View Full Version : Kinda nervous...

02-10-2006, 10:01 PM
Tomorrow I'll be dog/house sitting for a week. A friend from flyball is going away and needed someone to basically move in for the week she is gone to look after her pets. She has 3 dogs, (I believe I posted a picture of them at x-mas. Pedro, Harley and Lola) 2 bunnies and 2 fish tanks. *phew*

Lola is Zeke's girlfriend, so naturally he has to come too ;) :o Plus, I'd be pretty lonely without atleast ONE of my babies at night. I couldn't take Josie, because I don't know that her and Lola would get along. I know she gets along with Harley though.

How I'm going to walk 4 dogs is beyond me. I figure Zeke and Lola will exhast themselves in her yard (She has a really nice sized yard.) and I could walk the other 2. I've never spent this long (at night) in a house alone before, so I'm really nervous. Last time I spend the night completely alone, I could SWARE someone was breaking in and never slept the whole night...haha. It doesn't help that my house is pretty big either.

It might be good for me, especially since I really want to move out asap.
(note: asap means whenever I can afford a place with a yard...which also means, no where in the near future.)

Be expecting some pictures :) (I get THREE days off coming up!! I can't believe it, I'm so excited hahaha. I've been working 6 days, and it's been draining me)

02-10-2006, 10:16 PM
Have a great time Audrey, try not to stress out too bad and not enjoy yourself. :)

02-11-2006, 09:58 AM
Relax and enjoy a different atmosphere. I house/kitty sit for my friends whenever they go away. It's like a mini-vacation. They have this old 3 floor victorian home that has a rock climbing room in their attic, complete with a mattress-lined floor. (Mike climbed Mt. Everest last year). I LOVE this house. Plus I get to see Otto (f/k/a Tucker) who they adopted from me.

You'll be fine. Enjoy the view!!

02-11-2006, 10:04 AM
:D I can see why your nervous. But I'm it'll be fun and Zeke will enjoy it!

02-11-2006, 10:12 AM
Relax Audrey, pet/house sitting can be a little scary at first because you want to make sure that everything goes okay and that nothing happens to either the pets or the house...at least that's how I was when I frist dog sat for my friends. But just think of it this way, if she didn't trust you she wouldn't have asked you to do this for her.

02-11-2006, 12:10 PM
Miss Hoppy is glad, on behalf of the bunnies, that a Pet Talk person is there to care for them! Slip them some parsley from her!

02-11-2006, 01:43 PM
Here are some pics. I'll post more later.

02-11-2006, 01:44 PM
one more

02-11-2006, 01:46 PM
I'll try to get pictures of her bunnies (one of them is like..really big and furry lol) and maybe the fish too, they are huge!)

02-11-2006, 01:52 PM
Great pictures! :D They are adorable!!

02-11-2006, 01:56 PM
When I'm alone which I will be in a couple of weeks for four weeks I always keep the doors and windows locked up day and night. Whether I go out or not. Its a safety thing for me. I own two cats.

I'm sure you will be alright but if you are a bit nervous leave the front hall light on when it starts to get dark at night. That way anyone who wants to break in will think twice when they see the front hall light on. It will make you feel better knowing it is on too. If you have neighbours tell your friend you are sitting for to let the neighbours know that you are watching over the pets and house. Like a neighbourhood watch thing as that's what I do.

Good luck and have a good time.