View Full Version : I got my sweet swap!

02-17-2006, 01:44 PM
Thanks Tonya. I don't have my camera here, but you were more than generous! I think have enough candy to last me for a year or more haha. It's funny, cause I had a skittle craving the other night, and I went out and bought them (like 2 nights ago) now I don't have to worry about that ;)


02-17-2006, 04:18 PM
awesome :)

02-17-2006, 04:44 PM
Aww, glad you liked everything!

I'm sorry I didn't include anything "regional" but a little birdie told me you didn't like spicy things. It's kind of hard NOT to get spicy things down here. (Yes, even our chocolate is spicy.) ;)

Hope that's enough "plain" chocolate 'n skittles to make up for it though. :)


02-17-2006, 07:47 PM
Aww, glad you liked everything!

I'm sorry I didn't include anything "regional" but a little birdie told me you didn't like spicy things. It's kind of hard NOT to get spicy things down here. (Yes, even our chocolate is spicy.) ;)

Hope that's enough "plain" chocolate 'n skittles to make up for it though. :)


Really? Spicy chocolate? I didn't even know it there was such a thing! I don't know what I would think of that. I like regular chocolate! I've never heard of those kissables though. I don't think we have them here? They taste like our smarties though. Thanks again!! I'll try for a picture of everything if it's not all gone by the time I get home with my camera ;)

02-18-2006, 08:29 AM
Sounds like you received some good yummies Audrey. Enjoy eating them:D

02-18-2006, 08:36 AM
That's awesome! I hope you enjoy the treats.

02-18-2006, 07:58 PM
I've never heard of those kissables though. I don't think we have them here? They taste like our smarties though.

They are new & should be in Canada, as Hersheys makes them & the Factory is in my old home Town :)

02-18-2006, 08:23 PM
Yeah we have other hersheys...so I guess he might be getting them too?