View Full Version : Guys I REALLY need some support asap

02-16-2006, 07:34 AM
Roxy just seems to be TOO agressive I got her spayed and it didnt help, you stick your hand in her cage and she tries to rip your hands to shreds..So I think its best for us to either have her euthinized or give her to someone who knows how to fix her agression or that will out up with her...I just dont know what to do...
It's like having a agressive dog but see theres places out there that help that and still then even some places cant...I want a bunny I can love not be scared of...

02-16-2006, 11:19 AM
was she agressive before spaying her, if you sticked your hand in her cage??

02-16-2006, 12:23 PM
yes. But my bunny group had convinced me to try a few methods with her , there all kinda teed off at me right now for saying that i might give her away.. but I can see why.
I'm in shock to what my mom just said! She said that I should get rid of her and I told her no and she said shes just a stupid animal! I cant belive my own mother just said that!! Well now I'm not speaking to her so tuff luck for her.

02-16-2006, 12:41 PM
Sorry you might have to get rid of her. Maybe phone your vet and ask if there are any bunny rescues in your area. Someone might be able to help. I had a female bunny a long time ago and she was aggressive too. I have a male now and he is sweet as ever. I know Miss Hoppy's a girl and I don't think shes aggressive.Good luck with whatever you choose, but try to find her a home before resorting to euthanizing her. Maybe someone from PT lives in your area. Post in pet general.

02-16-2006, 12:54 PM
I dont care what my mom says its not her bunny so she cant tell me to get rid of her. I decide on my own before that I might give her up but I have now decided not to.

02-16-2006, 01:18 PM
My old rabbit I had, Spring use to be mean like that, and bit your hand real hard, and make it bleed. :o I don't have any advice but I know what you mean. I gave her away though, because she hardly got any exercise, and the lady would give her a way better life, she was rabbit crazy and had like 25 rabbits. (also a big yard for the bunny to go, and huge houses) :D It was really hard the first few days I keep crying, because I missed her, but after a few days I realized she was having a better life. (the lady even sent me pictures) Good luck! :)

02-16-2006, 01:20 PM
good for keeping her, maybe she feels threatened when you stick your hand in......perhaps try get her out with some treats or stick your hand with a treat so she relates something good (food) with your hand in her cage......maybe is a teritorial issue, but who knows i´m no rabbit expert but you can try that.........

02-16-2006, 01:21 PM
Is it just a cage issue? Or is it all the time, even out of the cage?

I know almost nothing about rabbits.. but, is there any such thing like.. rabbit behaviourlists? :confused: :o

02-16-2006, 01:24 PM
I WISH there was such thing Jesse but there isntBut I found out tis because shes a girl and even tho0ugh shes fixed shes still going to be a grump about her cage its very common in bunnies

02-16-2006, 01:28 PM
I'm really glad that you are working on this issue and doing your best. How long ago was she spayed? I think it takes a while for the hormone balance to settle down. I agree with other posters that think putting your hand into her cage might be seen by her as aggresive and that drawing her out with treats might give you a better chance to interact with her and build up some trust between you.

02-16-2006, 01:49 PM
Belive me we have trust all down I'm the one who raised her not her mom. She got spayed in late August early October I cant remember.

02-16-2006, 01:53 PM
How old is she?

02-16-2006, 01:56 PM
I am so sorry to hear this! I had a duck that had aggressive problems we got rid of him to a home that shows ducks and know's about ducks behaviors. Are other three ducks are the sweetest after the other duck left. I know it has nothing to with bunny's.

I hope you can find out how to take care of the behavior problems. your in my thoughts.

02-16-2006, 02:01 PM
She turned 1 on new years

02-16-2006, 02:22 PM
If she is always aggressive when you put your hand in her cage, how about just leaving her cage alone?

I only go in the rabbits cage 2 or 3 times a week for cleaning, she probably just doesn´t like you ¨invading¨ her territory.

Samantha Puppy
02-16-2006, 02:29 PM
I dont care what my mom says its not her bunny so she cant tell me to get rid of her.Actually, if you're under 18 your mother most certainly CAN tell you what to do.

And I'd look around for rescues before I'd just euthanize an animal.

My Peanuts
02-16-2006, 02:50 PM
You would just euthanize a pet for being aggressive? It's not like she is large enough to be life threatening and she hasn't been trained to fight like a dog fight dog. I'm sorry, but that just makes me mad. I have a very aggressive cockatiel. He draws blood and takes chunks out of my hand if I give him the chance. When I adopted him I already knew this and I knew I would work with him, which I do. Re-homing a pet because you can't provide the care and time it needs is one thing and I support that, but euthanizing her seems VERY extreme. Pets aren't just there to be cute and nice and then when they aren't anymore people just think it's ok to give up on them. :mad:

I'm sorry that you have to make this difficult decision, but please don't euthanize a pet you supposedly love unless it’s out of love like if she was sick. Re-home her or give her to a shelter that will find someone who can handle her.

My Peanuts
02-16-2006, 02:53 PM
Also, to euthanize a perfectly healthy animal is just plain disgusting.

02-16-2006, 03:18 PM
If she is always aggressive when you put your hand in her cage, how about just leaving her cage alone?

I only go in the rabbits cage 2 or 3 times a week for cleaning, she probably just doesn´t like you ¨invading¨ her territory.

Rabbits need at least 2 hours outside of their cages per day.

02-16-2006, 03:40 PM
She is probably agressive when you stick your hand in her cage becuase you are invading her territory. How big is her cage? Is she allowed time out of her cage every day? If her cage is in your room, try letting her out with the door to your room shut and all cords covered or protected. Do NOT approach her, let her approach you. You need to gradually build her trust in you. Many, many, many rabbits with try to attack a hand stuck into their cage, but are freindly when they're out and about.

You need to remember that rabbits, in the wild, are prey - everyone is out to eat them, so picking her up can be seen by her as prelude to death.

Suki Wingy
02-16-2006, 03:46 PM
go out and buy Rabbits USA 2005 if you don't have it. There is an article in there about training an agressive/shy rabbit by rewarding her by going away when she did something good. I also would try opening her cage and just sitting there for a while each day and she might eventually venture out and then eventually toward you.

02-16-2006, 03:54 PM
You say that you raised her so I'm assuming you spent lots of time with her when she was very young and she allowed you to be closer to her than she does now. At what age did the aggresive behavior begin? You had her spayed to reduce her aggression? Did the aggresive behavior begin with her attacking you when you put your hand in her cage or in other ways also?

02-16-2006, 04:10 PM
Yes but outside of her cage she is just a doll its just in her cage..outside of her cage shes like a whole new bunny shes wants to be with you all the time she tries and climbs up your leg...its just the cage part.Oh and umm her garession started a little earlier then its expected so like 3 months pritty early.

Karen: Like I said in the above post its just in her cage agression.When I go to get her I put my hand in and put iit on top of her head and then pick her up and she some how STILL manages to bite me:confused: And for her cage hmm its pritty big. Do you know the ones they sell at super pet with wheels?? It's one of those. But my mom said no to a new cage.

You would just euthanize a pet for being aggressive? It's not like she is large enough to be life threatening and she hasn't been trained to fight like a dog fight dog. I'm sorry, but that just makes me mad. I have a very aggressive cockatiel. He draws blood and takes chunks out of my hand if I give him the chance. When I adopted him I already knew this and I knew I would work with him, which I do. Re-homing a pet because you can't provide the care and time it needs is one thing and I support that, but euthanizing her seems VERY extreme. Pets aren't just there to be cute and nice and then when they aren't anymore people just think it's ok to give up on them. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/mad.gif

I'm sorry that you have to make this difficult decision, but please don't euthanize a pet you supposedly love unless it’s out of love like if she was sick. Re-home her or give her to a shelter that will find someone who can handle her.
For the last time im NOT getting rid of her now!

My Peanuts
02-16-2006, 04:19 PM
Yes but outside of her cage she is just a doll its just in her cage..outside of her cage shes like a whole new bunny shes wants to be with you all the time she tries and climbs up your leg...its just the cage part.Oh and umm her garession started a little earlier then its expected so like 3 months pritty early.

Karen: Like I said in the above post its just in her cage agression.When I go to get her I put my hand in and put iit on top of her head and then pick her up and she some how STILL manages to bite me:confused: And for her cage hmm its pritty big. Do you know the ones they sell at super pet with wheels?? It's one of those. But my mom said no to a new cage.

For the last time im NOT getting rid of her now!
So let me get this straight. You'd rather put her down than find her a loving home or are you saying you are going to work with her until she gets nice or keep her even if she doesn't? I'm not attacking you. You say you want to put down a healthy animal because of behavior on a pet board, what kind of response did you expect from someone like me. If I have the story wrong I apologize.
There are too many people in this world that buy cute puppies, bunnies, whatever and get frustrated when they don’t train them and they grow up bad. Someone did that to my Jimmy and those people are disgusting and not worth the clothes on their backs. Again, if I misunderstood your intentions or what you are planning on doing with your bunny then I apologize.

02-16-2006, 04:26 PM
Well i am certainly relieved to hear you are going to work with Roxy and give her a chance, please never consider putting her to sleep as an option, it should never be one for a perfectly healthy animal, i used to own a netherland dwarf rabbit, to be honest she was never the best pet, she could be a bit nippy at times, but we adored her and loved her all the same, if Roxy is great out of the cage, then what is the big problem, so she gets a bit agressive when you approach her cage, that is no big deal really is it? it is probably like Karen suggested YOU are invading her territory, so i suggest you get some books or go online and learn about bunny behaviour and continue to work through this problem with Roxy,good luck.

02-16-2006, 04:57 PM
Karen: Like I said in the above post its just in her cage agression.When I go to get her I put my hand in and put iit on top of her head and then pick her up and she some how STILL manages to bite me:confused: And for her cage hmm its pritty big. Do you know the ones they sell at super pet with wheels?? It's one of those. But my mom said no to a new cage.

For the last time im NOT getting rid of her now!

So it's just in her cage aggression? I wouldn't worry about it. She's just a smart girl defending her exclusive territory. Is there a ramp or some way she could get in and out of the cage without you having to put your hand in? Miss Hoppy is a house bunny - gets pretty free reign, just barred from the basement, the office, and the spare bedroom), and her cage is one of those two-level "ferret" cages, so we bought a couple inexpensive plastic containers that we stack so she has stairs to hop up and down. When she needs to be locked in (say, if there are workmen going in and out, or the night our neighbor's house was burning down, and we needed to be able to catch her quickly to evactuate), there is a little door we can latch shut, so that's fine.

Instead of just reaching in to pick her up, yup could get in the practice of reaching in to set down a smalltreat once a day, so she becomes more accustomed to Your Hand in Her Cage = Yummy Stuff. She's a young bunny, with a strong personality, but that's okay! She - and you - can both be trained to make this a happier relationship for both of you!

02-17-2006, 07:07 AM
Rabbits need at least 2 hours outside of their cages per day.

My rabbits are out of the cage all the time, I just open the door for them in the morning and in the evenings I put a treat inside and then close the door behind them. The cage is their space, and I only go in there to clean.

Pawsitive Thinking
02-17-2006, 09:01 AM
Duncan was starting to be aggressive but then I had him neutered. Now I make sure that I chat to him all the time about all sorts of nonsense when I'm feeding him, cleaning him, etc....

It does sound like you've got a lot of work ahead with your bunny but I also sense that you have the determination to make it work. I hope your Mum backs off and gives you and Roxy a chance

02-17-2006, 01:32 PM
If she's a sweetie when outside opf her cage the solution seems to be pretty simple.....don't bother her while she's in the cage. Wait until she comes out and then give her attention. I had a rabbit who was the same way. MALE, meutering didn't help, so eventually I learned to just wait until he came out before I hung out with him. After all, he has the right to his own territory.

02-17-2006, 01:58 PM
Ok thanks for the advice guys and MyPeanuts I think you have the story twisted some how.

02-18-2006, 08:24 PM
I kind of agreee with what buttercup is saying. If the rabbit is aggressive
and nasty then what quality of life will it have?
Its far better to be kind to the animal and have it put to sleep than give it to another home where it may get hit or something if it bites someone. After a rabbit is spayed it is sposed to loose its aggressivness. This one apparently has not for whatever reson.
THat is a hard decision to make and i think the poor girl is calling out for support not to be attacked. She obviously does love her animals.
Give her some support guys....

02-18-2006, 08:36 PM
Read the whole thread, Lorn, we're giving her plenty of support.

02-18-2006, 09:16 PM
I've had a few problems with rabbits like this. Right now I've got 11 rabbits and none of them bite me, but alot of them are quite shy.

When you reach into her cage and she bites you she is trying to say "Get out of my home, this is my territory" If she's perfectly fine with you outside of her cage this shouldn't be too hard to fix. With lots of time and patience, I think she will learn to trust you when you reach in her cage.

First, leave her door open (if the cage is on the floor) and sit about 5 feet away from her cage. Once she gets out of her cage, talk softly to her. Let her come to you. Usually rabbits get curious and will come over and sniff you. Then you can pick her up. If she's fine out of her cage this shoulden't be a problem. I usually do that with my rabbits if they are shy or don't like being picked up. Just a few pointers.

Hope you can get her to not be aggresive. Good Luck. :)

02-18-2006, 10:05 PM
I kind of agreee with what buttercup is saying. If the rabbit is aggressive
and nasty then what quality of life will it have?
Its far better to be kind to the animal and have it put to sleep than give it to another home where it may get hit or something if it bites someone. After a rabbit is spayed it is sposed to loose its aggressivness. This one apparently has not for whatever reson.
THat is a hard decision to make and i think the poor girl is calling out for support not to be attacked. She obviously does love her animals.
Give her some support guys....

Read the whole thread. Everyone has given her support and the clearly stated they aren't trying to attack buttercup. Roxy has no reason to be PTS for such a stupid reason anyway. She is just protecting her territory. If someone was in your home I'm sure you'd call the police.

02-19-2006, 12:59 AM
I work at a kennel and even some really nice cats can get ornery when I go in their room because they feel "cornered". Maybe your bunny does too, if this only happens with her cage.

If this is NOT the only time she gets nasty, is there a bunny equivalent for kennel drops? These are very mild calming drops that go into her water.

Good luck!

02-19-2006, 02:28 PM
Sorry I guess I oughta have read the whole thread.
Just from what i had read.
I have since, spoken with Buttercup and She is in a very tough situation.
Its not right that you have to put big gloves on in order to feed her and give her water. From what I understand from her, most of this aggressivness is when in cage, but is also happening outside of the cage. She is becomin afraid of her. What kind of life will the rabbit have if it has no contact with people due to its viciousness????
Apparently it is getting worse. She seems to have tried many things..Even the spaying didnt help.
I to had a rabbit that was this way and we tried many things. We had taken her to vet and was told that the rabbit may have a mental disorder and that it is not a normal behaviour.
Having a Rabbit Lunge at you and try to attack u is not normal....
Yes there is such thing as cage aggression, but from talkin to butter, I do believe this is not just cage aggression.
I feel so sorry for her and yes for Roxy. I guess maybe because I had the same situation. My Poopy was put to sleep at 2 years old....For the same reason and under the suggestion of many.

02-19-2006, 03:12 PM
She posted that the bunny was not aggressive outside the cage. Patience, patience, time and patience.

Miss Hoppy lunges and grunts when we are playing toreador, a game she taught me, but does not otherwise.

02-19-2006, 03:25 PM
Hi Karen, yes she did say that, but as I said since speaking with her, I have learned there is more to it than just cage aggression. This is a young child who may not be posting the BIG picture.
She has bites all over her hands where she has been attacked for no reason. Having your rabbit play with you as u said Karen and lunging at you to attack you is two diffo things.

02-19-2006, 03:44 PM
Hi Karen, yes she did say that, but as I said since speaking with her, I have learned there is more to it than just cage aggression. This is a young child who may not be posting the BIG picture.
She has bites all over her hands where she has been attacked for no reason. Having your rabbit play with you as u said Karen and lunging at you to attack you is two diffo things.

Well that really isn't our problem if she didn't post the whole story.

Buttercup, whatever your choice is, I hope it is in the best interest of Roxy :)

02-19-2006, 03:48 PM
No one said it is your problem Cagney dog???? I am just trying to clarify some things. I personally think she is making a right decison, she has spoken with a proffessional and has been advised to do have her put to rest, they told her it will only get worse and she will end up ignoring it or hating it. Is that fair to either of them??????

02-19-2006, 04:02 PM
Stop fighting! Buttercup didn't start this thread for fighting. She started it for support. Bickering won't help at all. We all have different veiws but its Buttercups decision. NOT ours.

02-19-2006, 04:31 PM
gosh, I hope u dont think that I am fighting. Sorry if u do. That is not my intention. Awww!
Yes Goodluck Buttercup in any decision u may make.

02-19-2006, 05:13 PM
No one said it is your problem Cagney dog???? I am just trying to clarify some things. I personally think she is making a right decison, she has spoken with a proffessional and has been advised to do have her put to rest, they told her it will only get worse and she will end up ignoring it or hating it. Is that fair to either of them??????

What professional? Maybe it would help is buttercup told us the whole story.

I find it strange that you are new to the board, are only posting in this thread, and are actually agreeing with the idea that this bunny should be ¨put to rest¨.

02-19-2006, 05:24 PM
Thanks guys and Cangeydog thankyou for being nice. I made a new thread on my desicion for her wich I think is best for her I listened to my heart and did what was best I know in the long run she will be better off.