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View Full Version : Wild Peafowl???? In LANCASHIRE?????

Miss Z
02-22-2006, 03:46 PM
Around my house, we have been getting peafowl. I don't know where they came from, or where they live, but i keep seeing them. Firstly, when i was in London, my mum saw a peahen wandering up the road and up our driveway! The other day, i saw the peacock in the park, as one of our neighbours recently had some trees cut down so now we can see directly into it. And i've just had the window open and i've been listening to one making those funny wailing sounds they make. Do you reckon they've escaped from somewhere? I don't know anyone around here who keeps peafowl. And will they survive around here, because peafowl are native to India i think? Although i know they do well in this country, as a pub near to where my grandma lives has loads. I hope they're OK!

Oh, by the way, for all those who wanted to see London pics, my IDIOT brother messed around with my camera and managed to press the 'delete all files' button. Sorry:(

02-22-2006, 09:55 PM
It is a great shock to see them where you don't expect them, isn't it. They look far too exotic for northern England, or northwest U.S.A. I remember opening my drapes one spring day to see a peacock sitting on my fence. I thought I was hallucinating, so I walked away and then back again. It was still there. When I went out in the garden, I saw another one flying low onto a neighbor's fence. They had escaped from a private park about 7 miles from where I live. Hope that one of them drops some tail feathers as a keepsake.

02-22-2006, 11:39 PM
Aren't they gorgeous? After we moved here, we were out driving and went around a curve- we had to stop - peacocks were crossing the road right in front of us in OHIO! :eek: Then a male flew up into abig pine tree, his tail hung down, it was so beautiful! Apparently some people breed them for use on farms as "guard-birds", they're supposed to be better than having a guard dog. My one friend boarded her horse where they had a couple of them, I saw them sitting on top of the barn once. They sure are loud!

Miss Z
02-23-2006, 08:10 AM
Aren't they gorgeous?

Yes, they're very beautiful. The peacock has the most beautiful blue chest feathers that shimmer in the light. Apparently they were both in one of my neighbour's garden this morning, but i've not seen them yet today. I wonder if they will nest and we'll get baby peafowl:) ! But then, someone would probably call the RSPCA or something as they could overpopulate the place. I don't know how many there are, whether there's just a male and a female or more as i've only seen one at time.

Miss Z
02-23-2006, 11:24 AM
Now we have pheasants too! I've never seen a pheasant near my house, but just now i have been watching a lovely male in my garden. He'll definitely get fat on all the food we leave out for wildlife, good job there's no game hunters around here!

02-23-2006, 12:55 PM
Sorry... but what is a peafowl? :confused:

Miss Z
02-23-2006, 04:12 PM
Sorry... but what is a peafowl? :confused:

It's the term used to describe peacocks and peahens. Most people would call them peacocks, but that only refers to the MALE birds. A bit like cows and cattle;)


Here's a pic:) (googled, not taken by me, they won't come near enough for pics:rolleyes: )

Suki Wingy
02-23-2006, 04:17 PM
My theory is that when England "invaded" India they brought them back with them?

02-23-2006, 06:42 PM
Ooooh, thank you Ms. Z. and sorry for being so dumb. :o