View Full Version : Bad Mother Confessions!

04-17-2002, 01:06 AM
Well Tonya and I are sitting here fighting on AIM over who the worst mother is between us :D Can you guys believe she doesn't even spay or neuter her fishies????? :D :D

So now here's your chance to admit your guilt. I will start off with a few confessions of my own :o

I only let the dogs have 3 extra blankets on the bed last night instead of their usual 5! I am so selfish that I wanted extra room. I promise never to remove 2 of their blankies again!
I am such a lazy mother, I only put ice cubes in their water once today instead of twice.
I fed the fish today at 6:05 instead of 6pm on the dot :o
I only gave Shiloh dried up catnip instead of the fresh stuff from my grandmother's garden in Michigan that she's used to.

(No one take me seriously on this. We are just joking around) :)

04-17-2002, 01:14 AM
I plead guilty to the following:

* one count of lockin' a furbie in the bathroom (for Sophie's take on this read here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9928) )

* uhh...:o , 16 counts of not spaying or 'noodle-ing' the (premiscious) finned residents! (eek! and all in the same tank...quick! someone call the Guppy Housing Authorities!)

* numerous counts of providing parsley at only one of the demanded times

* three counts of not always having baby carrots in supply

04-17-2002, 08:14 AM
I am also guilty!!!

-I have not spayed or neutured my fish! (okay so I have three
different breeds and they have not done anything in five

-Last night I ate a banana whilt the dogs were outside and
didn't share with them!

-Monday night I cleaned up the backyard and threw out some of
their favorite (but ratty and dirty) toys!

PLEASE, PLEASE don't report me for being such a horrible mother!!!

04-17-2002, 12:26 PM
I will admit to the following:
Shooing Leonardo off the bed when I'm trying to read because he lays by the pillow and INSISTS on washing himself and making the bed bounce. PLUS he makes a most annoying slurping noise.

Putting drops in Chester's ears because they have been bothering him. Also, drops (different kind] in Luke's eye that was infected. (All better now, thanks)

I am guilty of taking their uneatten canned food, mixing it with dry food and feeding outside strays, rather than let it spoil in their dishes.

Only brushing one cat at a time. They hate to wait their turn.

I actually let their dry food bowl get empty...TWICE this month so far.

I ate a slice of angelfood cake with canned peaches poured over it and DID NOT SHARE.

Former User
04-17-2002, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
he makes a most annoying slurping noise.

LOL, I can relate to that one! Was pretty embarrasing when Kitty did this while I was on a phone...on the other end of the phone, someone was pretty confused... had to explain it's my cat, not me :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

04-17-2002, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
... he makes a most annoying slurping noise. ...

Isn't it AMAZING how loud a cat bath can be?

Niina, I had a wierd phone conversation the other day while Livvy was bathing. Now that I've read your post, I wonder if he could hear her ... :o :eek: :confused: Yikes!

:o Sorry, short attention span here today!
My name is Amber Lee and I'm a BAAAAAD Mommy because last night I drug my beloved fur-angel backwards through a bush -- by her tail!!! And should the circumstances arise again, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Former User
04-17-2002, 12:45 PM
One word AmberLee: YES.

04-17-2002, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Casper & Kitty
One word AmberLee: YES.

Two words back at ya: **BLUSH** **Cringe!!**

Former User
04-17-2002, 12:57 PM
LOL AmberLee :D :D

04-17-2002, 01:05 PM
Like Oh My Gosh!!! How on earth can we treat our kids this way??!!:eek: I too, am a bad mother! :o Please don't report me....LOL

MOFF, I'm guilty of this too:
-Shooing Marius off the bed when I'm trying to read because he lays by the pillow and INSISTS on washing himself and making the bed bounce. PLUS he makes a most annoying slurping noise.

-Only giving the kitties one catnip furry mouse to play with instead of all 6

-God forbid, letting their bowls be empty! They make me feel REAL guilty about this when I refill the bowls by jamming their heads in there even before all food has been poured in. So Starving they must be! OH!!!

-eating string cheese in front of them and not sharing :o Bad BAD mommy!! I shared before!!

-not having a fresh catmint supply. I do have some of the dried stuff...does that count??!! :rolleyes:

-and the worst of all...moving out of an uncomfortable position in bed...hence disturbing Marius's beauty sleep...


04-17-2002, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
-not having a fresh catmint supply. I do have some of the dried stuff...does that count??!! :rolleyes:

Oh, Gosh! I'm guilty of this one too! LOL!:eek:

04-17-2002, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces

Oh, Gosh! I'm guilty of this one too! LOL!:eek:


04-18-2002, 06:10 AM
Ok, I've been really bad too! Here goes:

I never put ice in my dogs water, but of course, she stays with my nephew & his girlfriend, & she did!

We took Angus to the vet, & poor boy, they shaved his belly!

Tuesday Angus didn't get to go to school with me {boo:( hoo}

We took Angus to McDonals for a cheeseburger & fries after his vet appointment, & Roxey didn't get any!

See, I told you, I've been a horrible mother to my furbabies!:rolleyes::p

04-18-2002, 06:43 AM
OK - I confess, I confess - I have not neutered my fish!!!
However, he's a Betta and has no one else in the vase. :D :D

04-18-2002, 08:19 AM
Purrley thanks for the laugh!!! I needed that! :D :D

04-18-2002, 08:20 AM
Have a wonderful day Pam;)

04-18-2002, 09:16 AM
I'm guilty too. :o It took me so long to find the courage to confess.

- I moved when I was forced to lay on the sofa because a) I wanted to watch the programme without falling asleep and b) because my back was hurting like hell. But by doing this I woke Prema up who was sleeping very comfortably on top of me. :(

- This morning I was very late for work (or better later than usual :D ) and I gave Prema only 10 out her usual 15 minutes dose of cuddles. It does not count that I had to dry and wash the kitchen floor because Foxy spilt the water bowl and then proceeded to roll over the floor)

- Last night I licked the top of the yoghurt pot instead of giving it to Maya

- I let only Prema in my sock drawer while I was getting ready for work for the silly reason that she leaves the socks in while Foxy and Maya and Foxy from throwing them all out of it.

But worse of all: last night I was too tired to roast the chicken I bought for them and decided to do it tonight!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-18-2002, 11:23 AM
I am the all time bad mommy because I committed the all time ultimate sin.

Not only was I not home when Tubby was honored as COTD, but I left him and Peanut home - all alone!!!! - all weekend!!! :( :( :( Then I didn't realize he was COTD until I got to work, so I couldn't spoil him until I got home that night. I'm still paying for it by giving him extra attention and smoochies.

Then every morning, when Tubby is fast asleep on the couch, not only do I rudely wake him up, but I shove an icky pill down his throat at the same time! Oh the indignity of it all! (the good news is he's usually still half asleep so he just licks his chops and puts his head right back down, after glaring at me of course for so rudely waking him up.)

And I don't give in and give poor, starving little Peanut a treat everytime she sits so proper on her little pad in the kitchen, looking at me with those penetrating eyes as if she's trying to tell me telepathically "treat, treat, treat, treat...."

My babies are so neglected, I feel so bad. :( :rolleyes: :D

04-18-2002, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
I am the all time bad mommy because I committed the all time ultimate sin.

Not only was I not home when Tubby was honored as COTD, but I left him and Peanut home - all alone!!!! - all weekend!!! :( :( :( Then I didn't realize he was COTD until I got to work, so I couldn't spoil him until I got home that night. I'm still paying for it by giving him extra attention and smoochies.

Then every morning, when Tubby is fast asleep on the couch, not only do I rudely wake him up, but I shove an icky pill down his throat at the same time! Oh the indignity of it all! (the good news is he's usually still half asleep so he just licks his chops and puts his head right back down, after glaring at me of course for so rudely waking him up.)

And I don't give in and give poor, starving little Peanut a treat everytime she sits so proper on her little pad in the kitchen, looking at me with those penetrating eyes as if she's trying to tell me telepathically "treat, treat, treat, treat...."

My babies are so neglected, I feel so bad. :( :rolleyes: :D

LOL LOL LOL You are a riot!! :D ROTFL

04-19-2002, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Gio
- Last night I licked the top of the yoghurt pot instead of giving it to Maya

Gio you are a nicer mommy than I am. I tiptoe into the kitchen when I want a yogurt and open the refrigerator door ever so quietly so that Trevor will not hear me. He is a yogurt addict and will not stop meowing and climbing all over me unless I share mine. I started out letting him lick the sides of the cup and now I have created a real monster. He usually hears me anyway and I can't figure that out. I would hate to be able to read his mind when he catches me in the act. He's probably saying to himself "what a selfish mommy!" :D

04-19-2002, 01:07 PM
OK - I confess, I confess - I have not neutered my fish!!!

Um Purrley, I have spoken to the condo board and they have informed me that you cannot keep unneutered betta fish. In fact, all unneutered animals and/or people must immediately report themselves to the nearest board member to be neutered/spayed and deported to Siberia...

And this is the flyer they gave me...

This is your final warning! If you do not comply, we will immediately begin trapping all mailmen, deliverymen, garbagemen and ALL visitors to the area. If you are caught releasing any of the above, you will be decapitated.


04-20-2002, 06:25 AM
Originally posted by jennifert

Um Purrley, I have spoken to the condo board and they have informed me that you cannot keep unneutered betta fish. In fact, all unneutered animals and/or people must immediately report themselves to the nearest board member to be neutered/spayed and deported to Siberia...

And this is the flyer they gave me...

This is your final warning! If you do not comply, we will immediately begin trapping all mailmen, deliverymen, garbagemen and ALL visitors to the area. If you are caught releasing any of the above, you will be decapitated.


04-20-2002, 07:29 AM
ohhhh nooooo, must I :confused: :o I had just read this post (at work) when I got a phone call from home..."did you leave Collar[flower] - my dear little Aussie girl - in the basement for a reason?? OMG, she ended up ALL ALONE by accident and started to howl like the hound of the Baskervilles. When I heard that I started to cry and came right home to apologize, even though I was assured all was well and she didn't hold it against me. Didn't matter. I beat myself with sticks (then threw some sticks just for her to catch) to make up for it. bad bad mommy.

04-20-2002, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by jennifert

Um Purrley, I have spoken to the condo board and they have informed me that you cannot keep unneutered betta fish. In fact, all unneutered animals and/or people must immediately report themselves to the nearest board member to be neutered/spayed and deported to Siberia...

And this is the flyer they gave me...

This is your final warning! If you do not comply, we will immediately begin trapping all mailmen, deliverymen, garbagemen and ALL visitors to the area. If you are caught releasing any of the above, you will be decapitated.



LOL LOL! You guys crack me up! I am afraid that I also refrain from neutering my fish, so I am a baaaaaaaad mom!

04-20-2002, 11:45 AM
I did it again! I've been a baaaaaaad mommy! I accidently (I swear it was an accident!) kicked one of the cat's toy spools under the dresser. I meant to get the broom and fish it out ... HONEST! I had a 'senior moment' and forgot all about it. I was reminded about it this morning when I woke to hear grunts and mutterings coming from the dresser area. When I looked in that direction, I was treated to Chester's rear end in the air as he reached WAY under the dresser and retrieved his toy. He has now hidden it in a secret place of HIS choice away from his BAAAAAAAD Mommy!:rolleyes:

04-22-2002, 06:55 AM
Jenn - you are a nut:D :D :D What you said is really more true than you know;)

04-22-2002, 08:16 AM
I think I can take a few points off the bthrm incident.

While accidentally locked in the bthrm, Sophie decided that the toliet brush was her new play toy. After repeated 'rescues' of the dirty brush, I finally broke down and bought her one of her own. You guys didn't know I had an aspiring plumber did ya? lol;)

I'll have to recharge my camera batteries and get some pics....

04-22-2002, 09:26 PM
hahahahahaha so cute
Get those fish spayed and neutered ok!

Guess I too am a bad mom!

no ice water
never ever any people food

shame on me!

oh yea did I mention I show favoritism between my kids.
They all know Luna claims the top spot in my heart.
So it is very hard to admit this but I booted her off the bed, last night..cleaning her butt as I was trying to write in my daily journal was just too much for me!
Sorry Luna!:p but go do that some where else!


04-23-2002, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by jennifert

Um Purrley, I have spoken to the condo board and they have informed me that you cannot keep unneutered betta fish. In fact, all unneutered animals and/or people must immediately report themselves to the nearest board member to be neutered/spayed and deported to Siberia...

And this is the flyer they gave me...

This is your final warning! If you do not comply, we will immediately begin trapping all mailmen, deliverymen, garbagemen and ALL visitors to the area. If you are caught releasing any of the above, you will be decapitated.



So true so true!!
What's scary is, this probably isn't far from the truth at THAT condo complex!! :eek: :rolleyes: LOL LOL
I hope you can get outta there purrley!!!!:D

04-23-2002, 12:32 PM
I'm working on it ever so diligently Wolflady:)

04-23-2002, 12:36 PM
This morning, while trying to get water from the water cooler/dispenser, I accidently stepped on one of Graemer kitty's paws. I had on sheep skin slippers, how hard could it have been? Well, he let out a scream and then would have nothing to do with me the rest of the morning. He actually ran from me when I would approach to give him some TLC and apologize. He must have thought I hurt him to scold him....I never touch him except to get him down from a high place, but never hit him. Anyway, I felt so bad that he was afraid of me all morning. I hope by the time I get home tonight, he has forgiven me.

By the way, he was "underfoot" while I was getting the water. It wasn't as though I walked on him....he walked under me. I nearly fell on my face, trying to avoid the full step on his poor little pitty pat paw!

I too am a bad MOM!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-23-2002, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
This morning, while trying to get water from the water cooler/dispenser, I accidently stepped on one of Graemer kitty's paws. ........
I too am a bad MOM!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

That is the worst when that happens! Tubby does it all the time. Whenever I'm in the kitchen he is right there. By this time I'm pretty used to it and usually look before stepping anywhere, but every now and then the old screech goes out. Terry thinks I'm killing poor Tubby and always has to say "What's going on in there?!?!?" But then Terry does it too and always feels sooooo bad that both Tubby and Peanut both immediately get treats and smoochies. :rolleyes:

I can't say as this has ever happened with Peanut. She is naturally wary and really doesn't hang out under feet - whew! Got off easy on her. :D

But yes, they do make you feel soooo guilty even though you didn't mean it - really! :D

04-23-2002, 01:59 PM
I know what you mean when you say they are right underfoot. Yesterday I also almost fell flat of my face when I tripped over Roxey. I didn't even hear her walk up. Everytime after that when I went to turn around she would not "run" to get out of my way, but get out of my way "very quick". And evertime she did this she would give me this look like, "I don't want you stepping on me again!"

04-23-2002, 02:14 PM
I too am often tripping over the dogs cause they like to follow me EVERYWHERE!!! (esp. Sadie)

I have another confession...I have been keeping the bathroom door closed so Cincy can't take the caps over the bolts that hold the toilet off and play with them :( I am trauly a horrible, mean mommy!

04-23-2002, 02:37 PM
Ok Ok, I confess. You beat it out of me. Geez...you PetTalkers are vicious! I was just sitting here minding my own business and now I feel this incredible guilt....

The other day, I was getting Duncan out of the car and not only did I step on his foot TWICE but I almost shut his tail in the door...Almost, but not quite! STILL, it scared him and he gave me the sad "Why are you doing this to me Mommy" look.
Luckily he is quick to forget and forgive and after I cuddled his beautiful face for a few minutes, he gave me some kisses and it was all over with.

Not like you guys, who keep making me relive the experience and feel guilty all over again!!! ;) :D

04-23-2002, 02:52 PM
My mom is in her 80's and is sooo worried about stepping on a paw or a tail (with 6 dogs and 4 cats it wouldn't be hard) she has developed the "grandma shuffle" :D When she walks through a room she sort of shuffles her feet along the floor without really lifting them:rolleyes: Works for her :p She's a goooooood Grandma ;)- Laurie

04-23-2002, 02:53 PM
That's the Human Animal for ya - thank goodness for our easy to forgive and loving furkids - God Bless em;)

04-23-2002, 06:44 PM
LOL, Laurie! I have also started doing the "Grandma Shuffle", or rather, the "Momma Shuffle" in the middle of the night. When I get up to go to the bathroom, Danny will walk right ahead of me, as if to show me the way to the bathroom. I do the shuffle so as not to kick him by mistake-this has happened several times, and I always get the look that says, "you bad, bad, ungrateful Momma!"

Last night was VERY cold here in NY, and the babies were on top of the down comforter, snuggling extra-close to me for the body heat. Well, Elvis ended up "stealing" the comforter from me, because everytime I moved, he would move closer to me. I ended up in the corner with just an edge of the comforter over me. I hopped over him and got under the comforter on the other side of the bed, thinking I was being considerate by not moving the cats, but both of them had to then reposition themselves because I had moved. They didn't seem too pleased about it. Bad Momma for disturbing the kitties' beauty rest!:rolleyes:

04-24-2002, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
I too am often tripping over the dogs cause they like to follow me EVERYWHERE!!! (esp. Sadie)

I have another confession...I have been keeping the bathroom door closed so Cincy can't take the caps over the bolts that hold the toilet off and play with them :( I am trauly a horrible, mean mommy!

Cincy's mom...I had to actually take those caps off and hide them because people were forgetting to close the bathroom door. Bella couldn't stop playing with them either. I'll try putting them back in a couple of months and see if the attraction is still there. :rolleyes: In the meantime I told her to play with the toys I actually spent money on. :rolleyes:

Trevor has taken to sitting on the steps with his tail straight out. I stepped on it a few months ago (which I might add scared me so much I almost fell down the steps :eek: ). I told him in the future he should always keep his tailed curled up around his body like a good boy because it would be safer that way. I guess the whole event wasn't as traumatizing to him as it was to me because he still sits there with his tail straight out! :rolleyes:

04-24-2002, 06:15 AM
Last week Graemer decided it would be fun to pop a ceiling tile above a door (which he stands on) and take a run through the ceiling and beyond. I was horrified when he managed to do this twice, once bringing down a couple of tiles and dirt with him. So, I went to the garage and found some plywood and a block and put it on top of his famous entry tile and now he can only pop the tile about 1 inch...but cannot enter. He sits there for hours, trying to force the tile up and I am afraid he will strain his furry little neck. I think he is getting the message...."No cats allowed in the celing".... Bad Mommy! No more fun. :(

04-24-2002, 06:44 AM
Man OH Man Sasvermont - is there no end to the antics of the Abby? They're just full of it arent they:D :D ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-24-2002, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
He sits there for hours, trying to force the tile up and I am afraid he will strain his furry little neck. I think he is getting the message...."No cats allowed in the celing".... Bad Mommy! No more fun. :(

No more fun, but one strooooong kitty neck! :eek: :D