View Full Version : What is everyone doing right now??

02-19-2006, 12:08 PM
I think this is fun to do - especially on a lazy Sunday afternoon. So, what is everyone doing at your house? Here at the sirrah house, I have been catching up on threads here at PT. Me???...http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v170/sirrahbed/siggys/jammiesa.gif

Hubby is working on puters...

Eliot followed me from room to room as I searched out the kitties for a picture...

Emily is way high up on the bedroom dresser, sleeping on her pretty pink princess pillow - what a sweet girl!

Lizzie is in her sucky - her favorite little bed...

Robbie is nearby in one of the window perches...

Dylan is sound asleep in our guestroom..

Boomer is in yet another window hammock in the dining room...

I love lazy days!!
So...what is everyone doing at your house?

02-19-2006, 12:11 PM
I'm doing income taxes, Freckles is snoozing.

02-19-2006, 12:14 PM
Jeff is doing taxes (boo!) and I'm just bumming around the house. Doing an occasional load of laundry, checking my email, and looking for new posts here!

:D I'm wearing my fuzzy socks and slippers, sweats and a heavy shirt; it's 20 degrees here! :eek:

The boys are napping in their fuzzy beds under the train layout. Jeff's been working on it since Christmas. He built an elevated platform for the trains (they sit about 2' off the floor) and put a skirt around the bottom. They LOVE it under there!

Hi Boomer!! (waving)

02-19-2006, 12:18 PM
I Am On The Computer,moose Is Sitting Witn Michael On My Coat,with Miquelito Sleeping By Mooses Side.
Tubby2 Is On The Front Window Seat,jjj3 Is Sleeping On The Litter.
I Think That The Other Cats,the Meezers Are Sitting Either In Front Of,or On The Vents,gathering In As Much Warm Air As They Can.
And As I Am A Geezer,and Retired Every Day Is A Sunday Afternoon.

02-19-2006, 12:20 PM
I am sitting at the computer and Ripley is on my lap. Bella is on the floor at my feet. Trevor and Andy are sleeping downstairs. Hubby has just gone to Block Buster and son has headed over to his friend's house for a NASCAR race watching party.

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-19-2006, 12:27 PM
It is evening already here: 7.30 pm! We've just finished having dinner: homemade leek-soup with bread and ham.
Now we are all settling down in the "tv area", and the cats are all napping now. I am still wearing my clothes, but I will put on my PJ in a minute, as I want to go to bed early (to much pain again :( )

02-19-2006, 12:31 PM
I'm sitting here IMing people and browsing PT, Lily is running around somewhere, Roxy is playing in the snow, Rufus is asleep, and Skye is asleep. Oh, and my mom is asleep, too. :p

02-19-2006, 12:32 PM
I am about to start working on my paper/presentation that is due Tuesday. Callie is sitting right in front of me hoping that I will give them dinner early (uhhh...they have another four hours!) :rolleyes:. Shadow is looking out the office window on the cat tree and Whisper is laying behind me on one of his toys. Very very exciting Sunday. :rolleyes: :D

02-19-2006, 12:32 PM
Well, it's only 9:30 here right now. I had planned a lazy morning sleeping in then celebrate my birthday this afternoon with my family. But, we woke up to a busted water pipe in the entryway. Soooooo, after calling around, Bobcat found a plumber who would come over today ($180 an hour) :eek: :eek: He is downstairs right now working on it. Pepper is "supervising" him every inch of the way. I'm upstairs cleaning house for our company this afternoon and Halo is sleeping in the middle of the bed so I don't dare try to make it. Sure hope this birthday gets better! :D

02-19-2006, 12:41 PM
I've been watching the Olympics since early this morning. It's about 15° here right now with blue skies. The cats are sleeping all over the house. Even the boys, who go out, don't want to go there today.

02-19-2006, 02:01 PM
1 pm here in Alberta, I thought I had to drive into the city, but don't - YAY! I work full time, and now have a whole afternoon and evening to finally sort papers and straighten my place out...

Oscar napping on bed, Cole on couch...

And I am on the computer, procrastinating about getting to work on the mess here! ;)

02-19-2006, 02:06 PM
It's a beautiful sunny day here, 18*F. I have beef stew in the crockpot and an apple pie in the oven and of course am on PT. Plan on catching up on a few phone calls. Hubby is on his pc in the basement. Lacey is sleeping on her bed, Mandy is sleeping on the one of the cats beds :rolleyes: and the cats are hanging in the basement with daddy. They go back and forth all day. :D

02-19-2006, 02:45 PM
Fairly lazy day around here. Got home from church then made us a lunch of scrambled eggs, sausage, corn muffins, and a fresh pot of coffee. The remnants remain in the sink unwashed. Listening to Classic Country on one of the cable music channels while catching up on PT happenings. Soncat is in his room studying and Groucho is napping on today's newspaper that I haven't seen yet. Not a completely wasted day, just very relaxed and laid back.

02-19-2006, 03:47 PM
Right now, I am surfing the Internet and watching HGTV. The cats have all been sleeping, although I don't know where the 2 girls have wandered off to now. My husband was working on his sermon for the evening service at church, and he is getting ready to make pizza dough for supper tomorrow night. (He is the one who does homemade bread around here.) The dogs are in the backyard, enjoying the cool weather (which they love, for some strange reason).

02-19-2006, 05:03 PM
Today has been a very cold and gloomy day here. Luckily though my little "sunshine" ... baby Jenna and my daughter Amy Beth and hubby Chad, came to visit for a while. Now that they are gone, I am just piddling here on the computer until time to start cooking supper!

02-19-2006, 05:13 PM
Well, I finished all my chores for the day, laundry, dishes etc. and now I'm just surfing through all my cat boards on the net and later on will make something for us to eat. Just a typical relaxing Sunday for me. Will is playing his favorite video games and Sash is snoozing away on the sofa. :)

02-19-2006, 06:11 PM
It's Monday morning here and being mostly retired every day seems more like Sunday.

I have three computers in pieces and am reassembling so that I have two good working computers out of all the parts, these pcs are then donated to some needy person. Finnigan is "helping" me do the work! :)

02-19-2006, 06:27 PM
This should be moved to General.... that way more people can see it and join the fun! :)

02-19-2006, 08:32 PM
Woah those hammocks are so cool great idea to who ever invented them! Looks liek you all had a peacful quiet day.

Don Juan's mom
02-20-2006, 12:38 AM
After church this morning, I participated in the annual Make A Blanket Day for the local chapter of Project Linus (http://www.sjlinus.org). I watched the tube tonight (BAF awards on BBC America and the local news), and realized that I forgot to buy cat food. :eek: :mad: :( Fortunately, I had two sample packs to keep us going until I can get more. :rolleyes:

Now, I'm trying to get a handle on my cash flow. :( Don Juan is drinking water out of the special kitty cup on my coffee table. Zerlina is reclining on one of my kitchen chairs, probably waiting to see if that terribly fascinating machine (the one with "hp" on top) starts making funny noises and flashing lights. :D
