View Full Version : I'm worried.

02-18-2006, 06:23 AM
about Simba, the beautiful black male foster I took in on Wednesday from our shelter. I was told that he LOVES wet food but he has not eaten ANY since he has been here. :( :( The dry is down all the time, but with the other cats I don't know if he has eaten any dry, but I have not seen him do so.

I know that sometimes cats go off feed when they are moved, it has happened before, but that doens't stop me from worrying.

Today I have him seperated with a measured amount of food, so we shall see if he eats. But I truly HATE to do that to him (even though I must.)

So keep dear Simba in your thoughts.

p.s. (Debbie - T&P, beware LES......) Simba gives the best headbumpies.

02-18-2006, 06:29 AM
OH, no, not that beautiful boy. Poor guy, he must be so confused.

where did he come from? Was he a stray or did he belong to someone at one time?

Come on Simba, please eat!! :confused:

02-18-2006, 07:05 AM
Jen, maybe it’s just the stress from the chance of environment since he has obliviously eating at the shelter.
My Schatzie didn’t eat for several days after I adopted her from the human society.
Keep us updated!
Hopefully it’s not a medical problem.

02-18-2006, 07:06 AM
Fingers and paws crossed that Simba EATS!!!

02-18-2006, 07:44 AM
Poor Simba. I am sure he'll eat on his own. Remember, you encourage people whose cat refused to eat after adoption (think of Annie, who went on a major hunger strike when she arrived in England) so keep your own wise words in mind! ;)

02-18-2006, 08:07 AM
Poor Simba! I know, moving to another place can be so scary, but please eat!!!


02-18-2006, 09:38 AM
The Pet Angels Will Take Some Of The Steak Sub,that We Are Having For Lunch Today,and They Will See,if Seeding Simbas Food,will Whet His Appetite.
And Dont Worry Pleases Friend Jen.
As My Mother Said About Our Cats When They Were Fussy
"son A Cat Will Not Starve To Death.when They Are Hungry,they Will Eat"

02-18-2006, 11:41 AM
Good thoughts and prayers winging their way!

02-18-2006, 11:42 AM
Hopefully it's just the first days stress and Simba will start eating now. Fingers and paws crossed.

02-18-2006, 03:03 PM
It's easy to understand why you're concerned about Simba, Jen. You obviously care very much about the health and overall welfare of every kitty you come in contact with. It could be that Simba feels a bit overwhelmed in new surroundings and new kitties to get used to. Be patient with him, once he completely settles in he'll feel more secure with you. Before you know it, he'll be asking you for more food. With you to care for him, there's no doubt that everything will be just fine.

02-18-2006, 03:11 PM
OK, I just got home from work (worried about Simba ALL day). I raced upstairs to where I had him in his 3-story condo/cage. It appears he nibbled the wet food, but no dry. So I have him downstairs now with me (and my crew). He is off exploring.

Simba (and buddy Duke) were relinquished by their owner when she moved. :( They both had a hunger strike upon reaching our shelter, too. I know it is because of stress and confusion, and I know that 99 out of 100 cats will eat by the 5th day...........but every once in a while you will come across a cat who will just starve themselves to death. So I worry.

Have I mentioned that I am in LOVE with this boy????

02-18-2006, 04:10 PM
Simba really is georgous, I'm not surprised you are so very fond of him.

Like you, I have seen this lack of interest in food in a cat that is under stress several times and it's always scary. NewCat, who is sitting on my lap right now, was obviously underweight when I adopted her from the shelter, and all the time she was in her week's isolation (in a sunny bedroom) she ate just enough dry food to make a slight indentation in the mound. Wet food did tempt her a little more, but it wasn't until a couple of days after I let her out into the main area that she suddenly started to eat, and then ate really well. The relief was intense because I realized that she must have been eating tiny amounts in the shelter also to be so underweight. She had come from a stressful situation, she's Siamese, the shelter is crowded, she could have ended up at least making herself ill, it's an awful thought. But the quiet of a stable new home and new places to explore allowed her to recover her appetite.

I feel sure the same will happen with Simba. He is eating something and, best of all, he is showing an interest in his surroundings. While he may need more isolation so you can check how much he eats, his explorations and contact with you will surely give him the security and zest for life that will result in his suddenly starting to eat normally. Then you will have him under your feet in the kitchen demanding you open cans of wet food, as I do NewCat.

Your real problem is going to come later, as you look for a new home for him. His behavior will probably be repeated since it's already happened twice. Does this mean you just have to keep him? :rolleyes:

02-18-2006, 04:16 PM
Jen, I sure hope that Simba's appetite will improve soon. I know it's hard not to worry. All fingers and paws are crossed here.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-18-2006, 05:04 PM
p.s. (Debbie - T&P, beware LES......) Simba gives the best headbumpies.
I knew he was a real love! I could tell as soon as you mentioned in your introduction post that he "hugs."

<sniff, sniff> I want Simba. :(

;) :D

02-18-2006, 05:08 PM
I do, too. :(

02-18-2006, 06:09 PM
Did you use the same brand of wet food as he got at the Shelter?
There are some cats(mine) who will not eat another brand of food.
Best of luck with him calming down in a few days.Good idea to feed
him dry food separately.

02-19-2006, 07:47 AM
What I Do Here Is To Lay A Slice Of Deli Turkey On The Wet Food To Stimulate Thier Appetites.
We Know That Simba Will Eat Soon.
We Will Have Mr Fluffy Angel Bring Simba,a Little Kitty Bag To See If That Tempts Him.
Good Luck.

02-19-2006, 08:03 AM
When Boomer came over from Japan - he went many days without eating, too. I was so worried that he would get sick. He never would try the wet or human food I offered him either. But, gradually he did begin nibbling and I suspect he had been eating some of the dry food when I did not see him. It is so hard not to worry!!! :eek:

Glad to read that beautiful Simba is doing better and eating (and giving headbumpies :D )

02-19-2006, 05:53 PM
The one thing I have learned through personal experience and others also experiencing the same, is that 5 days is the magic number. MOST cats will eat by day 5...........Well, tomorrow is day 5.

But I cheated a bit. Today I bought 3 different dry foods.........2 of which are proven to be IRRESISTABLE to cats........and YUP, you guessed it, he started eating. Only a small bit, but I am truly encouraged.

The other good news is that Shelly has a potential adopter already. The family is meeting her tomorrow.

02-19-2006, 07:17 PM
Jean, I am so happy to hear that Simba is starting to eat and that there is a potential adopter for him. I pray that everything will work out well for dear Simba.

02-19-2006, 07:24 PM
Jean, I am so happy to hear that Simba is starting to eat and that there is a potential adopter for him. I pray that everything will work out well for dear Simba.
the potential adopter is for Shelly.....the OTHER foster I got on Wed. ;)

02-19-2006, 07:34 PM
But I cheated a bit. Today I bought 3 different dry foods.........2 of which are proven to be IRRESISTABLE to cats........and YUP, you guessed it, he started eating. Only a small bit, but I am truly encouraged.

The other good news is that Shelly has a potential adopter already. The family is meeting her tomorrow.

I'm relieved that Simba is starting to eat, that's great! Would you mind sharing what the two dry foods are since I'm sure some of us could use the information in future.

Congratulations on Shelly's potential adoption.

02-19-2006, 07:38 PM
Would you mind sharing what the two dry foods are since I'm sure some of us could use the information in future.

Certainly (I was waiting for someone to ask...LOL) ;)

Now remember, these are in my OWN opinion, but have not failed me.

1-Friskie's Dental diet (dry) I have not met one single cat who doesn't consider this stuff irresistable!

2-Eukanuba Lamb and Rice (dry). I tried this once for a foster who we thought might have food allergies, and after the rest of the fosters ate it they wouldn't eat anything else. AND recently Tizal (who was adopted) and went to his new home was not eating. I told her to try this and he is now eating like a piggy.

So when in doubt, give these a try.

02-19-2006, 07:52 PM
Oh gosh Jen, I'm so sorry that I didn't read that right. :(

I'm glad that Shelly is going to be adopted and I pray that Simba will be soon also.

02-19-2006, 08:12 PM
I’m so glad he started to eat.
Jen, thanks about the food tip. I’ll keep that in mind for the future.
Congrats on Shelly’s potential adoption. I’m sure the family won’t be able to resist her.

Btw. you are so right about the 5 day magic number.
Reminded me on Schatzies first day when I called the vet in hysterics.
Mind you she was my first cat since childhood.
Me – Dr. my new cat won’t eat and whenever I put food in front of her face she is growling.
Vet – how long have you had her?
Me – since this morning.
Vet- (deep sigh) – give her time, she’ll come around. What are you feeding her?
Me- well, I tried dry and canned cat food, tuna, sardines and I just opened a can of salmon.
Vet - (deeper sigh)- just let her be and if she doesn’t eat by the end of the week bring her in.

02-20-2006, 10:24 AM
But I cheated a bit. Today I bought 3 different dry foods.........2 of which are proven to be IRRESISTABLE to cats........and YUP, you guessed it, he started eating. Only a small bit, but I am truly encouraged.

Ok that's the best recipe to create a spoiled cat :D I know- I've been through the whole 12 step program :D