View Full Version : Oh the Troubles I've Seen

K & L
02-22-2006, 06:33 PM
I haven’t posted a lot lately due to company almost this entire month! Anyway, we’re having some problems here and I just needed to vent.

Poor Scooter is still having issues. We’ve had him to the vet now a few times with a very severe staph infection. He was there again today and still has blood in his urine and still dripping. They’ve put him on Clavamox for 10 days, if this doesn’t do the trick then they will put him on an incontinent medication in hopes this will. The good thing is he is acting just fine, playing, and becoming quite the little lover (to us anyway). I guess at the vets he was hissing, spitting and swatting at them! We’re keeping him confined to our bedroom due to his infection and constant dripping. This is leaving our room in quite a mess, which I have to clean up on a daily basis. I just can’t stand the thought of him locked in a small cage or room during this recovery period.

Bo is very ill with a URI. She was again at the vet yesterday and was given a shot and put on Baytril. Her eyes are running and she just doesn’t feel good. Today she does seem a bit better, but still not herself.

Last but not least there’s Leila. She is still giving me peeing problems, just not as frequent. She is VERY temperamental and it seems every time she gets the slightest bit upset or irritated, she pees. She is very clingy to me (sleeping at the top of my head nightly) and I wonder if jealousy doesn’t play a part here?

I have to say with 24 cats, all the additions through the years, and the years we’ve had them, I guess we’ve been pretty lucky. I believe I’m just worn out between company and catching a cold, and all this so knew you all would understand. Thanks for listening!

02-22-2006, 07:02 PM
Hang in there. It gets better.

K & L
02-22-2006, 07:46 PM
I guess things just feel maginfied when you're worn out! :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-22-2006, 07:48 PM
I guess things just feel maginfied when you're worn out! :)
That's right, Lisa. If it were me, I'd take a beer and go soak in a tub with a good book for awhile. Calgon really can take me away. Then get a good night sleep and all will look better in the morning. If not, repeat tomorrow night. ;)

Hang in there. :)

K & L
02-22-2006, 07:56 PM
Good idea Debbie! Just about the time I settle in to relax Mouser & Leila would start one of their battles! :D I'm telling you it's been a war zone around here along with illness with the cats and me with a cold! I think it's been stress related for all of us! :)

02-22-2006, 08:00 PM
You never know...if you really relax in the tub, maybe the vibes will carry over..

How about putting some lavender in a diffuser? mmmm....

Speaking of tubs - saw my fluffy black Cole in mine for the first time today! Oscar was looking back at him. New play area, I guess!

Get some head scritchies for yourself, sweetie!


02-22-2006, 08:30 PM
yes, speaking of tubs, grab a book and let soak. treat yourself to a block of chocolate. Vhocolate always helps me when things look bad.
i hope you kitties are smilin soon

02-22-2006, 09:33 PM
Oh Lisa, I'm sorry you have so many kitty issues going on right now. I can certainly relate. Mine at least aren't as "messy" are your two drippy leakers...poor you, and poor them! :(

Bliss, one of my young B&W kitties has been fighting some kind of infection for months now. She has had this one enlarged gland in her neck .... had it tapped and checked (nothing looking like cancer) and has been on two different antibiotics for 2 months now. She has been running a significant fever off an on as well. My vet finally ran several blood tests on her last week, and her white count was significantly high, so he can't try her on prednisone until that comes down. She only has 3 or 4 days left of this antibiotic, and although she "seems" to feel better, the gland is still swollen! :rolleyes:

In addition, the URI is going around AGAIN in at least half of my kitties. It never ends!!! :eek: ;)

HUGS to you and yours .... get whatever rest you possibly can, and vent to us whenever you need!