View Full Version : hiking/camping

02-16-2006, 08:46 PM
Our dogs love to play all kinds of games, but their favorite activity is hiking. Belle went on a 13 mile overnight when she was just 8 months old! They have packs so that they can carry their own water, treats, etc. (NILIF, right?) :) The only problem with taking them overnight is that they totally freak out at night if they are not in the tent with us. It gets kind of crowded in a 3 person tent with myself, my hubby, and 2 40+ lb dogs. :rolleyes:
Belle especially loves to play on big rocks, climbing all over them. Maggie just likes to be close to us and sniff out all the different critters that have been walking around.

Maggie does like to chase a laser pointer though...right into walls and everything. :rolleyes:

http://images.snapfish.com/3463379%3B%3B%7Ffp64%3Dot%3E232%3C%3D33%3B%3D84%3C %3D6874%3B4b272%3C3%3A23%3D3232726%3A62%3C2%3Anu0m rj

http://images.snapfish.com/346337993%7Ffp335%3Enu%3D323%3B%3E24%3A%3E75%3B%3E WSNRCG%3D3233536%3B8%3A969nu0mrj

http://images.snapfish.com/346337993%7Ffp335%3Enu%3D323%3B%3E24%3A%3E75%3B%3E WSNRCG%3D3233536%3B8%3A925nu0mrj

02-17-2006, 09:48 AM
Wow! Looks like tonnes of fun!

I have been saying for two years now that I am going to take the dogs camping, but it never seems to happen. :o

02-18-2006, 05:45 PM
What cute photos! I love the little packs they're wearing. Fenway and I go hiking too. The longest he's ever done was 7 miles. That's not bad for a little 19 pound mutt. He went swimming in the river too. But I have yet to take him camping (in a tent). We've been trailer "camping". He had fun.

Thanks for posting such nice photos!
