View Full Version : Probably Just Worms, But Need Second Opinion

02-18-2006, 11:59 AM
I already told my sisters that its probably what it was, but they reallllly want me to post it on here to ask, so here goes. They've come into their room and where the cats lay they have found these allllll over


I know Nicole has fleas that we're trying to get rid of (I don't know where they came from! Its the middle of winter, the dogs haven't had them in months, the cats are indoor cats... but now suddenly all the animals have fleas...) but worms?? I know Double-Oh HAD them, but we dewormed him and I've been checking his poo to make sure they're gone.

But I'm pretty sure that's what these are but as I said my sisters are just worried and would like a second opinion.. ;)

PS: Don't mind the windowsill, its really not THAT dirty, but I had to play with it in PS because it was so dark lol

02-18-2006, 12:08 PM
Fleas and tapeworms are always a pair!

If they look like sesame seeds or grains of rice(can't really tell the size there) then it's tapeworm. Those are the eggs.

These days, one tablet does the whole job. Get rid of the fleas to prevent recurrence.

Take the eggs or a sample to the vet to make sure, and they can dispense the meds there. Shouldn't have to take kitty in.

02-18-2006, 12:15 PM
Yup see that's what I told them, lol.

Yes they look EXACTLY like sesame seeds size and all.

Its just frustrating because I have NOOOOO idea how they got fleas in the first place!!! :(

02-18-2006, 04:58 PM
The tapeworm comes from your cat or cats eating a flea so it's possible only one has a tapeworm. However, the vet will probably recommend they all get it to make sure. The "bits of rice" are the ends of the tapeworm as it sheds them. If you see them on your cat's behind, you may see them moving but they dry out quickly and can't infect anyone.

The fleas in your nice warm home are those that have hatched from eggs laid anytime in the past year or two in your carpet or furnishings. Sprinkle 20-Mule Team Borax over your carpet and don't vacuum for a few days. Keep it down, if you can, on the edges of the carpet by the walls and around the edges of furniture. Use it under the cushions of your sofa and on your mattresses. Sprinkle it on the carpet after each vacuuming for a few weeks. It's a laundrey softener and you'll find it with the detergents in your supermarket. Don't sprinkle it on your pets. I've been doing this for nearly 20 years whenever I've found new cats have brought in fleas and it works better (for me) than anything I get from the vet. Since several of my cats go outside my vet is always surprised that they don't have fleas.

02-18-2006, 05:07 PM
Yes I already knew all of that, but we haven't had flea problems in... well, years. Charlie and Jamie have, but that was at our old house, not at my parents'. Not only that, but their entire house isn't even carpeted. lol.

And I know they got the worms from the fleas, it just stuns me how suddenly they are all infested when they're all indoor cats (except the dogs of course, but its FREEZING outside, fleas won't even survive). I know it happens though :P

We've used Borax before :)
