View Full Version : Nylabone Nutridents

02-23-2006, 06:16 PM
Now I probably still won't buy these for my pups anyway, but a lady came into work today to return some Nylabone Nutridents she'd bought for her pup but wanted to return them after seeing the CNN story on Greenies. I looked at the ingredients, and while they LOOK the same, they contain some of the same ingredients, they aren't EXACTLY the same.

So are they at the same risk as Greenies? I think so since they are basically cheap Greenie knock-offs but I was just wondering. Better safe than sorry ;)

02-23-2006, 10:38 PM
I think they are basically the same. It involves the same (TINY) risk, because it's shaped the same and has similar ingredients. Rest assured that basically anything we give our pups, including kibble, can harm them when swallowed/digested wrong ;)

Gonzo lurves Greenies, and he eats them nicely, so he will continue to get his daily Greenie. I think it's kind of ridiculous that they blow this up, seeing as millions and millions of dogs eat these treats and a handful die from it. I wonder how many dogs die from rawhide? and even raw bones? I think there's a lot more that people should be concerned with.

02-23-2006, 11:35 PM
Well I don't think shape has anything to do with it, and I wouldn't consider it a "tiny" risk :P

02-23-2006, 11:37 PM
Well I don't think shape has anything to do with it, and I wouldn't consider it a "tiny" risk :P
I would - millions of greenies have been consumed and something like 13 have died. That is a very tiny risk.

02-23-2006, 11:40 PM
I would - millions of greenies have been consumed and something like 13 have died. That is a very tiny risk.

Well yes, but if they were humans, they would be all over it. But since they're "just dogs", its just brushed off like nothing.

02-23-2006, 11:43 PM
... I'm confused where you're trying to go with that :p

Personally I do not think the numbers are high enough to worry. Nearly anything can kill your dog, so if the death figures aren't very high I would continue to feed it ... unless if you're really that scared about it.

02-23-2006, 11:46 PM
Oh no I'm just saying that if there were a product on the market, like a candy or something that was claimed to be 100% safe but ended up killing some people, the media and everyone would make a HUGE deal about it, probably pull it off the shelves and either discontinue the product or change the formula, etc.

But since greenies affects "just dogs", which are rendered as "just pets" to a lot of people and don't hold as much importance or significance to the world as humans do, they just brush it off as no big deal, you know?

EDIT: but this isn't about greenies safety or anything its abouuut whether or not the nylabone knockoffs hold the same risk as greenies, or not?

02-23-2006, 11:48 PM
Oh, I get it! lol ... blonde moment :p

02-24-2006, 12:14 AM
Those lychee gummie candies caused a couple choking incidents and I believe a toddler died from consumption. They're still being manufactured, but now there is a warning advising consumers not to feed the candy to children younger than 3 and to supervise all children.

I know the risk of Greenies, but it's the same "risk" that goes with any chew toy. I supervise my dogs with their stuffies because they can pull the stuffing out and swallow it and it can get distended in their GI tract. The fine threads in the stuffing can sever their intestines, and the list goes on and on. Dogs can choke on kibble. They can even swallow knives and rocks if they try hard to enough. I think that if you're going to feed anything that may obstruct your dog's throat (chew toys, balls, kibble, raw bones, etc.) you need to supervise. That's just my personal opinion. I feed Greenies and raw bones, so I'm well aware of the 'risk' :)

02-24-2006, 12:17 AM
Guys this isn't a greenies debate, I know the risks of Greenies :P I just asked if you consider the Nylabone knock-offs to hold the same risk as the greenies?

02-24-2006, 08:51 AM
I think that the Nylabone "greenie" knock-offs probably have the same risk as a greenie, I don't see how it would be any different.

I agree that there are a lot of thing that are much more of a threat to a dog than a greenie or a Nylabone. I feel much better about about feeding a greenie or Nylabone than a rawhide or other kinds of chews.

Not only are rawhides not digestible they are often full of salmonella, also some rawhides are made containing dogs and cats in them.

I think the hype about greenies and greenie-like products are blown way out of proportion. Why are rawhides so accepted? Why aren't there warnings all over the news about them? The English philosopher, John Loche said "New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without anyother reason but because they are not already common". I think that applies to products as well as opinions.

02-24-2006, 11:40 AM
Not only are rawhides not digestible they are often full of salmonella, also some rawhides are made containing dogs and cats in them. I didn't know that! That's disgusting. I don't give mine rawhide only because it causes huge fights between them!

02-24-2006, 02:26 PM
Well yes, but if they were humans, they would be all over it. But since they're "just dogs", its just brushed off like nothing.

Hundreds or thousands of children have choked on hotdogs and grapes, should we stop every child from eating those foods?

I am sure anything can cause a dog to choke to death, just supervise your pet. I think greenies are great and wish they were more widely available here (and less expensive)!

02-24-2006, 02:28 PM
If they do not properly chew and swallow the product then of course it's going to have the same "risks" as Greenies - just like any other chew!

02-24-2006, 06:05 PM
I feed Molli and Sammy both... but they don't eat Nylabones... they chew on them.

02-24-2006, 06:05 PM
Not only are rawhides not digestible they are often full of salmonella, also some rawhides are made containing dogs and cats in them.

Even American rawhide??I mean I know it still has risks BUT I'm talking about the salmonella and questionable ingredients in them. I've heard American Rawhide was MUCH safer to give than other rawhide.

02-24-2006, 06:06 PM
I feed Molli and Sammy both... but they don't eat Nylabones... they chew on them.

Nylabone Nutridents aren't "regular" Nylabones, though :P They are edible

02-24-2006, 08:24 PM
Even American rawhide??I mean I know it still has risks BUT I'm talking about the salmonella and questionable ingredients in them. I've heard American Rawhide was MUCH safer to give than other rawhide.

I don't know if rawhides that are made in the US have the same risk of salmonella. It's some of the foreign made rawhides that often made with questionable ingredients. I don't remember which countries use dog and cat hide in them.

02-24-2006, 09:24 PM
Wow,i didnt know rawhides could have that stuff in it. I always check the rawhides that i buy my 2 are made in the U.S.

02-26-2006, 07:18 AM
You have to remember that dogs are more tolerant of bacteria, etc than people are; after all, consider their natural wild eating habits (not just hunting, but consuming partially spoiled carcasses, etc.) Now, I never feed my dogs anything like raw chicken, or spoiled hamburger, etc, but I don't think that letting them swallow bits of plastic chew toys can possibly be good for them (why are they called 'nyla' bones--they are made of nylon plastic, mostly, right? I have only had one of these for my first pup, and she didn't like it one bit, so have never bought another and don't really remember). In my opinion, which you guys are free to disagree with, just don't be too hard on me, lol :) , I would rather risk the bacteria (in rawhide) that they would be exposed to if they chose their own diet than feed them plastic that could get stuck in their GI tract and cause blockages, etc.

02-26-2006, 02:57 PM
VTJess, you're definitely right about plastic Nylabones - I only let Gonzo play with those when I'm right there watching him, as swallowing plastic would be scary. But, Jessika is talking about Nylabone Nutridents.

02-26-2006, 06:01 PM
VTJess, you're definitely right about plastic Nylabones - I only let Gonzo play with those when I'm right there watching him, as swallowing plastic would be scary. But, Jessika is talking about Nylabone Nutridents.

Yes, I am talking about Nutridents, which are made BY Nylabone, and are 100% edible. They are NOT the plastic Nylabones you buy for your dogs to chew on, as those are NOT edible!

For clarification:

informatin : http://www.nylabone.com/default.aspx?pageid=111&prodID=121

hehe have many of you not heard of these before?

02-27-2006, 07:53 PM
Ok, ok, I get it :)

After my one flop with the first nylabone product (which was in fact the soft plastic puppy bone), I have not invested any of my hard-earned resources into anything they make. I just assumed that they would be as undeserving of attention to my girls as the bone was.

02-27-2006, 08:30 PM
Personally, I skip the wheaty, chlorophyll toothbrush-like treats, and head straight for the meat - raw bones ;)

Because the nature of the chew toy has to be so that it has a hard, abrasive edge to efficiently clean teeth, I would think that all such products must pose a choking hazard. Until they create a toy that is bone hard on contact but completely soft and digestible once consumed, you're always going to have a choking risk. So far, they have not created such a toy since it would take a greyt amount of research and testing and quite a bit of engineering. So, to answer your original question, yes, Nutridents should pose the same risks as Greenies.

02-28-2006, 08:55 AM
Guys this isn't a greenies debate, I know the risks of Greenies :P I just asked if you consider the Nylabone knock-offs to hold the same risk as the greenies?
I would say yes.
I think any kind of treat you feed your dog would be dangerous if they didn't fully chew it.

I know Huney used to get so excited to get them she wouldn't chew them up and then ended up throwing them up. So for a long time she didn't get any goodies like that. But now she's much better and takes her time.