View Full Version : Woohoo... freebie for me!

02-17-2006, 06:28 PM
I was talking to someone at the cat rescue yeaterday and the conversation turned to making sure cats get plenty to drink, how I have one water fountain, how the cats adore it, and so on. They said they had recently bought one but it didn't work, and they'd give it to the rescue since they had no use for it. I said "sure, that would be appreciated". They dropped it off in a brand new box, and reiterated that this didn't work. The director of the rescue was standing there when the fountain was dropped off and she said I could take it home and play with it if I wanted it.

I didn't have time to even take the box out of my car til tonight. It took two minutes to read the directions (most of that was hunting down the english version :p ) another minute to fill it with water & plug it in. I held my breath.... and it works PERFECTLY! I have no idea how it didn't work before..... but I am sure glad it didn't! Its larger than the Petmate one I have, and much, much nicer. This had to be a $50 fountain!

Now, I could do with getting these types of freebies more often! Kinda makes my disppointment over not matching even one powerball number go away

02-17-2006, 07:20 PM

02-17-2006, 07:31 PM
Wow i think youre a argain hunter/freebie hunter like me! I could do with a proper cat bed right now. We have 2, 1 is actually a HUGE litter box that we got in spca kitten starter pack, and the oter is a wicker basket.

02-18-2006, 06:32 AM
Hey, what a bonus that is! Isn't it wonderful to have something like that? Can't imagine why it wouldn't work before; those things are pretty foolproof.

Bet your guys are enjoying it! :D

02-18-2006, 09:43 AM
Now All Your Cats Areable To Have A Nice Cold Drink,whenever They Want.
I Love Getting Nice Things Too,for My Cats That Are Either Free,or Cost Very Little.

02-18-2006, 01:17 PM
That's great!! I'll bet it's a Drinkwell fountain. Those are the most expensive. Then there's the less cheaper one that I have called at PetMate. Both great products. My cats LOVE theirs. Can you post a picture of it??

02-18-2006, 04:33 PM
Donna, its sooo cool! Holds a LOT of water, and flows smoothly over a LARGE sphere. In less than 24 hours, the cats have taken to it so much that they leave the Petmjate completely alone and I actually saw Harry, Flutter & Pouncer all drinking form the fountain at once!~

The Petmate needs to be refilled at LEAST once a day. This still has at least a full day's worth of water left and I didn't even fill it completely up to start! :eek:

Here's a link to what it is Catit Drinking Fountain (http://www.hagen.com/usa/cats/addinfo/catit_fountain.html)

02-18-2006, 06:23 PM
Oh wow!! I'd never heard of Catit before. What a great fountain! My cats drink ALOT more water since I got them their fountain. I have noticed that you have to fill it at least once a day, because the water level goes down. Boy were you in the right place at the right time!!!

02-19-2006, 08:56 AM
TERRIFIC Kim!!! I would love to have one like that and never heard of the brand before. Like Donna - moosmom, I have the Petmate and while the cats love it and rink LOTS of water now, I have to refill and clean it every day.

Good for you getting that freebie :D

edit: found it at the PetSmart (http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_detail.jsp?cm_ven=goo&cm_cat=

maybe it will go on sale :)

02-19-2006, 09:22 AM
It looks like a great fountain. :) You'll see larger pee bisquits now, I'm sure. :D The people who bought it, probably didn't put it together right, but good for you - and your kitties! :)

02-19-2006, 09:49 AM
I'm thinking they didn't put it on a level surface. I am just now trying to find the ideal place for it, and in a couple places I tried, the fountain wasn't level and did not flow properly. So now its abck where I originally placed it, but Iwould like to find another since its on the windowsill they all like to sit on. That's prime real estate! :eek: