View Full Version : Has this ever happened to anybody else?? Any adivce??!

Toby's my baby
02-22-2006, 07:42 PM
Last night, we had a basketball game, and I wasnt working extra hard or anything. Me and my sister are the only ones on our whole team, that can play our positions, so we are used to playing the whole game without much of a break. Anyways, I was having an awful game, and I always beat up on myself when I mess up. I was getting really frustrated, and I almost started crying. Then all of a sudden, I felt like I couldnt control anything, and tears started running down my face. I wasnt like crying, but I was, in a way. My coach had me sit down, about 3 min. into the second half. When I sat down, I couldn't breathe, and my legs started shaking and I went crazy. I just stared at the floor, and couldn't talk. Everyone was freaking out, cause nobody knew what was wrong. This went on the rest of the second half of the game. At the end of the game, the other teams coach came over to help with me (she was there, as was my coach, and parents of other ppl on my team). She had me breathe into a bag, until my breathing was controled. I had to breathe in the bag for about 10 min. After I felt better, I went to the locker room, and got my stuff. I walked back to the gym with my stuff, and by the time I got there, it happened again. My coach came, and helped me breathe. The varsity coach came and he didnt tell me this, but he told the other girls that he was really worried about me. (Him, and my family are close, my mom works with him) After about 10 more min. of bag breathing, it was ok again. Im a little better now, but when I go up and down stairs (at school, my locker is on the 4th floor, and I only have 2 classes up there, so I do a lot of running) I can't breathe again. And, all the time, I can't get my lungs to fill up. I can breathe, sort of. But it feels like I'm going to suffacate. I dont know what is wrong, I cant fill my lungs, I've told my mom, and she doesnt know what to do. Does anybody else know what happened to me at the game? And/ or why I cant breathe now. . ?? Thanks for any advice!

02-22-2006, 08:14 PM
Why didn't anyone take you to a DOCTOR???? Go see one!

02-22-2006, 09:34 PM
I used to feel like I was suffocating sometimes when I was trying to breathe... about a year ago. I have no idea why it was happened, but it scared me. I'm the type that keeps those kind of things a secret to see if they pass. Thankfully, it passed within the next year.... I still don't know what went on.
I'm sorry I'm not much help. :( Maybe ask if you can see a doctor? Hope its nothing serious.

02-22-2006, 09:49 PM
Sounds like either a panic attack or, where you wheezing (making noise when you drew breath)? Any history of asthma? Don't let anyone tell you that a panic attack is not a serious thing. Time to see the doc.

02-22-2006, 09:53 PM
If it's asthma an attack can kill you, see a doctor now!

02-22-2006, 10:01 PM
It does sound like an anxiety attack and they can be horrendous. See a doctor because, until you either learn to control them or they are controlled by medication, they can hit at any time. You don't even have to be stressed by anything for one to just sandbag you. You may be having trouble feeling as though you can't fill your lungs either because your muscles are tense or because you are not exhaling fully. Listen to the good advice you are reading here, whatever it is, you need to see a doctor.

02-22-2006, 10:03 PM
I agree with Karen. At first I thought it sounded like a panic or anxiety attack. It sounds exactly like mine used to be. Perhaps you also had an asthma attack, and the asthma set off a panic attack or vice versa. Athsma can begin at any age without any warning.

If your parents and coach were there, why on earth did they not get you to a doctor? ESPECIALLY if the coach was there -- in today's sue-happy society the school has a major liability for you if you got hurt during a game, and they are not going to just let you go home after any odd attack without being fully checked by a doctor.

02-22-2006, 10:10 PM
When I get REALLY upset I start to gasp for breath. I can't breath at all until I calm down....I have to be pretty upset though..

02-23-2006, 01:19 AM
It definately sounds like a panic attack to me, but you should have really gone to the doctor and you should be sure to get to one now as soon as possible! I use to, and still do have panic attacks and they can be crippling if you don't know what they are or how to help them. A lot of people often feel ashamed or embarrased, but it really is a serious condition and one that can really prevent you from living your life normally. I really hope that things get better for you and good luck.

Toby's my baby
02-23-2006, 07:09 AM
Thank you everyone for the great advice! My best friend said that she gets anxiety attacks, and the exact same thing happens to her, as happened to me. .. I'm feeling better now, I can breathe right, but I think its just because I just got up, and I've been sleeping. If I feel bad during school, im going to make a doctor appt. thanks guys!

02-23-2006, 12:04 PM
I have anxiety & the same thing happens to me sometimes.
But it could be realated to asthma or even high or low blood pressure and I think even diabettes can produce similar symptoms.

It probably was anxiety but if it happens again I'd see a Dr just to be safe.

Samantha Puppy
02-23-2006, 12:15 PM
I second whoever questioned why no one took you to a doctor immediately. That's messed up. Really messed up. If it's asthma, it can kill you.

Toby's my baby
02-23-2006, 06:11 PM
Just got back from the doctor. . . .I got an inhaler ( Albuterol) but they dont think I have asthma. I have to go see another doctor (the one i went to today, was just the doc on call, cause it was an "emergency") tomorrow, a pediatritionist or whatever, and he is going to see if I have exercise induced asthma. . wish me luck!!

02-23-2006, 08:49 PM
I also take albuterol (for asthma), and trust me, if you do have asthma, you can definetely play. The way you were describing it, sounds like an anxiety attack over asthma though, and breathing into a bag usually makes an asthma attack worse (at least from my research and my doc told me).

Good luck!! - you'll be in my prayers!
Steph, Jes, and Splinter

Toby's my baby
02-23-2006, 09:27 PM
Thanks steph! I took the inhaler a little bit ago, cause I was having some trouble, and I didnt seem to make a difference. . . .. ? I did it EXACTLY how they said, but it doesnt seem to help. . .:o

02-23-2006, 10:41 PM
Do you know why a bag is used? Forgive me if you already know all of this, but just in case you don't.... Anxiety attacks make breathing difficult, you feel suffocated, and you end up overbreathing. You take in far more oxygen than you should which can make you feel light-headed, sweaty, trembly and disassociated from your surroundings. The bag forces you to keep inhaling your exhaled air which contains more and more carbon dioxide, and less and less oxygen. This gradually lowers the toxicity in your system caused by over-oxygenation. As the symptoms subside, your anxiety drops and you feel able to breathe normally again. If you have asthma, on the other hand, you need oxygen and shouldn't be breathing into a bag. Did the inhaler just not make any difference at all, good or bad? I'm glad you are going to another doctor soon.

Toby's my baby
02-24-2006, 07:09 AM
Thanks Lizzie, I did not know this. The inhaler didnt make any difference at all. . . .
The lady that helped me, and gave me the bag, told me I wasn't getting enough carbon dioxide. What you said, sounds exactly like what happened to me. Thank you so much for giveing me this great advice! I'll update this when I get back from the doctor this afternoon.

EDIT: the nurse scheduled my doctor appt. wrong, she typed it in as MARCH 24th :o so now it isnt for 2 more weeks. . ..