View Full Version : More sores...

02-20-2006, 03:18 PM
Sam has more sores in his ears. I think it's from him scratching them. Should I feed him benedryl? I used to give my RB cocker spaniel that because she had allergies so she itched too much. But Sam doesn't seem like he itches too much, it's just when he does he itches to hard.

02-20-2006, 03:24 PM
I would give one and see if it helps. If it does, then the source is probably allergies. If it doens't help, then you may want to look into bringing him to the vet to have a skin scrape.

02-20-2006, 03:41 PM
Should I give him a whole one since he's still a puppy?

When we gave my RB Missy benedryl, we just cut open the pill and put the powder on some bread and fed it to her.

02-20-2006, 03:50 PM
Well how much does he weigh? Charlie is (I am guessing; haven't had him weighed in a year) about 40 - 45 pounds and I only give him one and it works fine for him. So half of one will be fine. The only problem when you break them open and put them in water or on food is that you HAVE to make sure they eat or drink everything or else they aren't getting the proper dose.

02-20-2006, 04:57 PM
I weighed myself and then picked him up and weighed us both and subtracted th weight and it said he weighs 18 pounds. He's 6 months old, too.

02-22-2006, 10:28 AM
My Bon also had sore ears when he was a puppy. The vet gave us some medicine to put in his ears twice a day (plus every day cleaning) and it cleared up in no time.
I would suggest taking him to the vet instead of giving any type of medication since he's so young.
Good luck and I hope the itchy ears go away:)

02-22-2006, 03:38 PM
I could talk to my mom about it... but I'm not sure if she'll be willing to go to the vet because it costs ALOT of money. But I'll ask her.

02-22-2006, 06:02 PM
Thanks so much... I'll show my mom! :)

02-22-2006, 06:46 PM
My cat breaks out each year with zits! :eek: They appear on her ears about once or twice a year. They are bumpy on the OUTSIDE of the ear and NOT the inside. It seems to coincide with her "heat cycle" but she is fixed. At six months old for the puppy this could be the same. :confused:
I found out after paying $50 for a test! I felt kind of dumb after the results came back "acne" but it was worth knowing what I was dealing with.
My treatment for her ears is sometimes adding rubbing alcohol other liquid germ killer and rubbing her ears. You can try it without the alcohol but you want something to kill the germs after they burst so they don't spread.
Popping the zits isn't a good idea. Just rubbing them to get them to make a "head" works best. The head will burst on it's own. Just make sure to treat the ears afterward with a germ killer.
If it is NOT zits your dealing with then go for a powder of some kind for the ears. You may need to add a "cone" around the dog's ears to make sure it leaves the ears alone durig treatment.
My dog currently has an ear infection that spread to the rest of it's body! It's a bacterial infection and his ear is extremely swollen. So you may want to have a vet look into it asap. good luck!

02-22-2006, 07:30 PM
It is not zits. It is from his nails itching so hard they cut his ears open.