02-26-2006, 08:50 PM
That speaks the truth.

02-26-2006, 08:57 PM