View Full Version : kansas at the vets and a scary experience at school for me

02-21-2006, 08:43 PM
Hi every1

Kansas is of to the the vets today, just so they can check out this thing with her runny poos. it hasnt improved.

Also, I had a bad experience at school. my ex boyfriend got punched. he was pulling faces and this guy came and punched him, right when the teacher came into the class. The whole class is so shaken. i am very shaken because I not a big fan of my ex boyfriend. this has made me put everything in perspective. he naughty boy will be dealt with and it will all be worked out. he would probably be expelled. i remember a couple of days ago i was chasign this guy because we were versign his team in a game. he needs help. i ahte to think what a boy like this will e like as an adult.keep this within P please.

dont worry, nothing like this usually happens at my school. As I ahve said before, please keep this within PT.

From icedtea.

02-22-2006, 09:24 AM
The Found Ctas have sent some Eternal Puppies and Kittens to keep Kansas company at the Vets,and we pray that you find a way,to cure his poos.
He ,being a Cat,and very clean does not like smelly poos any more than you do.

02-22-2006, 12:58 PM
I hope they find out what's bothering Kansas.I'm sure it's just food or something.And don't worry about school stuff like that.Try to not ever say anything to your ex or even look at him and maybe he'll stop being a pest :)
Good Luck :)

02-23-2006, 01:10 AM
Just for the future reference, Kansas is a littl girl, I know lots of people think its a boys name. she more often gets called Widget Gidget than Kansas, which is very weird. well i guess nicknames usually are. lol.