View Full Version : Curious

02-23-2006, 09:54 AM
I have been giving Merilyn greenies and I heard that it was not good for them what is everyones take on that


02-23-2006, 10:15 AM
I give my two greenies without a problem.
They love them. Frankie used to have a "gulping" problem = swallowing things whole or eating very fast.
Since he has quit I give them to him too.
I always supervise my two with ANY treat they get.
If your dog likes them and doesn't swallow them whole or in big chucks then I wouldn't have issues with it.
You have to understand that Greenies are very popular and with that a very small percentage of dogs may have adverse reaction, as with anything.

02-23-2006, 04:49 PM
Well, I think since there are so many other chew things that dogs
can have, why risk it? No, I don't give them Greenies.

02-23-2006, 05:09 PM
All the treats that Merilyn gets are all natural I never get anything from the grocery store. I even give him hooves that are natural (don't ask) he has never had a pig ear or anything that you get from the store that is not natural.


02-23-2006, 06:38 PM
I happened to see something on my local news specifically on the 'greenies' brand. They were saying that it's ok to use them for chew treats, but not to let them get swallowed...here's a link to the article if you want the full explanation:

greenies caution (http://www.wsls.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=WSLS/MGArticle/SLS_BasicArticle&c=MGArticle&cid=1137834136237)

I think I'll stick with a previous opinion...there's plenty of other things out there and I'm not going to risk this one.

02-23-2006, 06:41 PM
There have been many threads about this topic already where lots of members have given their opinions on the matter. Perhaps search for "greenies" and see what comes up? It may be a lot faster :)