View Full Version : Miracle Diamond Ring!

02-11-2006, 08:08 AM
This morning mom woke me up at 9 am. She said, "Marie, there is a ring and a set of tweezers in the toilet", and me being half asleep I told her that it wasn't mine and I rolled over lol! She then made me come look. I went to the bathroom and the toilet water was low and foggy and sticking out of that little hole was a set of rusty old dirty tweezers, and then sitting right on the bottom was a sludge covered ring. I knew right away after 15 years of last seeing it that it was Mom's diamond engagement ring! She had lost it, knowing that it was down the flush because she left it on the vanity, when I was 5 or 6 years old. I took a pair of tweezers and went into the dirty water not caring and pulled out the ring. We washed it off, and sure enough it was her ring! She had missed that ring so much and it is such a beautiful, ring she almost cried she didn't believe it! I then went downstairs with it looking perfect on my left hand lol and calmly told Dad that Gordie had asked me to marry him lol! Mom says that he almost took a stroke and I told him that it was Mom's lost one! I don't know what he was more suprised about, that we found the ring, or that Gordie and I were getting married lol! It's hard to believe after 15 years that a little ring could come back but it did! After almost 30 years of marriage, Mom has her engagement ring back, and what perfecting timing for a Valentines Day present! I guess anything is possible in this house lol!

02-11-2006, 08:11 AM
WOW! That is amazing! Congrats on finding it agian! :D

02-11-2006, 08:20 AM

Now THAT is the kind of story you tell your grandchildren about!!! I'd be on the floor passed out!! What an omen that is. Things happen for a reason. What a great Valentine's Day for everyone.

Happy Valentine's Day, Marie!!

Um, can we get a picture of the ring?? I LOVE diamonds! :rolleyes: :D Oh yeah, and, how about calling the newspaper. I'm sure they'd LOVE a story like that for Valentine's Day (boosts circulation).

02-11-2006, 11:38 AM
What a wonderful ending to a lost ring..love it..IM so glad it was found :)

02-11-2006, 12:31 PM
That's a amazing story! Congrats to your mom I bet that made her really happy.

02-11-2006, 01:17 PM
OMG that is AMAZING! :eek:

Toby's my baby
02-11-2006, 03:23 PM
Wow, that is an AMAZING story!!! I'm glad you both found it!! Nice joke on your dad too, by the way ;) :p

02-11-2006, 06:24 PM
Nice story.
Almost too good to be true.

Daisy and Delilah
02-11-2006, 09:30 PM
WOW!! What a story. It's unbelievable. Where was the ring all this time?
p.s I know that sounds like a crazy question but it just makes me wonder where it could have been hiding :eek:

02-11-2006, 09:36 PM
Wow that is an amazing story I would agree that that would be an amazing story to tell your grandchildren. Lol nice prank you did on your dad.

02-11-2006, 10:37 PM
We really don't know where it was hiding but it was found in the toilet with a pair of tweezers so we think it some how hooked on to them; the tweezers were coming out of the little hole in the front part of the bowel! It really is a miracle I don't understand how it could have happened but we are so happy!

02-11-2006, 10:44 PM
Whoa! :eek: That is a neat story!

02-11-2006, 11:16 PM
Wow!!! What an amazing story. :D

02-12-2006, 06:04 AM
Sounds way to good to be true ;) Go buy a lottery ticket :)

02-22-2006, 01:28 AM
Ha, that's pretty cool! :)

Pawsitive Thinking
02-22-2006, 05:00 AM

02-22-2006, 06:30 AM
Years ago I dropped a toothbrush in the toilet. The toilet worked fine for a couple of weeks and then one day it wouldn't flush properly. Hubby unhooked it from the floor and took it outside and use the garden hose on full blast to flush it out. Out came the toothbrush! My guess is that in your case the ring got hooked on the tweezer and they were both wedged in there. Apparently there are some skinny places inside a toilet.

Long story short - what a great ending!! I think if it hadn't been for the tweezers it would have long ago been in your sewer system! :o Congratulations to your mom! ;)

02-22-2006, 11:33 AM
Amazing!!! I wonder if I'll have any mysterious jewelry coming up my toilet. :D

Congrats to your mom. :)

02-22-2006, 11:46 AM
What a great story! :D Wish I could find my first engagement ring, it was an amythest & 2 diamonds, long gone, along with my wedding ring from my first marriage and the jade ring my mom bought me when I graduated in '71. HaHaHa, now you know why I don't wear rings!