View Full Version : ANGUS (Thanks for your prayers! They worked!)

04-18-2002, 07:08 AM
I've already told you all this once, but do you understand how happy it makes me?! Well, of course you do:p! And how glad I am to have you all to talk to? I can't even tell you how glad I am, that's just why I started this thread! I'm happy to be part of such a loving family {yes, you feel like my family!}. We all have our ups and downs, getting angry, stuff like that, but we're family, we can get over it and go on. That's just the way family does (well, supposed to do anyway!) I'm sure getting off the subject of my boy, aren't I?:eek:
Anyways, you should see Angus now, they had to shave him on his belly, and kinda a little on his right side, she couldn't see his kidney very well. I told him that it was a VERY expensive haircut! I'm going to take some pics of his nice haircut, and maby I can take the rest of the pictures in this roll & get them developed soon so you all can see!
Well, thanks again for being concerned for my big boy;)

04-18-2002, 09:32 AM
So glad to hear that the beautiful boy is fine!
Give him a big hug from me.