View Full Version : Stupid strangers in my home

02-25-2006, 07:06 AM
Oh boy, I was ready to kill a couple teenagers last night. I worked til 9:00 last night, and hubby was out of town taking a class. It was just going to be me and the girls. So imagine my surprise when I walked in at 9:15 to a house full of BOYS I didn't know!

I was incredibly polite and didn't freak out and demand to know who these kids were and why they were in our home when neither my husband nor I were there. I simply fed the cats their nightly wet food. Things got MUCH worse at that point. The boys were amazed at all the cats that came running out to get their food, and the noise they were making as they impatiently waited for me to get that precious food into their bowls. The boys were making a lot of noise and scaring the cats. Treat time is their favorite time of day and is supposed to be stress free and enjoyable - last night was anything but for them.

Flutter is shy around strangers to start with. These boys were AMAZED at my 3-legged cat and were laughing at her. She KNEW it. She tried to slink away from the food and tried to find a hiding spot, and all these boys did was laugh and stare at her. She at one point was frozen in fear on my work table - in the back corner. I had to get a step stool out to "save her" and I tried to carry her out of the room and up to the safety of the bedroom. The boys REFUSED to move out of our way as I passed, and she took off out of my arms (scratching me up badly - which she's NEVER done) They laughed even harder to see her frantic struggle out of my arms and up the steps :mad: :mad:

She hid under the bed and wouldn't come out all night. Not even for treats :(

When I got to speak with hubby afterwards, he was furious, and screamed at the girls over the phone (go hubby!) To which they both denied inviting the boys over (they appeared outta thin air!) and they SWORE that nobody teased poor Flutter. Hubby was more upset over their treatment of Flutter than them being here (which coincidentally was I since we DO typically trust the girls.... notice I said "typically"). We trust the girls and are are very lenient with them based on that trust. For the most part they are very trustable, especially the youngest. If they had called either one of us and ASKED if their magically appearing friends could stay and watch tv, we'd have said "sure" but the fact is they didn't and they are in trouble for that.

Now if you knew the family dynamic here, I'm typically the bad guy who yells at the girls while hubby never does. Last night was very backwards around here, and I think I learned a lesson to try to ignore more events and see if hubby steps up and acts his part more often.
Whew - I feel better now. I just had to vent! Sorry this was so long :o

02-25-2006, 07:23 AM
Venting is a GOOD thing!!! I tell my husband that is why I yell, why keep things inside and get an ulcer! Being Italian, yelling is just part of the genes!
I hope the cats were not too badly upset by your " visitors." And things will be better today. Yes, it is a good idea to get hubby to take charge, then you are not always the heavy!! Good Luck!

02-25-2006, 09:42 AM
I Am Sad That These Boys Would Laugh At Poor Flutter Because She Has That Handicap.
That Is About As Mean And Callous As Anything That I Have Heard Lately,and Does Not Speak Well Of Thier Intelligence Or Manners.
What On Earth Are We Teaching Our Young About Compassion.
Thats Very Sad,and Very Troubling.

02-25-2006, 09:51 AM

I would've thrown every single one of those juveniles out on their behinds. ESPECIALLY after they laughed at Flutter. No one would come into MY home, acting the way they did and get away with it. HURRRAY to hubby finally growing a backbone. Those kids would NEVER be invited back into MY home after the way they treated my cats.

UGH!!!!!!! :mad:

02-25-2006, 11:52 AM
The minute I realized they were laughing at, and making fun of Flutter, they would have been escorted immediately out of the house. And told they were to never come back.

02-25-2006, 12:29 PM
Rude, arrogant, callous boys. I would have kicked them out, too. No one comes into my house and frightens my animals, laughs at them cruelly, or taunts them. Who do these yoyos think they are?

Poor little Flutter. I hope she's over this awful experience.

02-25-2006, 12:49 PM
Kim, I don't know how you did it girl, but I would have mouthed off at those *&^%^*#'s like no tomorrow and then kicked their sorry you know what, out the door so fast, that they wouldn't have known what hit them. :mad: :mad:

I'm so glad that your hubby finally stepped up to the plate and showed some backbone with the girls.

I hope that poor sweet Flutter is over her ordeal and that your poor arm is doing okay today.

Hugs to you and sweet kisses to Flutter Butter.

02-25-2006, 12:50 PM
Poor Flutter girl :(

02-25-2006, 12:53 PM
Tell your daughters that boys that do not love cats are just not worthy :D Of course you have a teen like mine and they don't listen :(

02-25-2006, 12:55 PM

I would've thrown every single one of those juveniles out on their behinds. ESPECIALLY after they laughed at Flutter. No one would come into MY home, act the way they did and get away with it. HURRRAY to hubby finally growing a backbone. Those kids would NEVER be invited back into MY home after the way they treated my cats.

UGH!!!!!!! :mad:

my words exactly
course you would prolly have to pry my fingers off their necks

02-25-2006, 12:56 PM
my words exactly
course you would prolly have to pry my fingers off their necks

and shame on your daughters for having friends that are a$$holes.

02-25-2006, 01:07 PM
That is outrageous and totally not acceptable! :mad:! How can these jerks be in someone's house and show such a level of disrespect? These idiots are overdue for lessons on how to behave in another's home, actually they need to learn respect and how to act period! :mad: Poor little Flutter, she didn't deserve such cruelty being laughed at and made to be so frightened. And teasing your other kitties like that!!! I hope each of them are severely punished for this!! Sending some reassuring huggies and kisses to each of your furbabies!

02-25-2006, 01:34 PM
Poor little Flutter! I hope she's recovered today :( Kudos to your husband for yelling at the girls, maybe it'll teach them not to have the boys back over. For the most part our friends are nice enough to our cats but one time one of our friends pushed our cat off a chair just so he could sit there (he just literally pushed her off and there were like 3 other empty chairs!) I let him have it good. It was nothing to do with his age but lack of respect for animals and other people's pets.

02-25-2006, 02:01 PM
Poor Flutter. Lots of extra good vibes coming your way today, I hope she's feeling better. :(

02-25-2006, 02:25 PM
I would have freaked as soon as I came in the front door! Good job, Kim and kudos to hubby! :D

02-25-2006, 02:42 PM
Poor Flutter. :( Those boys wouldn't have lasted two seconds in my house acting the way that they did. :mad: I hope that Flutter didn't get too stressed out from all of this. :(

02-25-2006, 03:51 PM
*Kick* *boys screaming* cat scratchign noises.

This vaguely reminds me of when someofmyfriends werestayign the night and I was gettign reallymadcos i wnatedto sleepand they had invited themselves to stay really. They said ok wewillsleepin the hall and I waslike no way. I feltlike sayign this is my house and we have some rules. Show some respect. I dont really want to be friends with these girls but theres a very big thing at my schoolwith "ditching" your friends. sigh...

anyway, I hoep those girls will realise what stupid boys they know.

02-25-2006, 08:58 PM
Mr Scrappy,Mr Fluffy and Pouncer Angels are coming by to comfort Flutter.
We hope she is feeling better.

02-25-2006, 10:52 PM
Well I am glad that your hubby actually got involved in this episode. There is hope for him after all. :) I am wondering if your girls said anything to these creeps when they were making fun of Flutter. I know my daughter would have flat out told them to knock it off. I am so sorry you had to go through this. :(

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-26-2006, 07:29 AM
Poor Flutter. :( Those boys wouldn't have lasted two seconds in my house acting the way that they did. :mad: I hope that Flutter didn't get too stressed out from all of this. :(

Same thing here too! My hubby would have gotten SO mad,that they would have run away as fast as their legs allowed them... :mad: . We also allow our kids a lot, but they know that they ALWAYS have to ask permission for somthing, and never on the last minute too!!

02-26-2006, 08:42 AM
I would of ended up in Jail for beeting on all those boys :eek: .I don't allow anyone in my house that isn't a cat loving person.I'm glad you held your temper in...I know I couldn't.LOL ;)
Poor Flutter.She'll need extra extra love now.Probably hates boys now.I wouldn't allow them back in the house again without a LONG lecture from you and hubby about how to love and care for cats as though they were infants.And tell them that cats aren't stupid and KNOW when they are being ridiculed.I'm sure the girls already yelled at them or will when they see them.I hope.

02-27-2006, 12:55 PM
Have your cats recovered from their rude visitors.

I have to agree with the others that I would have kicked them out as soon as they started in on the cats. Actually once they started laughing at Flutter, I would have chased them out with my walking stick, threatening to remove one of their legs. And if the girls were embarassed by my behavior, tough! It'll keep those a$$e$ away from them.

02-27-2006, 01:17 PM
I agree with what everyone else has said and am sending extra special good thoughts to Flutter Butter.