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View Full Version : Here we go again :(

02-11-2006, 07:20 AM
I was in the kitchen this morning, and everything was in order. I walked out, went upstairs to start scooping litterboxes. I didn't even get the plastic bag open when hubby started screaming. I flew down the steps and walked into the kitchen -- WHOO BOY! The kitchen was overpowered by the smell of urine :eek: Someone had peed on the counter! :eek: Of course all 5 cats were staring at me wide eyed in the dining room, so it could have been any of them.

It only happened once before, right before Pouncer got sick the last time. Dear God, PLEASE do not tell me Pouncer is sick from the stress of sweet Emory! Em's the nicest foster I've had yet, and if anyone was going to be here with little stress, its Emory.

And I had agreed to foster 2 Katrina cats that were rescued from the hands of a dog fight ring (they were going to be dog bait :mad: ) They also have homes but the person adopting them is going out of the country for a while and needed someone to foster them until he returns.... I just won't be able to do it! What if these cats are a bit "off" because of their experiences? I cannot have Pouncer stressed, and if he's showing signs of stress already with just sweet Emory.... then I don't know what to do :(

02-11-2006, 09:15 AM
Pouncer Angel will have to lecture her protege once again what that box full of litter is for,and she may have to mix in a cuff or two in the process,it must be frustrating having this happen,because of you doing a good deed.

02-11-2006, 09:17 AM
YIKES! Peeing on the kitchen counter is definitely not acceptable! :eek:
Poor Kim! I sure hope it isn't Pouncer again, but at least it would be easiest to know WHO did it! :rolleyes: Maybe he isn't sick, just making a very STRONG statement to his mommy about another newbie in the house? Good luck!!!


02-11-2006, 09:19 AM
Oh dear...even the separate room isn't helping? Poor you and hubby and kitties!
I have no ideas to help, but I hope things work themselves out soon!


02-11-2006, 10:26 AM

As someone who has been in your position with fosters, rule number one in fostering...YOUR CATS COME FIRST!!!

Is there anyway you can cage them in a separate room? This way you can let them out frequently without the worry about Pouncer2 peeing to prove her point. It's either that or finding another foster home. Afterall, it IS her home.

Good luck.

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-11-2006, 10:41 AM
OMG, I wish I could help you :eek: !! I really hope that someone here can tell you what to do!
In the meantime, all I can offr you is this : http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20973%20Huge_hug.gif

02-11-2006, 11:37 AM
Well, Pouncer is currently snuggling with Allen and when he was sick, he didn't want to cuddle so much -- he just wanted to be alone. Emory is isolated from everyone else because he might have pnemonia and I don't want him catching whatever my guys have that keeps them from making solid poops (yes, I'm still dealing with diarrhea here :o )

I called the guy who wanted me to take his cats and told him I am very sorry, but he's going to need to find another home for them while he is out of the country. I felt awful, but Pouncer DOES come first, and always will.

I can't understand why anyone would have peed on the counter. Only once before and that was when Pouncer was sick. None of my cats ever go on the counter. Never. It makes no sense. I'm just going to watch everyone for signs of illness.

02-11-2006, 03:16 PM
Kim, I'm sorry to hear this and I sure hope it's not Pouncer again. :( Hopefully whoever did it won't continue. Good luck. (((HUGS)))