View Full Version : Horse over population

02-11-2006, 10:51 AM
A new video about something that is hardly mentioned or seen to be a problem in the world of domesticated animals.

Miss Z
02-11-2006, 03:27 PM
Those poor horses:( :( i would give almost anything for a horse of my own, and some people who have them end up creating miserable lives for them. It's sick and sad. Thanks for posting this, i had no idea about equine overpopulation, as i presume that there isn't any in Britain, but i will now hope that the suffering of these horses will be lessened once more people learn about this problem.

02-11-2006, 04:03 PM
Well actually Miss Z,

the problem is the same in the UK,
if you go to the beeston horse sales (Just Near Delamere) you can pick up a nice lil pony/horse for about anything from 50 english pounds to about 300.
I used to live in the UK and would go every month to buy these poor critters before the meat men got a hold of them, i would then feed them up and rehome them thus saving them from being butchered and sent to france for the table.

Miss Z
02-11-2006, 05:07 PM
Well actually Miss Z,

the problem is the same in the UK,
if you go to the beeston horse sales (Just Near Delamere) you can pick up a nice lil pony/horse for about anything from 50 english pounds to about 300.
I used to live in the UK and would go every month to buy these poor critters before the meat men got a hold of them, i would then feed them up and rehome them thus saving them from being butchered and sent to france for the table.


I think that horse passports which are now compulsory here may have helped a little, but can't have done that much as the whole point of them was to see which horses are suitable for meat and which aren't. I'm horrified, poor poor horses:( :(

02-11-2006, 05:22 PM
I believe the horse passport stopped the cruel LIVE SHIPPING of horses to france, now the meat men butcher them in the uk and just send the meat in nice tidy boxes.

Miss Z
02-11-2006, 05:27 PM
I believe the horse passport stopped the cruel LIVE SHIPPING of horses to france, now the meat men butcher them in the uk and just send the meat in nice tidy boxes.

Yes, you're probably right. Although i HATE HATE HATE either method, i suppose that France will always want horse meat and sparing the horses a terrible journey is a TEENCY bit better than slaughtering them in the after hours of being cramped up. Ugh, just talking about this makes me feel so depressed and sad for all the poor horses. The human race can be so cruel:(

Sweet Sixy
02-13-2006, 06:55 PM
A couple of the horses at the stable I ride at have been rescued from the auctions. One of them was nothing more than skin and bones and is now a wonderful, spirited horse who loves everyone. It just breaks your heart to see people treat such a graceful creature like that.

02-14-2006, 03:34 AM
Thank you for posting the video, pictures like that need to be shown for people to understand this problem. It's so sad. :(

I knew - from my own sad first hand experience - that backyard horse breeders exist, but I wasn't aware of the magnitude of the problem. You are all right about this, one should always keep it in mind, and act in a way that will not enhance backyard breeding.

Sus and Bella