View Full Version : Westminster Dog Is Missing!

02-16-2006, 08:48 AM
Poor thing...I hope they find it.

NEW YORK Feb 16, 2006 (AP)— A dog that won an award at the Westminster Kennel Club show this week escaped from its cage at John F. Kennedy International Airport, setting off a search.

The whippet broke free at about noon Wednesday, said Tiffany Townsend, a spokeswoman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which runs area airports.

Port Authority police were working with its owners to search the area where planes arrive and depart, she said. The airport, in Queens, covers more than 4,900 acres.

Owner Jil Walton told the Daily News that she feared for the dog's life. Vivi, a brown-and-white whippet, was headed to California after the nation's most prestigious dog show.

"When it's cold she's not happy," Walton told the newspaper. "She's a skinny little thing and I don't know if she'll make it. That's what's killing me."

Barbara Nyby, a member of the American Whippet Club in California, said the dog won an award of merit at Westminster. The dog's formal moniker is Bohem C'est La Vie.

The dog had been booked on a Delta Air Lines Inc. flight. Atlanta-based Delta said it was working with local authorities to retrieve the animal.

More than 2,600 dogs were entered in the show at Madison Square Garden, including 25 whippets, a short-haired athletic dog similar to a greyhound. Best in Show went to Rufus, a colored bull terrier with an egg-shaped head.

Anita Cholaine
02-16-2006, 08:50 AM
Poor girl... I really hope they will find her...

02-16-2006, 10:14 AM
Another reason why I wouldn't let my dog travel in cargo.
Poor thing. She must be so scared. I hope they find her.

02-16-2006, 10:34 AM
How AWFUL!!!! :(

02-16-2006, 12:22 PM
there wouldn't be a chance she got stolen right? You know being a top notch dog. Poor girl!! :(

02-16-2006, 01:16 PM
That dog is apparently worth $150,000.. so the owner said on the radio.

IMO, no dog is worth that much money. But dogs are priceless.

I really hope they find the poor thing! She must be terrified and cold.

02-16-2006, 01:19 PM
150K Wow!
If I were the owner, I wouldn't have disclosed that amount in public.
If someone stole her, they won't give her back. :(

02-16-2006, 01:29 PM
150K Wow!
If I were the owner, I wouldn't have disclosed that amount in public.
If someone stole her, they won't give her back. :(
Yeah, she'll probably get a ransom note. I hope that sweet girl is found & reunited with her mom soon!

Daisy and Delilah
02-16-2006, 01:41 PM
I just heard on the news channel that she took off running into the marshes by the airport and they're calling off the search for her because they, "simply can't find her". What a heartbreaker for her owner. This story is just killing me to hear it. I pray that she turns up soon cause the poor little thing is out in the elements without protection. What a sad story :(

02-16-2006, 01:48 PM
awwww! poor thing! i hope they find her! :( i couldn't imagin loosing Gracie in an unknown place! :(

02-16-2006, 02:36 PM
It was stupid of the owner to say that price for the dog, I dont think they will get it back in a hurry if ppl know the price, i just hope whoever has her is looking after her

Ginger's Mom
02-16-2006, 02:38 PM
They may have thought that more people would be out looking for her if they thought she was valuable and/or there would be a sizable reward.

02-16-2006, 03:01 PM
I just hope they find her soon. :(

Suki Wingy
02-16-2006, 03:28 PM
OMG VIVI! :( :( The odds are NOT in her favor :(

02-16-2006, 03:34 PM
Vivi was just on the news. That is so sad!!!!!! :(

02-16-2006, 03:40 PM
I keep checking this hoping someone says they found her. :( Remember there are still good people out there who would return the dog if they found her. Look at all of us, we would return the dog and I for one would never take a reward for finding someones dog. Let's just hope a 'good' person finds her and she is safe.

02-16-2006, 06:08 PM
That's so sad isn't it? I did say a little extra prayer tonight for
her safe return. Poor baby, she must be so scared. :(

02-16-2006, 06:16 PM
Im sorry to say, but the odds are agianst her. She is a whippet with VERY short fur and it is freezing in NY. Plus, she is a show dog and if someone wrong finds her...... :(

02-16-2006, 08:03 PM
Poor dog, I hope somebody finds her. A dog lover wouldn't name a price for their dog, obviously they are worried about a prize Possesion. I wouldn't fly a dog alone anyway, especially at a larger commercial airline.

02-16-2006, 08:10 PM
Im sorry to say, but the odds are agianst her. She is a whippet with VERY short fur and it is freezing in NY. Plus, she is a show dog and if someone wrong finds her...... :(
all we can do is keep our fingers crossed and prayers going Vivi's way. :(

02-16-2006, 08:11 PM
Yeah, I hope she gets found. Poor girl:(

Suki Wingy
02-16-2006, 11:52 PM
She must be freaking out in all the storms and cold! :( If they find her she will be very traumatized :( That knocks two top contenders out for traumatizing expireances (Deromt the pug too) I just hope she doesn't find some place dangerous to shelter. :( I'm so worried :(

02-17-2006, 08:03 AM
This story was all over national news last night. The owner thinks the dog may be dead because it was seen running towards water. She was really upset and said she brought the dog to work with her everyday. There is a reward out and they said everybody in NYC is probably out looking for this dog. I hope it's found and soon. It's going to get VERY cold in the Northeast the next few days. Poor thing.


02-17-2006, 09:49 AM
I was just wondering...why don't they bring in a tracking dog to search for her? Seems to me it would stand a much better chance of finding her that a human would. :confused:

Suki Wingy
02-17-2006, 10:17 AM
good point!

02-17-2006, 10:33 AM
I hope the poor thing is found soon before the cold gets to her.

Daisy and Delilah
02-17-2006, 03:15 PM
Has anyone seen the story that CNN Headline News is running today about the missing Whippet? Did anyone find it as offensive and a mockery of the situation as I did? They're being sarcastic and comical about this little dog's disappearance. I was so angry, I emailed them about it and asked them to please stop making light of such a tragic story. I told them that we have enough problems with animal abuse and neglect in this country and there's no point in them making a joke about it to encourage such ignorance to continue. I asked them how they would feel if one of their human children were missing like that and I pointed out how many people throughout the world see their pets as family members. Grrrrrrr!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

02-17-2006, 03:17 PM
No I didn't see it. I'm so glad you emailed them. I will watch CNN tonight to see if they talk about it and I'll check their website.

02-17-2006, 03:27 PM
OMG Poor Vivi! I hope they find her soon :(

Daisy and Delilah
02-17-2006, 03:35 PM
Thanks. I just think it stinks and I'm shocked that they would be so unfeeling and so careless. What in heaven's name would they find humorous about this story? I know they must have some caring pet owners as their employees. I also told them that I'm sure I'm not the only person they have heard from today about this as well. Many people, that don't love animals as we do, would feel I'm over re-acting but I don't think I am :mad: :( All I need to know is how it made me feel.

I haven't received a reply back to my email as of yet but I noticed the last time they ran the story, the two commentators at the desk, seemed to be a little more sympathetic about how this story will most likely end up :( I just hope that my begging in the email had some influence on somebody.

02-17-2006, 05:09 PM
I heard about miss Vivi on the news last night, and read about her in the paper this morning at school. How sad, for Vivi, and her owners. I hope someone responsible finds her, and returns her to her loving home.

02-17-2006, 05:14 PM
I was talking to my mom about it,and it seems kind of odd that she could just escape from her cage.Maybe it wasnt latched all the way or something,but we think someone stole her. Its difficult for a dog to escape from a cage. We think someone may have stole her :( Poor thing. I hope she's found soon.

02-17-2006, 05:51 PM
Here is an article on it. The search has been called off :( :( It says that Vivi is worth $25,000.


From the sounds of it, I don't think she was stolen. My guess would be that the cage door was not latched properly or was jolted somehow.

This is just so very sad. I can't even begin to imagine how the owners feel right now, let alone this poor lost and confused pup. Gawd....maybe you could reach down and wrap your arms around this little one. Thanks.