View Full Version : I'll Nair do it again....

02-22-2006, 09:09 AM
I usually don't post about these things but I'm laughing myself silly here.

I got home from work last night and after feeding Max, I looked at my long list of things to get done. One of the items was to "shave" because I have a doctor's appt today for my yearly physical and we all know what that involves. Up until this point, I've always used the old fashioned method.....cream and a razor....but this time I purchased some Nair just to try it out. So I slapped on the Nair and went about my business. About 40 min. later I finally had the time to wash it all off. No problem right? Right!! After it washed it off, my legs felt itchy so I scratched. Bad mistake because then the pain started. I read the back of the bottle it said "don't leave on for more than 15 min". :eek:

This morning....well....rash doesn't begin to describe it. Right above both of my knees and all down the side of one leg looks like a hideous disease. Thank goodness I have some aloe vera lotion that I can slap on several times today. I'm laughing so hard right now....all of this just to try and look presentable for the doctor and the LA crowd. What was I thinking??? :rolleyes: :D

Gini, maybe I should have shaved at your place???? ;) :D

Men, consider yourselves lucky!!

02-22-2006, 09:16 AM
LOL I know how you feel, why do we want to feel 'presentable' for the stupid doctor anyway? Ugh, I've tried that stuff before, but didn't leave it on that long. It pretty much did nothing. I remember an email that went around about a woman who didn't have time to 'clean up' before her doctor's appointment, so she grabbed her daughter's washcloth off of the side of the tub and did a quick wash. When she was at the doctor's, he made a comment about her getting 'spiffed up' for her appointment. She didn't know what he was talking about until later that night when her daughter was looking for her washcloth, and her mom said she could use another one. And her daughter said 'but mom, that washcloth had my special sparkles on it!' :eek:

02-22-2006, 09:20 AM
LOL... I can only imagine. I burned myself after just 15 minutes, so I can only imagine the 45 minute thing!

I have to say though I currently suffering from a shaving wound. I decided to soak in the tub (a luxury I haven't had time for in a looong time) I thought how nice to would be to put in some soft bubbles, soak, then shave with a brand new razor....... Oh-My-Gawd! I took off a CHUNK of skin at least 3" long and 1" wide from my ankle. I couldn't waer pants or socks all week without wincing in pain. Now its itching like madness because its scabbed over and dried out. I shaved the other day (1st time since the "incident") and nicked the heck outta my other ankle. I have not shaved since the razor now has the taste of blood and wants more!

I am almost certain a MAN decided women should shave. No woman in her right mind would decide this.

02-22-2006, 09:23 AM
I am almost certain a MAN decided women should shave. No woman in her right mind would decide this.

A man must have also decided women should get their boobs squished by a machine as well...the infamous mammogram!!! :eek: :D

02-22-2006, 09:25 AM

I've used that stuff before (and read the directions :p) and didn't have a rash or burning problem, though all my friends who have used it have complained about rashes.

02-22-2006, 09:33 AM
Slick, and you all made fun of me for only doing one leg at a time.

Now how am I going to pick you up at the airport and keep a straight face???

:) :)

02-22-2006, 09:38 AM
OMG! 40 minutes!
I puchased that crap one time and left it on for only 5 minutes and it burned me sooooo bad.
I can't immagine what pain you are in after keeping it on for 40.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-22-2006, 09:39 AM
:D :D
I haven't used that stuff in years, but you did exactly what I probably would have done! If it says to leave on for 15 minutes, it'll probably work "better" if left on longer, right? :rolleyes: Ouch! :eek:

I'm sure the rash will disappear in a few days....when the hairs start growing back...... ;) :p :D

I'm sure everyone remembers the story that was going around a few years ago about the woman who had her doctor's office call and say they had a cancellation and if she wanted to come in today for her annual appt, that would be fine. She said she'd be there, ran to the bathroom to "wash up" then ran to the doc's office. Talk about being embarrassed when the doc said "I know women like to clean themselves before coming to me, but you really wanted to make a good impression today, didn't you?" Turns out she washed herself with the same wash cloth her daughter had used to wash her glitter makeup off. :D :D I know this isn't written exactly as it was, but I'm sure you've all seen it and know what I'm talking about. :D

02-22-2006, 09:39 AM
A man must have also decided women should get their boobs squished by a machine as well...the infamous mammogram!!! :eek: :D

I have a picture somewhere (it's a joke picture) of a MAN getting a MANOGRAM with his thingy getting squished in the machine! hahahaha

I found it.
Here it is:


02-22-2006, 09:40 AM
my cousin..shes a werido..well someone told her she had hair on her face so she put it in her face (which u cant do!) and she had a horrible rash that lasted forever! she didnt go to school for a week after that! lol :p

02-22-2006, 12:30 PM
Oh my word, lots of stories go with that stuff..i did it to..lol.. :)

My Peanuts
02-22-2006, 12:41 PM
I've had some bad experiences with the stuff. I never used it successfully. Either it didn't take the hair off or it would give me the rash you described.

02-22-2006, 01:48 PM
Ditto ! It just burns, gives a rash or SOMETHING !! I stick with the old-fashioned razor method. And do the best I can. Hubby says he'll take me, ape legs (which is NOT often, I promise !!!!) and all, so I think I'm good.

02-22-2006, 02:22 PM
ICK that stuff REAKS!! I used it before and it didnt work very well..I'll just stick to cream and razor.

02-22-2006, 03:00 PM
A friend's true story. She was "freshening up" before her annual. There was no toilet paper available at the doctor's office's facilities. so she grabbed that tissue from the bottom of her purse (we all have one, right, ladies?). While she was up on the table the doctor asked her if she was saving up for something ...She was puzzled about his comment. Unbeknownst to her, stuck to that tissue in the bottom of her purse were some S&H green stamps (anyone else remember those?) and yes, they stuck to her too. Yup, true story. :D

02-23-2006, 01:21 AM
A friend's true story. She was "freshening up" before her annual. There was no toilet paper available at the doctor's office's facilities. so she grabbed that tissue from the bottom of her purse (we all have one, right, ladies?). While she was up on the table the doctor asked her if she was saving up for something ...She was puzzled about his comment. Unbeknownst to her, stuck to that tissue in the bottom of her purse were some S&H green stamps (anyone else remember those?) and yes, they stuck to her too. Yup, true story. :D


02-23-2006, 03:54 AM
I burnt my armpits really badly with that stuff once. I had to walk around for a week with my arms raised or else the pain was unbearable. :eek: