View Full Version : I guess I should not be.

02-21-2006, 08:07 AM
I'm a little upset. Yesterday, I posted yesterday about adopting another dog.
I don't know why it upsets me, but when Samantha died, I got 4 pages of replies. Yesterday, I only get a handful of replies. :( I'm not sure if people
didn't know what to say or what.

Maybe it should not bother me but it does some. I understand some people are busy. But when you get 100 of views all the time and hardly any replies.
It does hurt someone's feeling sometimes.

That is one reason why, I didn't post many pictures of my dogs. Because I knew, it was not even worth resizing them and posting them. I just don't get it. If someone else post a bunch of pictures, they get lots of replies.

I'm not trying start anything really I'm not. It just really hurted my feelings, when I took the time to resize my pictures and post them on here.

I guess it is just something I need to get over.

02-21-2006, 08:24 AM
This is not something you should get upset over. Yesterday was a holiday, and so not as busy as most days.

Also, often people do not have time to post in every thread they read. Views are much more important than posts! People care enough to read your thread!

And lastly, often people don't feel that posting the same comments as everyone else is worth it! If you've already got a response that says what they would have said, well, why bother to post "Yeah, what she said!"

Don't be upset, and we always love to see pictures!

02-21-2006, 08:28 AM
This is not something you should get upset over. Yesterday was a holiday, and so not as busy as most days.

Also, often people do not have time to post in every thread they read. Views are much more important than posts! People care enough to read your thread!

And lastly, often people don't feel that posting the same comments as everyone else is worth it! If you've already got a response that says what they would have said, well, why bother to post "Yeah, what she said!"

Don't be upset, and we always love to see pictures!

Agree!!Don`t be upset about these things then.

Be happy!! ;) :D :D

Pawsitive Thinking
02-21-2006, 08:45 AM
Please don't be upset, posts don't get replied to for all sorts of different reasons and you may have read more into it because your emotions are all over the place right now.

I know when you get your new dog he/she will become a big part of the PT family

The pictures are gorgeous by the way...........

Have added this post so we can all send hugs


Daisy and Delilah
02-21-2006, 08:46 AM
My computer was down all morning due to a power thing. I'm sorry I didn't see your first thread. However, I just read it and I think it is very heartfelt and I don't think anyone here would be upset with you if you wanted to get another pup. I know you're still trying to cope with the loss of sweet Samantha and my heart still breaks for you. Please don't let this bother you for another minute and we would love to see your pictures :)
Just because you didn't get alot of replies, doesn't mean that no one cares or that someone is mad at you. That's not the case at all. We're all concerned with you and the furkids. Please believe that :)

02-21-2006, 08:55 AM
Everything Karen said is me.
I haven't even seen your thread yet. I don't think I've been on PT since friday.
I try to read all the threads I can to keep up with what's going on with everyone on PT, but that's hard to do. I only reply to a small portion of the threads I actually read. There are a couple reasons why, if I reply to all the threads I read I'd only have time to read a few. Also I don't see the point in saying the same thing everyone else said.

Anyway- Congratulations on adopting a new dog.

02-21-2006, 08:55 AM
I missed the thread about Samantha, I took a break from the computer for a few days. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. :( I know how hard it is when you lose a beloved fur kid. As, for you getting another dog I'm sure no one would judge you for that some puppy kisses might make you all feel so much better.

02-21-2006, 09:00 AM
Here's a little secret...sometimes I get upset too when I post pictures of my animals and nobody replies. So you're not alone in that.

But I've come to the conclusion that there are alot of people on this board who personally know eachother and I'm not on their buddy list.

Don't be sad. I posted a reply to your Samantha thread because it was so upseting to me and I just felt so bad for you and your situation. To be honest, I read your post about getting another dog and somebody wrote something that basically took the words right out of my mouth, so I didn't post anything. So I'm guilty of not replying and I apologize.

Please continue to post things. Especially pictures of your current dog and the dog you may adopt. And didn't you get a bunny too? I don't normally go in the Pet General - just dog & cat general.

Anyhow, don't be sad.


02-21-2006, 09:37 AM
Please don't be upset. I agree with Karen. (((hugs)))

02-21-2006, 10:19 AM
I know how you feel! I don't think it has anything to do with someone not wanting to reply to ever post, people just reply to people who are more "interesting".

I get average 10 replies when I post pictures; and I agree, it upsets me when I see (not going to name names) getting 3 PAGES of replies...

Why, if one sees a thread with lots of replies, don't they go and reply in a thread with less replies instead of replying in the one with more?


Anyway.. I absolutely love seeing your pictures.. You really should post them more often. I'm so sorry about Samantha. She was a real gem, such a sweetheart. I agree with you, I think you should wait for a few weeks to adopt a new dog.

02-21-2006, 10:37 AM
I'm not going to say I feel bad for not posting to every thread, I don't. I posted in your thread about Samantha's loss, that was terrible, and I truly felt for you, but not everyone has time to post to every thread. People post when they feel they have something relevant to say that hasn't been said, most of the time. But some are very busy or are not on here all the time. There are lots of us who don't post pictures and such because we don't get many replies so you aren't alone. Just try not to let it get to you.

02-21-2006, 10:47 AM
This is not something you should get upset over. Yesterday was a holiday, and so not as busy as most days.

Also, often people do not have time to post in every thread they read. Views are much more important than posts! People care enough to read your thread!

And lastly, often people don't feel that posting the same comments as everyone else is worth it! If you've already got a response that says what they would have said, well, why bother to post "Yeah, what she said!"

Don't be upset, and we always love to see pictures!

Well said Karen.

I didn't post yesterday because
A. Although I had some free time at work I used it to try to catch up on everything (PM's, emails, PT & other forums too) therefore my time was a little limited.
B. I agreed with the replies you have already gotten.

I think if you feel it is the right time for another dog & can afford the time & money involved then it's a GREAT idea! :)
I wish you the best of luck. hugs

02-21-2006, 11:10 AM
Some times it hard to reply to EVERY post..and i also post with little or no replies, its just something that happes..you have the chance to post and people view, or will when the get time..some times i go back a couple of days and ck to see if i missed someone but not all the time..there are just to many, and this is not the only part of pet talk..So take heart..and continue to post and enjoy all the others post to.do you relply to evey ones post??? :)

02-21-2006, 11:34 AM
Here's a little secret...sometimes I get upset too when I post pictures of my animals and nobody replies. So you're not alone in that.

But I've come to the conclusion that there are alot of people on this board who personally know eachother and I'm not on their buddy list.

Yeah I agree. I feel the same way sometimes but I still enjoy seeing other people's pets and discussing dogs, so I don't let it get to me too much.

02-21-2006, 02:15 PM
I feel bad for posting this now. I guess I'm still little over emotional right now.

It still hurts my feelings sometimes. I guess it is just something I will need to get over.

Thanks, for those for being so caring over the loss over Samantha.

Yes, we did get a new rabbit. :) Picture is in Pet General. I need to get
some more posted.

I think we are going wait until April or May to add another dog, maybe even late as June.

02-21-2006, 03:15 PM
I'm sorry you're so upset over this, but I do understand you are going thru a very emotional state at the moment.

I have not even read your thread you're referring to. I know there are a lot of times where I read a thread but, I don't know what to say or someone else has already replied exactly what I felt. It gets a bit repetitive if we all just post "I Agree" or the like, so if I have nothing else to add to what someone else has already said, I just don't post.
There are also some days where I just don't feel like posting! Funny coming from the top poster on the board, but it's true. Lately my posting has been in weird little spurts... a little here, a little there.

I know there's one thing that has really upset me is the fact that some people (certainly not you) who have talked down towards me and called me names because I haven't replied to their threads. I reply to a lot of threads, and yes I have favorite posters who are my close friends. If I don't have a lot of time, they come first. They will always come first because they are my close friends! I don't know what some people expect out of me. Not everyone here replies to every thread there is, so why do they expect me to? I don't understand.

Okay... And there goes another reason for me not replying to EVERY thread... I'm so darned long-winded! :p

02-21-2006, 03:33 PM
I'm a little upset. Yesterday, I posted yesterday about adopting another dog.
I don't know why it upsets me, but when Samantha died, I got 4 pages of replies. Yesterday, I only get a handful of replies. :( I'm not sure if people
didn't know what to say or what.

Maybe it should not bother me but it does some. I understand some people are busy. But when you get 100 of views all the time and hardly any replies.
It does hurt someone's feeling sometimes.

That is one reason why, I didn't post many pictures of my dogs. Because I knew, it was not even worth resizing them and posting them. I just don't get it. If someone else post a bunch of pictures, they get lots of replies.

I'm not trying start anything really I'm not. It just really hurted my feelings, when I took the time to resize my pictures and post them on here.

I guess it is just something I need to get over.
I made a thread about that before..I'm glad someone else feels the same way.

02-21-2006, 08:04 PM
Thanks, for the replies. I know people are busy, don't know what to say, or just don't want say samethings over & over. I can really understand that.

I'm just going have to get use to not always getting lots of replies. That is fine.

I will just have to start getting know people here better, and posting more pictures. :)

Pawsitive Thinking
02-22-2006, 03:53 AM
I will just have to start getting know people here better, and posting more pictures.

We will be holding you to that!

02-22-2006, 05:52 AM
Dude... i never know what to say in situations like those and i get tired of saying the same things over and over again. :(
and i now try to avoide looking at threads like that becuase it really saddens me. so im sorry if i didnt reply in your thread about your
Rainbow bridge girl *huggies*

but i do hope you will continue to post about the fuzbuckets you have! :D

02-22-2006, 10:56 AM
Don't worry. I will be posting pictures & talking about my other furbabies.

I think I was just having a really bad day yesterday. :(

02-22-2006, 11:38 AM
*HUGS* :)

I'm sorry about Samantha. I've been too busy to reply to all the threads and I've missed a few.