View Full Version : Nebo got himself in trouble..

02-25-2006, 08:39 PM
I bought him a new (largest size I could find) crate for Christmas. He stays in that while I'm at work. I've tried putting blankets and things in there with him (I feel bad that he has to just lay on the plastic) and he's always shredded them. He is not destructive at all when people are home, he doesn't even kill stuffed toys, just when he's in his crate...I always leave him with a kong with food too. So I did a search and found a so called "indestructible" dog bed...Look there's a COUGAR who has one and hasn't destroyed it! http://www.cushionguy.com/custpics1.html Certainly if it can survive an animal as powerful as that it can survive Nebo.......

Riiiight.....:rolleyes: It arrived friday. I left him in it for 2-3 hours that same day and came home to, well, just look at the pictures. *Please ignore the mess and the ugly green shag carpet lol it's in the basement which is unfinished

That was a $110 bed! :mad: The website says I can get a refund, but that's minus the shipping ($25.99) plus I have to pay to ship it back to them for inspection (another $25 +).

Oh I still love my boy as much as ever, but he's on the naughty list now!

Daisy and Delilah
02-25-2006, 08:49 PM
Sorry Amy but I can't help but laugh at that cute boy. Please forgive me. He's an angel in the first pic and in the second pic he shows his other side. Oh my gosh, he is too funny. It's like, "I'll show you Mom". I hope you get a refund. Naughty naughty Nebo ;)

02-25-2006, 08:49 PM
:eek: uh oh Nebo! :rolleyes:

Toby's my baby
02-25-2006, 08:51 PM
Nawtee Nebo!!! Sorry to hear about the cost though!! You can't stay mad at THAT face long though! ;)

02-25-2006, 08:55 PM
Uh oh! He really went to town on that... Dogs can really be desructive when they want to. I hope you get a refund.

02-25-2006, 09:02 PM
:eek: Wow! Nebo, Nebo, Nebo...what a Nawtee boy!!

02-25-2006, 09:05 PM
Wow, you'd think that if it could withstand a cougar (and if it costs $110), than it would withstand Nebo.... Hey, that means Nebo is more powerful than a cougar! (or so he wishes. ;) )
I have the same problem with Skylar and Ethan (though Ethan doesn't have to stay in a crate anymore).
Skylar has to sleep on the plastic because he'd completely shred anything in there. Ethan did the same thing, but not as bad as Skylar does it.
Good luck in trying to find something durable enough to survive Nebo! :D

02-25-2006, 09:16 PM
nawtee Nebo! :eek: Kodie was terrible for ripping up his beds,luckily he stopped doing that.

02-25-2006, 09:28 PM
Oh Nebo! I put an old blanket in Zeke's crate for flyball, and he shread it up. Now, it was only an OLD blanket....I left it in there too haha. I figure he's gonna rip anything up so, now he has a shreaded blanket?

02-25-2006, 09:30 PM
uh-oh, Nebo.... busted!
Perhaps you could just fill the crate with straw instead, not quite as pretty, but a bale of straw is only $3.50! Mine make nests in it- it's a husky thing. Could that be what Nebo is trying to do, make a nest?

02-25-2006, 09:34 PM
:eek: uh oh! :rolleyes: good thing they are cute, right? ;) :D

02-25-2006, 09:41 PM
Awwww, Nebo!! You bad bad boy! ;)

Amy, Katie and Tori always did the same thing. Katie went through a couple of dog beds that I had put in her crate and Tori destroyed one when she was a puppy. I gave up! It never seemed to bother them that they were laying on the plastic floor. I think it just bothered me...lol. I never understood it. I put the crates away awhile back and both of my girls are so good when left alone. The never chew up any thing or make any messes. I'm so proud of them. I hope I didn't just jinx myself!

You never seem to be around much, Amy and I miss you and Nebo. I actually mentioned you tonite at a family dinner..lol. I saw your thread with the doorbell video and I was telling them about that. I told mom I would send the thread to her so she could see it;)


02-25-2006, 09:54 PM
Hes such a cute, to make such a mess..lol..

02-25-2006, 10:59 PM
ohhhh BEEEEBO!!
you bad boy!
But look how angelic he looks in the first pic! ;)

02-25-2006, 11:01 PM
AWWW! Nebo! The devil made you do it! LOL! Amy it looks like he had a great time entertaining himself. Sorry to laugh!

02-26-2006, 12:56 AM
Amy..I think Logan had the same problem with a dog bed she bought-I think it's the same company! Anyway, poor Bebo misses you so, and who can get mad at that face, anyway?

Ginger's Mom
02-26-2006, 06:25 AM
Yep, we are laughing at Nebo here too. :) He looks so sweet and comfy in that first picture. Who would have ever expected to see anything like that when you got home? Oh Nebo, you big silly boy.

02-26-2006, 07:56 AM
WOAH! :eek: Nebo is a tough guy huh? :p

02-26-2006, 12:27 PM
Amy I have to laugh. It's not funny because it was so expensive but I can picture him going to town chewing and shredding it up. Tell them to pay for you shipping it back. Obviously their product is not as good as they say and they should pick up some of that cost.

02-26-2006, 12:31 PM
:eek: Nawtee Nebo! But it's ok we all still love you :D

02-28-2006, 09:19 AM
Ohhh Bebo.... if you wern't so cute I bet your mom would be mad at you! ;)

02-28-2006, 10:55 AM
Nebo you're so cute. I know you didn't mean to shred that indestructable doggy bed. Was it the color cutie patootie? :)

P.S. That totally stinks!

02-28-2006, 11:21 AM
Yeesh!! Nebo, you nawtee boy. Nice that you can get a refund but that stinks you have to pay to ship back and lose the cost of the initial shipping.

Maybe once they inspect it, they can build a better Nebo proof one and let you try it out for free. :)

02-28-2006, 11:24 AM
I don't think you could fit anything like this in a crate, but these beds are the toughest out there: http://www.kuranda.com/shop/donate.asp

02-28-2006, 12:24 PM
Awwww, Nebo, that wasn't nice to destroy the new cushion your mommy got you!

02-28-2006, 12:26 PM
Amy, Katie and Tori always did the same thing. Katie went through a couple of dog beds that I had put in her crate and Tori destroyed one when she was a puppy. I gave up! It never seemed to bother them that they were laying on the plastic floor. I think it just bothered me...lol. I never understood it.

I agree, Hunter did the same thing, I finally gave up and went and picked up a cheap blanket (no stuffing involved) from walmart for winter, but in the summer just let him lay on plastic. I think I paid $10 and I still have it a year later. A little ragged around the edges but it definately lasted longer than the nice expensive beds I kept trying.

Does he get the sheepish look when you come home and find it??? Hunter always did...he'd look at me with a look that said "what, is this a problem" :rolleyes:

02-28-2006, 12:48 PM
I wish I could just let him free in the house, I tried it once and he was great for a week then he destroyed a plant and spread it throughout the house. I would still let him but it's not my house so I don't have a choice in the matter. :/

I don't think just laying on the plastic bothers him, I guess it's just me. :o After all one of his favorite places to lay is on the kitchen tile. I've had blankets in there and he's ripped the edges which it isn't the blanket that matters I just worry about him eating pieces of it and getting it stuck in his digestive system or something. When he was a puppy he managed to eat several toys and they came out fine lol but you never know....

I emailed the company on Sunday and have not received a reply yet. :/

02-28-2006, 05:49 PM
If you ever find a bed that's Nebo proof send a PM my way.

Rien stays in his crate whenever I'm away and some nights when I'm sleeping (mostly he's allowed up on the bed with me, but if I'm sick I usually prefer to have the bed to myself). I don't think he minds it either, but his mommy would like it better if he had a bed in there.

02-28-2006, 09:14 PM
Nebo you are too cute. Don't you understand that beds cost a lot of money and if you keep on doing that you will sleep on the hard floor?

02-28-2006, 09:14 PM
OH MY :eek:

Nebo, I would have never suspected that you could EVER be nawtee. Your always such a good little boy never digging or anything. I'm just so surprised.

I know that mommy couldn't possibly still be mad at you any more, I'd sure have a hard time being mad at that cute face of yours!

Just give her "the look" and I'm sure she'll turn into mush;)

03-01-2006, 02:35 PM
oh no. ya gotta love 'em even though they do things like this....all you can do is laugh. :D

03-17-2006, 08:59 PM
I wish I could just let him free in the house, I tried it once and he was great for a week then he destroyed a plant and spread it throughout the house. I would still let him but it's not my house so I don't have a choice in the matter. :/

I don't think just laying on the plastic bothers him, I guess it's just me. :o After all one of his favorite places to lay is on the kitchen tile. I've had blankets in there and he's ripped the edges which it isn't the blanket that matters I just worry about him eating pieces of it and getting it stuck in his digestive system or something. When he was a puppy he managed to eat several toys and they came out fine lol but you never know....

I emailed the company on Sunday and have not received a reply yet. :/

Wolf - We emailed back. It looks as though the corner came loose and Nebo had the entire bed in his mouth, chewing away. Your pictures verify your bed is destroyed.
We'd like to send another bed to you with a prototype attaching method, reinforced corners, and a barrier frame. A "test bed"
Maybe once we get Nebo a bed he can't destroy, you'll find we did better than just a refund.

03-17-2006, 09:20 PM
Wolf - We emailed back. It looks as though the corner came loose and Nebo had the entire bed in his mouth, chewing away. Your pictures verify your bed is destroyed.
We'd like to send another bed to you with a prototype attaching method, reinforced corners, and a barrier frame. A "test bed"
Maybe once we get Nebo a bed he can't destroy, you'll find we did better than just a refund.

Yes I'm aware of that, if you'll notice that post was made on 2-28-06. The entire corner didn't come loose, maybe one string, but I still had to untie the rest to get the bed out.

If you would like to send one with those different attaching methods, reinforced corners and barrier frame that would be great and I'd be happy to try it out to see if it's "Nebo proof." Also I'm sure if it worked there would be a few people from this website who would order one. But I'm not interested in paying another $28 like you mentioned in the email for the frame, so if that is the case, I would like a refund. Thanks

03-17-2006, 09:32 PM
I talked with my partner and we are constantly revising our design to find the best balance between strength, pet safety, human friendliness, and in discussing recent bed failures, (yours in particular) we had a small brainstorming session and had a few good ideas come up.
When we developed this product, we conversed back and forth with customers just like you to revise and develop the design, and make something that would work.
One string coming loose is all it takes for Nebo to get it in his mouth....we're doing away with that design next week. We've lost several beds that way, and it has cost us.
We still do this special development because without a product that solves a particular problem for someone...there is no market. :D

How well did the bed fit originally? Any gaps or spaces we should be aware of? We'll use the same dimensions as before, but beef up certain details of the construction.

BTW - I'll offer everything to you for free, as I said before.....better than a refund. If the new bed works, then you'll get what you paid for correct? (albeit some aggravation)

We make nothing from shipping, whether it's coming or going, so that's why we do not refund that part of the cost.


03-17-2006, 09:39 PM
How well did the bed fit originally? Any gaps or spaces we should be aware of? We'll use the same dimensions as before, but beef up certain details of the construction.

BTW - I'll offer everything to you for free, as I said before.....better than a refund. If the new bed works, then you'll get what you paid for correct? (albeit some aggravation)

We make nothing from shipping, whether it's coming or going, so that's why we do not refund that part of the cost.


The bed fit fine, I don't recall there being any gaps or spaces. The dimensions I gave you were the ones listed on the crate's box.

If the bed works, that will be great, and definitely better than a refund. I'd really like something for him to lay on. Will I be able to get a refund if he destroys this one too? Believe me, I'm hoping he doesn't, it would be wonderful for him to have a bed that he really can't destroy, but I don't know if that's possible.

I understand not refunding the original shipping, but I really did not want to have to pay to ship it back for inspection when it's pretty obvious in the pic it's destroyed. ;)

04-11-2006, 08:21 PM
Just wondering if you have received the new bed and installed it yet? We have had very good luck with this product and I'm excited to hear any news you may have. (Good or bad)

04-11-2006, 08:33 PM
Off the subject, but can dogs actually drink out of those bottles? I'm guessing your Nebo can because you have one. I've seen bottle like that designed for dogs, in fact the dollar tree by my house has giant dog water bottles made with that industructable plastic that they make sports drink bottles out of. I can't see Autumn drinking out of one but maybe she can learn. I'm sorry about the bed, it used to be the same for Autumn until she got her big metal crate.

04-11-2006, 08:34 PM
You got me curious too. If the bed can with-stand Nebo,
sounds like you have a good product on your hands.
I like a company that stands by its product.

Sheba use to have the same problem,
that is why I could never close the door on her crate.
(poor thing had the worst anxiety.)

04-11-2006, 08:38 PM
Just wondering if you have received the new bed and installed it yet? We have had very good luck with this product and I'm excited to hear any news you may have. (Good or bad)

No I have not received it yet, I will let you know how it goes when I do! I hope it's Nebo-proof!

Off the subject, but can dogs actually drink out of those bottles? I'm guessing your Nebo can because you have one.

Yes, if I try to put a bowl of water he just ends up spilling it all over. It's quite easy to teach them, just put a dab of peanut butter on the end, Nebo learned fast.

Lori Jordan
04-12-2006, 07:16 AM
I had the same problem with my RB Bandit,and what i found worked the best was i tucked the blankets under the actual bottom ,like under the plate it can be taken out.I found that if he could not get at the corners that the blanket pillow was ok.As long as they cannot pull the corners up the blanket will be saved!

04-12-2006, 09:51 AM
interesting topic...

04-12-2006, 01:13 PM
Looking foward to seeing how the new bed works! And with Nebo pics too. ;) :D

Thankfully Kia doesn't chew up beds. Just paper. :rolleyes:

04-12-2006, 02:22 PM
Eeek sorry about that Amy! That made my mouth drop... phew you've got a destructable dog...