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View Full Version : need your opinions re:digital cameras

02-22-2006, 03:27 PM
I mentioned to hubby that we should look into a digital camera when the tax-return arrives. He likes the idea too, but we're pretty clueless about what to look for. I've looked on the Internet, but I still can't tell what features are good to have and what to avoid. I'm strictly a leisure photographer, not a pro, so it doesn't have to be top of the line to make me happy!

I want one that:
* takes good pictues
*easy to use, portable
*easy to upload
*doesn't use a million batteries
*don't need a bunch of equipment hooked to the computer to use (my computer is stretched to the limit now)

Seems like lots of you here take GREAT pictues with digital cameras -
care to share what you think about your camera?

02-22-2006, 03:39 PM
Canon PowerShot

Its really the only camera worth your money for the price range and quality you get out of the camera.Not only that, but they are DURABLE. My A300 I've had for three years now. Its been dropped, banged, kicked, you name it and it still works perfect! A bit slow compared to newer cameras of course, but still good considering its age!

I DO NOT recommend Kodaks or HP cameras. They may be cheap, sure, but the quality and features lack.

Another thing I might add is that don't assume more MP means better quality pictures. All it REALLY means is... bigger prints!! Unless you're a professional, or unless you will be making poster sized prints, you really need nothing over a 3 or 4MP camera. 5, tops. So that way you can go for a "lower-end" camera and not end up wasting money on higher MPs that you will never use.

Another thing -- lets say you have a 4MP camera. The ONLY way to get a true 4MP picture from your camera is to have the quality settings ALL the way up and the resolution the highest it will go. Otherwise, you are not taking true 4MP pictures with the camera.

I hope all that makes sense!

EDIT: and with any camera that does not have internal memory OR uses memory cards, you have hte option to hook the camera to your computer BUT you can just skip all that and use a card reader instead :) That way you also don't even have to isntall any additional software!

02-22-2006, 04:02 PM
I love my Nikon. It comes with a rechargable battery that lasts pretty long. I have two and so one is always charging while the other is in the camera (woohoo, life is good!)

I have the Nikon Coolpix 5400. There are less expensive Coolpix models that do just as nice a job. I think mine is actually pretty good pricewise now.

It takes great closeup shots, hard indoor with poor lighting, and action

Here's an indoor action shot - lighting was pretty awful and I was quite a distance away
Closeup in natural light


Action, VERY poor light, with flash

Anothor action shot. No flash, only light source was the stained glass lamp

Uploading is a snap, plug it in and download. No extra software needed, but it comes with it (I never use it)

02-22-2006, 08:08 PM
Pat I'm not really sure what I'd suggest but I can tell you about my cameras:)

I have two Canons:

Canon Powershot S1 IS (http://www.steves-digicams.com/2004_reviews/s1is.html)
This one I got for Christmas (2004). I think we got it on sale for around $350 plus I bought a 1GB card which was an extra $100. I wanted this camera for two things...it takes up to 1 hour of video with the 1GB card and it has a 10x zoom.


PowerShot SD 110 Elph (http://www.steves-digicams.com/2004_reviews/sd110.html)
It's great! I got it on sale (last years model) at Sears for $129! I did buy a 128MB card for it.
Honestly it's got everything you'd want (or everything I wanted;)) and it's small enough to carry every where you go!

I did have an Olympus before both of these and I liked it, I just didn't like that it had hardly any features.

So there you go!
I don't think anyone can tell you what to get as there are quite a few good cameras out there. Go for one with the options you want and at the price you want.
Canons are just my camera of choice.

02-22-2006, 08:10 PM
Canon, Canon, Canon!!

I'm currently using the upgrade of Anna's, the Canon PowerShot S2 IS.
I love it. I'll probably never buy a different brand of camera.

All I have is one USB cord. I don't even used any software to load them. All I have to do with Windows XP is plug my camera in and a screen pops up asking you what you'd like to do (upload and some other options)

It's so easy and doesn't take long at all! My camera is quite the battery hog, though - but I also use it everyday.

I just had Robby buy the Canon Powershot A520 and it's very nice as well.

02-22-2006, 09:57 PM
I shoot with Olympus cameras--all three of them. I have a C-50, a C-5060 and a Stylus 800. The C-50 is pretty much worn out. It still takes great pics, but there's a trick to getting it to work now. It's four years old and without exaggeration I probably took 100, 000 pics with it. It owes me nothing! Stuart carries it now and likes it.

The C-5060 is called a "prosumer" camera. It's just a step below a digital SLR. I love that thing, but it's bulky and hard to carry around. It's a 5.1 megapixel. Amazing macro shots!

I got the Stylus 800 at Christmas. It's pocketsized &weatherproof. It's an 8 megapixel. As the guy at the camera store told me "no one really needs an 8 mp pocket camera, but for the extra 50 bucks what the heck!?". It has loads of settings, takes good pics and works even if it gets wet--a big plus when you drop it the snow! It's also extremely easy to use. If you want something you can just whip out and start shooting, I'd recommend one of the Stylus line.

All of my Olympus cameras came with rechargeable batteries. Last week I took 700 pics on my Stylus before it needed recharging. I use 1GB XD memory cards in all of them.

02-22-2006, 10:01 PM
Mine's a Canon PS A520 and it more or less takes great photos for me as I'm not a good photographer. I use a card reader and also got a larger card than the one that came with it, I use Linux so the software was no use to me. Rechargeable batteries are great too.

02-22-2006, 10:57 PM
This is great - I'm going to print all your answers out to go over with my hubby. no matter what the ad or the sales person says, there's nothing like hearing about a camera from someone who's used it. Thanks!
Anyone else got any opinions?

02-23-2006, 12:19 PM
I have a Kodak easy share, cx3400.
It's not the best camera but for the price I am really happy with it. It has so many features yet is easy to use. Takes decent pics and is really durable. It is also easy to load. I am not sure if it is the type of batteris I have (sony I think) but they last quite a while. I was really surprised.

If you have the money though I reccomend Cannon. :D Thats about the best type of camera out there, always has been & probably always will be, IMO anyways.
I have always had Cannon when dig's were not produced yet and if money would allow it I'd continue to stick with Cannon. I have a real nice 35mm cannon (used to have 2 but sold one when I got my dig.) I am VERY happy with it.

02-23-2006, 12:48 PM
Hmmm, Canon keeps coming up. I have a really nice Pentax SLR, it was quite expensive, but it's big & I hate to drag it around in the dogpark & stuff, I'm always worried I'll drop it or break it. Plus, it would be NICE to have a digital and be able to upload a few images quickly. Also the digitals seem to have more range for micro/macro shots. I would need to buy more lenses for my Pentax.

02-23-2006, 01:02 PM
i have a Canon 35mm (SLR) which i just LOVE!!! takes great pics and has a lot of features, but now with all the digital stuff i wanted one so my hubby got me a Kodak easyshare, its good but not really what i wanted, i wanted one that were like my 35mm just Digital ;) but they are expensive so i settled for that one, it takes really nice pics, but you have to have good light(indoors) otherwise its really hard or almost impossible to see in the viewer screen what you are shooting, so iŽll keep this because i hate the hassle of develop and printing films but maybe later iŽŽll get a better one, a Canon (SLR)

02-23-2006, 01:10 PM
I just bought the Canon Digital Rebel EOS last night !!!! I am so excited. It was pricey -- camera, memory sticks, etc. = $1,000 buckaroos. We bought this one because we also have a newer Canon 35 mm and the lens are interchangeable. (In case any of you guys didn't know that, now you do ! :) I do understand that some of the digital features are lost when using the 35mm lens on a digital so I don't know how much we'll interchange the lens, but it's nice to have the option.) I have yet to start using it though, too busy today to really read through and experiment.

02-23-2006, 04:08 PM
I just bought the Canon Digital Rebel EOS last night !!!! I am so excited. It was pricey -- camera, memory sticks, etc. = $1,000 buckaroos. We bought this one because we also have a newer Canon 35 mm and the lens are interchangeable. (In case any of you guys didn't know that, now you do ! :) I do understand that some of the digital features are lost when using the 35mm lens on a digital so I don't know how much we'll interchange the lens, but it's nice to have the option.) I have yet to start using it though, too busy today to really read through and experiment.

Which Rebel? There are two -- the 8MP and the 12MP. I reallllllllly want the 12MP but its like $2800 just for the body haha. But they had the 8MP at the same store I just bought my new powershot from and the body, lens and a kit (lens cleaner, extra battery, 1GB memory card, case, 5 year warranty) all for $1100. I would have got that one instead of my powershot but didn't have enough money left on the loan they gave HJ after he bought his laptop so I settled for the powershot for now to "hold me over" hehe

02-23-2006, 04:43 PM
Canon here too. The Powershot A510 was Consumer Reports top pick - I LOVE it. Although I think it's been "upgraded" - the latest is the A520 (I think). Awesome camera, easy to use. Has lots of manual and automatic settings even for a photo novice like myself I'm taking some pretty awsome pics. It also does videos.

02-23-2006, 05:02 PM
Which Rebel? There are two -- the 8MP and the 12MP. I reallllllllly want the 12MP but its like $2800 just for the body haha. But they had the 8MP at the same store I just bought my new powershot from and the body, lens and a kit (lens cleaner, extra battery, 1GB memory card, case, 5 year warranty) all for $1100. I would have got that one instead of my powershot but didn't have enough money left on the loan they gave HJ after he bought his laptop so I settled for the powershot for now to "hold me over" hehe

I think you answered your own question. My original post stated that I just spent $1,000. Therefore, it is the 8 MP.

02-23-2006, 05:10 PM
Well I didn't know if the prices were different, etc. Some places DO have the 12MP for cheaper, it just depends on where you go to look for it AND where you live (I didn't look at your location). No need to get snippy... :(

02-23-2006, 05:10 PM
I have a Canon A610, that I got for Christmas. I love it! Great Pictures, Great Video, Great Price. If I'd known how improved their video function had gotten, I would have never wasted money on a Sony Video Camera. My Canon does everything I need now.


02-23-2006, 05:15 PM
Well I didn't know if the prices were different, etc. Some places DO have the 12MP for cheaper, it just depends on where you go to look for it AND where you live (I didn't look at your location). No need to get snippy... :(

Oh my goodness, I guess I will keep my mouth shut from here on out when replying to your posts, Jessica. I did not think my post was at all snippy. (However, common sense dictates that if the 12MP is 2800 dollars I would not have found it anywhere in the US, regardless of my location, for only $1,000.)

02-23-2006, 05:40 PM
Oh my goodness, I guess I will keep my mouth shut from here on out when replying to your posts, Jessica. I did not think my post was at all snippy. (However, common sense dictates that if the 12MP is 2800 dollars I would not have found it anywhere in the US, regardless of my location, for only $1,000.)

Well some sites online do have it for around $1000 (however, their credibility is in question). But in-store the price is significantly more expensive. So I wasn't sure, my apologies. And I'm sorry I took your post that way if it wasn't your intent, it was simply a question, now I feel dumb because its "common sense" *sighs* Oh well. :(

EDIT: and you don't have to "keep your mouth shut" when replying to my posts, this is the internet and emotions are hard to convey through just text alone (just like sarcasm is very hard to read on the net) so things can be read or taken the wrong way.

02-23-2006, 07:19 PM
OK, here's what we're looking at & a couple more questions ----

We're looking online at a Cannon Powershot S1 IS

does anyone use a flash card reader, or is it unneccessary?

sounds like you can just plug in the USB & download from the camera, yes?

we're thinking of starting with a half-gig card, it would save enough money so we could get a 5-yr. warrenty, which I think is a good idea.
do you think a half-gig is enough to do most stuff?

thanks, you've all been so helpful!

Cinder & Smoke
02-23-2006, 07:45 PM
a Cannon Powershot S1 IS

so we could get a 5-yr. warrenty, which I think is a good idea.

Ummmm, think Twice about the 5-year warranty ...

Many of the after-market or third-party warranty outfits go out of business
before you ever get to try to collect.

ANNNND ... most cameras break within the Manufacturer's one-year warranty
IF they're ever going to break.

Then, by the third year, the price for that same camera will have dropped so
far and / or the newer cameras will be so cheap for the features offered; you'll hate yourself for having to get the ole klunker fixed because you have the warranty.

Unless you're really clumsy and might *drop* it a lot ... gigi cams don't *drop* well! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/tongue.gif

02-23-2006, 09:38 PM
I have to agree about the warranty. We were offered a 4-year warranty and we opted not to take it. It was $100 which isn't awful, but we just weren't sure about the reliability of long-term warranties.

02-23-2006, 10:27 PM
:o Good points about the warranty, & price drop, I'll bring that up. Thanks Phred and Mommyof3cats!

02-23-2006, 10:39 PM
For those of you with the PowerShot A series.. what is the focusing and portrait mode like? I really like cameras that do blurring behind the subject.. it's a BIG plus that I'm looking for, although, I think I'm most likely getting the A520.. but I think all cameras that do that are out of my price range, right?

02-24-2006, 08:38 AM
Pat, I did opt to get a card reader since I have 2 cameras with different cards. To me it's just easier (but then some think it's easier to plug it up to the compuer) and doesn't use up your batteries.
And I did get a warrenty on my first camera, but of course I never used it so I didn't get it with either one of the ones I have now. I figure I can get a new one for close to the price the warranty will be.