View Full Version : Any Nurses In The House?

Desert Arabian
02-15-2006, 06:18 PM
I am wondering if there is anyone on Pet Talk with any medical knowledge, I need some advice/opinions. Do not worry; I am going to the doctor! I just would like to get an idea of what might be wrong before I go in- it helps keeps my stress down, makes me feel more prepared, etc. I am in the process of finding a new doctor since I no longer would like to see my pediatrician- I am too old for him! Ok, with that being said this is what's wrong.

I suffer from migraines, I have been dealing with them since I was little. Migraines run strong on my mom's side of the family- all the females on her side are diagnosed with migraines. In the past, I didn't get that many and they didn't occur that often. I would say I had one maybe every 2 or 3 months. Recently, I have been having a migraine almost every week- starting in early December. Not only has the frequency increased, they have also become much more violent. I am starting to think there is something more serious going on aside from a migraine. In the past, I just had extreme sensitivity to light and sound, my head was in intense throbbing pain, I would sometimes get nausea, etc. NOW when I wake up in the morning, about 5-10 minutes after getting out of my bed and walking around, I get INCREDIBLY dizzy and start sweating as if I ran a marathon. Then my body goes numb and my entire body starts to tingle- like when your foot falls asleep. Then I blackout and collapse on to the floor. This has never happened before in my life, but has recently happened 5 times since early December. The first occurrence happened it was so bad the doctors at the hospital thought I was having a stroke and I underwent numerous MRI/CAT scans, but they all came back normal. The second time was at my boyfriends house, I was standing in his kitchen at the table- he said I was talking to him about how sick I felt then my eyes just rolled back in my head and I fell straight backwards hitting my head extremely hard on the floor. I had a large bump on my head for about 3 weeks afterwards. The third time was at my house- I ended up blacking out/collapsing TWICE, minutes within each other- my mom called 911 and I was rushed to the ER by ambulance. My heart rate was twice the normal and they had to perform an EKG to make sure everything was hunky dory- no MRI/CAT scan this time. I went through 2 bags of IV fluid due to dehydration. I almost had another attack last Sunday but I was able to stop it, I laid back down on my bed and just relaxed- I still went dizzy, sweated, and felt the tingling sensation- but I did not black out.

Would anyone have any idea as to what might be happening here? I was told by a co-worker at my job, whose husband is a brain cancer survivor, she claims I have all the symptoms of a brain tumor! After researching on the internet about brain tumors, I would have to agree with her- but how could I have a brain tumor!? I will be making an appointment tomorrow, not sure when I will be able to get in, I am nervous to find out what is going on. Thanks in advance for any insights; I know PT has lots of good advice-givers. :)

Edit: And may I add- no, I am not suffering from morning sickness/pregnancy. The doctors cleared that a long time ago.
Second Edit: I just realized I left out an important note: after I wake up from the black outs, my hands usually bend and my fingers curl up and freeze that way, I cannot move them.

02-15-2006, 06:58 PM
Dear Lord that is scary..I dont know any thing, but your in my prayers..

02-15-2006, 07:25 PM
From your description it sound like a lot more than just migraines.
When my cousin was 21 she blacked out a couple of times while driving and had a couple of close calls. She did have a brain tumor which was operated on and she is doing fine 20 years later.
You may want to PM Karen and Barbara because they both have some experience with brain tumors and maybe can clue you in to some of the symptoms.
If it is Pet Talk nurses you are looking for, I'm pretty sure that Tatsxxx and Sirrahbed are both nurses.
I really think you should see a doctor soon and have more tests done.
Blacking out sounds scary, what would happen if you blacked out while riding one of your favorite horses?
Sending you some hugs and get well soon wishes.

02-15-2006, 07:33 PM
I have two years of science from university and am currently getting my nursing degree so I have some medical knowledge but I would advise going to the doctor as soon as possible. When you make an appointment say it is urgent and make sure to get a second opinion, don't let them just brush it off. These could be symptoms of many things such as a neurological condition, an eating disorder which would affect heart rate, and could involve blacking out etc., or it is possible that it is connected to your past migrains but that they are getting progressively worse over time. It's true that you couldn't rule out a brain tumor but I wouldn't jump to conclusions to quickly. The symptoms you are describing and the frequency is alarming and you shouldn't let it go any longer and get to the doctor as soon as possible. Not only is there damage done everytime this happens to you and it is stressful on your brain and system, but maybe next time it could be more serious or you'll hit your head hard on something sharp or hard when you black out. I hope all goes well at the doctor and be sure to tell him/her all of your symptoms and if necessary get a second opinion or ask if you should see a specialist. I'll be praying for you and good luck.

02-15-2006, 07:44 PM
Wow, that must be hard, boy, the only migraines I ever get are when i am pms-ing...ooo...youll be in my prayers!! I Blacked out once on a horse, kinda slumped off, hit the ground and layed there like a dead mouse...eeee...ya....didn't feel good and i messed my knee up even worse!

02-15-2006, 10:14 PM
My brain tumor had no symptoms at all, except for hearing loss. But though a brain tumor sounds horrifically scary, what you are dealing with is far worse. All the battery of tests are worth it when you find out what's causing the problem, and if and how it could be solved.

Make yourself a list of your symptoms, so you don't forget anything when you are there.

02-16-2006, 07:42 AM
Definately go to a doctor! I've always had migraines my whole life as well. One thing I've always done is run straiught to the doctor when they were different. My migraine file must be inches thick! :o

My dad started to complain about intense migraines like that. We joked and laughed that he was being a sissy (because all his life he never complained of headaches, so we figured he had a little headache) well, he went to the doctor who took it quite seriously, ordered a CAT scan (or was it MRI?) and they found he had bleeding on the brain! :eek: He was immediately admitted to ICU -- they said if he did not get there when he did, he could have died because a blood vessel in his brain was about to completely rupture! :eek:

Daisy and Delilah
02-16-2006, 07:43 AM
I don't have any advice but I wanted to wish you the best in finding out what's going on. I know that wondering and worrying makes you feel worse sometimes. (((((HUGS)))))
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers :)