View Full Version : Bird Flu & the impact on how we treat birds

02-17-2006, 11:03 AM
I've been reading about bird flu on BBC online since it all began. My concern from the start has been how this will impact how we, as humans, will treat birds. We have seen how domestic birds in infected areas are treated, stuffed into sacks and buried and burned alive. Will our fear cause us to start killing wild birds? Birds are an extremely important part of the ecological chain and we can't decimate the wild population without hurting ourselves. I rescue wildlife as well as cats and I worry that when the virus reaches the U.S., people won't be willing to pick up injured birds and take them in for rescue. I've started carrying a pair of latex gloves in my purse - it makes good sense to protect from psittacosis anyway. But I won't stop picking up injured birds.

I hope we can discuss possible impacts and implications on this thread. Kirsten has posted a new thread in the Cats General section for information on bird flu and cats.

Just found on BBC online:

02-18-2006, 08:25 AM
This is such a tragedy, and it concerns me that some people now start thinking about destroying nesting places or even kill birds - but it doesn't surprise me because that's the way the human race has always abused nature and Mother Earth. :(

I hope it won't come this far!!! :( :( :(


02-18-2006, 04:44 PM
I have for some time wondered if we are going to see a great conflict ahead as humans are going to feel they are faced with the choice of killing huge numbers of wild birds (which would seriously skew the ecological balance and therefore harm humans), or accept that we have a world-wide virus that might mutate and kill millions of humans. The virus has not mutated, and may not mutate, but humans could harm themselves by their reactions. The number of deaths world-wide is insignificant compared to death from other diseases, so the fear all stems on whether this virus will mutate. Is this a media-born fear?

02-18-2006, 09:04 PM
Unfortunately a large number of people only read the headlines or a few words of a news article, come to the wrong conclusions and then panic. After seeing what is happening to some birds now it makes me wish I was not a member of the human race.

02-18-2006, 09:20 PM
That is so sad. I can't even belive how people panic... humans are definatly not the smartest organism like some people say. We panic and take dramatic actions too quick.

It also makes me ashamed to be apart of the human race. I've got a bunch of poultry and as weird as it sounds, I get attached to them. I get sad when they die, I care about them.

It's just stupid and horrible about what they are doing.

02-21-2006, 12:15 PM
Here in Germany, they have now "precautionary" started killing poultry in the affected areas - and so far, none of the killed animals have been tested positive.

What a sad waste of life!!! :( :( :(
