View Full Version : Bad News...

02-10-2006, 10:16 AM
I'm so upset right now, I have to re-home them. My cats. We can't handle them anymore and were at our witts end. We've tried everything! They run up and down the stairs all day making our neighbours downstairs complain they've bit through all the wires to everything electronic in the house. We tried all the suggestions here about the wires bitter apple and foam on them but they got through it in the night and ruined my flat screen MONITORRR :mad: :mad: I'm so mad and sad at the same time. Pixie bites now when I sing to the baby she tried to even bite her, she growls and has turned horrible I love them so much but I can't live like this. I found pee and poop under the comp desk. You would think it was maybe because I had a baby but they have been like this since before she was born and I just can't take it anymore. Please dont hate me I just can't do it. They have to live somewhere else. Please keep me in your thoughts I'm gonna need strength today :(

02-10-2006, 10:50 AM

No one here is going to hate you. At least I don't. Cats are unique creatures who don't like change. A baby is a big change that takes up ALOT of the time that used to go to them. Sounds like they're trying to get your attention. It's normal. Have you consulted your vet about the behavior? I think maybe a check up might be called for. Maybe there's some kind of sedative you can give them so it'll calm them down.

If not, do you have any friends that might be able to adopt them together? At least they'll have each other and the transition might be alot easier. If you lived closer I would be more than happy to take them and rehome them. Unfortunately, I'm not.

Please try to rehome them rather than bringing them to a shelter. When you put an ad in the paper, make SURE you ask for an adoption fee (at least $50 - you've got vet bills to prove it). With that kind of fee, you'll get only serious inquiries.

Believe me, I know how difficult this is for you. When I had to rehome Fawnie and Doogie, I was beside myself. That was until I met Val. The minute I saw her, I KNEW right then and there Doogie was going to be loved and cared for by an awesome person! Fawnie and my other cat Carly are living together up in Ann Arbor in a wonderful home.

(((((((((HUGS))))))) and prayers to you, Jod. I hope you find the perfect home for them and please, don't blame yourself. This happens ALL the time. But if ya do it right, you'll have peace of mind, and they'll have great homes.

Killer Kitten
02-10-2006, 10:58 AM
When my cats got out of hand, I created a cat room. Washable floors and walls, a screen door so they can still see us and talk to us, and lots of climby spaces including a closet with ramps and cut outs in the shelves, just for cat lounging.

It kept them from trashing our home, and at the same time they really developed a sense of security from having a space that was just theirs. If you have a spare room, I'd recommend this route highly. We used what was formerly our guest room. Guests can bunk at a hotel and I get to keep my cats and not have crap or puked up hairballs all over the house.

02-10-2006, 11:09 AM
Great idea Killer Kitten!!

02-10-2006, 11:35 AM
(((hugs))) I am so sorry - I know you must be going through a flood of emotions. You have to do what's right for you and your family. Would a cat room be a possibity at all? I don't think anyone will be mad at you for this, don't worry.

02-10-2006, 12:03 PM
I'm sorry your going thru this. Must be a full moon. My parents cats of 10 years have been misbehaving horribly and testing their paitence.

I second the cat room suggestion.

Andy plans to make one for Zam and Logan when we get a house. Right now they zoom all over the apartment and keep him up at nights. Which makes him cranky in the morning. If we simply shut the door to the bedroom, Zam will throw herself against it. :eek: :o :mad: :(

Best of luck to you.

02-10-2006, 07:07 PM
I have never had kids, but have heard from many that having a new baby just turns the world upside down!

You are to be COMMENDED for thinking about your kitties and trying your best to work things out - to take the TIME that is suddenly so precious to work with your kitties.

Put out an APB on your email - and is there a fostering society in your neighbourhood?

I know it can be heartbreaking, I can't even imagine...but when your fur kids get loving homes, you will feel better. AND when your baby is older, you can give a great home to some new furbabies!

I agree with some others here - I think the kitties are jealous - but you have only so much time to give them attention.

Catmandu lives in Ontario, but I don't know if he is close to where you are.

Keep us posted!

02-10-2006, 07:13 PM
Oh, dear, what a sad decision to have come to. We will understand, and will support you whatever you decide, and know your heart must be heavy right now.

02-10-2006, 07:19 PM
I wish you and Your Cats well,and I pray that you can find them Furr Ever Homes,where they can live.
I know how Sad it must be for you to go through this,and I know that noone here thinks that you are making this decision lightly,and certainly noone hates you.
Our Prayers are with You and Your Cats.

02-10-2006, 07:25 PM
wow pixie bites if you're talking to a baby..sorry you had to go through this! :(

I don't know what to suggest, I like the ideas above, something you can do about behaviors but not all of possibilites may work when you have a baby, a lot of time required. everything may seem impossible to you right now but don't forget to let us know what we can help you with! do you have any spouse/friend that comes over often could help with your furkids and share extra attention? have all of this happened just right after you had babies or probably it's because of new apartment you moved in last week? any previous tenants had furkids? that, old smells may cause troubles too.

meanwhile, don't forget to take care of yourself, jods. (((hugs!)))

02-10-2006, 08:36 PM
The only one thing I might suggest is to bear with things for another 2 months. You might find that the stress of a new baby in the house (and the stress you are feeling from alot of sleepless nights) might be making things worse than they are.

02-10-2006, 08:48 PM
I rehomed Pongo he is a kitten so i knew he'd find a home fast, I love him but I had to do it. It was a long day one of the worst I've had in a long time. Pixie is getting another chance. She is enjoying being an only cat right now and even though she loved Pongo she has been on my lap all night. I've been going to my moms alot since I had the baby and I've decided to stay home more often and spend more time with her it may help. Anything so I can keep her, but I'll tell ya I'm in the dog house with hubby tonight :rolleyes: LOL I bought another spray for the wires its called bitter lime we'll see how she likes that and hopefully it was Pongo anyways and not her and the problem will be solved. Thanks for the caring words and love I need it. :(

02-10-2006, 09:27 PM
Well...kittens ARE friskier, so hopefully it was him. Hopefully Pongo's new owner will give you updates and visits.

Can your mom come to your place more often?


Maya & Inka's mommy
02-11-2006, 07:02 AM
This must be such a hard decision for you!! I am happy you already found a solution for Pongo :) . Let's hope that Pixie isn't jalous anymore, now that she is the only cat around! Be careful though..

ps. Your little baby is sooooo precious!!!

smokey the elder
02-11-2006, 07:14 AM
My oldest cat Ebony has been a snot lately; I think I've figured out that he was protesting that I didn't feed him Poultry Platter food! He peed inappropriately twice, then gave me "questioning" looks. When I was dishing up another food this morning, he looked disdainfully at it. The penny dropped, and I provided another choice, which he dove into. (He's 15 so I'll indulge him.)

02-11-2006, 03:46 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about your tough situation. All of us here understand your position right now. You want to do the right thing but you just don't know what that is. You did the very best thing you could possibly have done, you told us about it. I respect you for that. I wish I could offer more than just my support. Knowing the gang on PT, you can be sure of getting some great advice. Keep us upated, okay?

02-11-2006, 08:32 PM
I'm jumping in with a suggestion about those wires. Get some long pieces of clear plastic tubing (probably any major hardware store will have it) and carefully cut the entire length of the tubing..measuring how long it needs to be first. Slip it over the wires (as many as you can bundle together inside it) and hopefully this will solve THAT problem. ;) The parts where the tubing doesn't cover, I'd spray with the bitter stuff. Sleep deprevation and a brandy new baby I'm sure are adding to stress all around. I lve the idea of a cat room as well that Pixie can feel secure in. Wishing you luck, and hoping you don't have to rehome her too. :)