View Full Version : My dearest Sunny Bunny...

02-14-2006, 05:57 PM

Happy Valentine's day! I am so glad that you are my valentine again this year. I am mad at my Meowmie that she doesn't post on here more, but I think of you daily. You are very handsome and I am so glad you loved my presents.

You make my heart pitter patter (literally :eek: :))

Meowmie said you could even share her bed with me. :p

BUT most of all, you make my dreams come true.

Happy Valentine's day, Sunny Bunny!
With love,

02-14-2006, 07:56 PM
The Pet Angels have arranged a Quiet Rendez Vous fo those Two Love Cats at The Skylon Toowers,so they can have a booth ,all to temselves.
Amour,Toujors L'Amour!!
Pepe Le Pew.

02-15-2006, 12:10 AM
Dearest Callie,
You're the girl of my dreams and I'd love to share any bed with you. I hope that we'll be able to meet in person some day. Yes, I love all of the cat toys that you sent me. Hopefully your meowmie will get the package that I sent you by tomorrow. There's something very special in the package just for you. I hope that you had a wonderful Valentine's day my gorgeous Callie. I'll be dreaming about you tonight.

Forever Yours,
♥♥♥ Sunny ♥♥♥


02-15-2006, 08:19 AM
Awwww true love :D