View Full Version : Wedding Ring Finger

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-22-2006, 03:12 PM
I believe this came to mind when I was watching the Olympic pairs ice skating last week. The announcers said one European couple was married (don't remember which country though). I noticed the man had his wedding ring on the 3rd finger (between middle finger and pinkie) of his RIGHT hand.

I know in the states it's most common to wear your wedding ring on the 3rd finger of your LEFT hand, so I was wondering who wears the ring on which finger.

When I was engaged (years and years and years and years ago), I wore my engagement ring on my LEFT hand, as is normal practice here in the states. Right now the only ring I wear is my Grandmother's diamond engagement ring which has been handed down to me. I wear it on the 3rd finger of my RIGHT hand. Terry wears no rings. Is it possible that if we were to travel to a different country, people would think we were married because of the diamond ring on my right hand?

Just curious. :)

02-22-2006, 03:15 PM
A ring on your ring finger on your right hand means you are engaged in Europe... or at least in Italy.

02-22-2006, 03:16 PM
I'm no help, Debbie. I'm strictly a left hand, left ring finger, sort of girl, and my husband indulges me. I want people (especially women....LOL....to know he is married)!!!


02-22-2006, 03:17 PM
3rd finger on left hand for me. :D

02-22-2006, 03:48 PM
Gee Debbie, when I saw the title of this thread, I got all excited. I thought maybe Terry was going to finally make an honest woman out of you.... ;) :D

02-22-2006, 06:44 PM
In Germany the wedding ring is worn on the right hand and the engagement ring on the left.
I believe it’s the same custom in Norway.

02-23-2006, 01:14 AM
My Russian friends wear their wedding bands on the right ring fingers. I noticed that in the Olympics too. Some countires just do it differently. I wear my parents' wedding rings on my left thumb and wear a wedding ring I bought on my right ring finger but will change that if I ever decide to marry.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-23-2006, 09:41 AM
Gee Debbie, when I saw the title of this thread, I got all excited. I thought maybe Terry was going to finally make an honest woman out of you.... ;) :D

Ha! I don't think so, Slick, but if it ever does happen, you'll be one of the first to know. ;) :D

Thanks everybody. I find it interesting that an engagement ring would be worn on one hand and the wedding ring on the other hand.

So in Germany, Italy and Norway, the engagement ring is on the right hand. Russia wears the wedding band on the right hand. Any other combinations out there?

02-23-2006, 10:03 AM

Years? Are ya sure?? :D:D ;)

Just kidding. I know alot of different cultures wear their wedding rings on other fingers. That could be the reason. :confused:

02-23-2006, 01:55 PM
How interesting, I'd never though about it. I hardly ever wear my engagement ring, the diamond annoys me, it gets in the way and gets dirty when I'm doing daily chores. I wear my wedding band on my left hand which is where I also wear my engagement ring, when I wear it.
I wear my wedding band on the inside (closer to my hand) and my engagement on the outside.