View Full Version : DoggieMom?

04-17-2002, 10:11 AM
May I ploitely ask somebody what this incident was regarding DoggieMom and why she has left? I haven't been on the board lately, so this was very surprising news. Thank you.

04-17-2002, 10:22 AM
Well, seeings how I'm still around at the moment (can't let go yet) I can tell you.

I recently moved from AZ to IL to live with my new boyfriend (whom I met on Pet Talk). I had two dogs.... one was Maddie whom I knew I had to rehome. I tried in AZ but no luck so I brought here and we ended up having to take her to a shelter. A no kill shelter that says they are a kill shelter only so they don't get a huge influx of dogs. But they DO NOT euth dogs. Well, that didn't sit well with people here.... ever since then I have been under pressure to explain myself. That didn't sit well with me. Now we have a new dog and I KNOW how that looks...... not good. Again, I am forced to explain myself. I just tried to keep this aspect of my pets and life private and I wasn't allowed to do that. I got angry and said some harsh things..... so I decided I should leave for that reason among others. It's my fault I guess.

04-17-2002, 06:35 PM
I don't mean to be rude, but ppl really shouldn't be saying things like that. Mind you I don'tknow what or who said what so I shouldn't say anything. You did what you thought was best for your dog, and Im sure you had your reasons, and I think it should be left at that. I dont thnk you should leave unless you feel you just dont have the time or just dont want to any more. I can't speak for anyone but myself, and I will say I would miss seeing your posts., and readin about the furkids