View Full Version : Picture of PepperAnn (closeup) and a picture of my sister's dog "bear"

04-15-2002, 01:21 PM
This is my sister's puppy "Bear"... Not sure what kind of dog he is yet..... any ideas?

And here is Ms Pepper...

Ms Pepper likes to try and escape out the front door. I wish I knew WHY :( I do not want her going out... at least not yet...

Former User
04-15-2002, 01:25 PM
Rachel, cute pics!
Pepper is adorable!!!!

04-15-2002, 01:29 PM
and I really dont want her to...
So far she has made it out the door to the top step (it is just one step). Dh was going to bring her over to me, but she freaked... which is "fine".
But now as soon as we open the door she goes racing for it, trying to get outside :/ and she is FAST!!!

04-15-2002, 05:03 PM
Bear is definately a shepherd mix... and a gorgeous one at that!

04-15-2002, 05:15 PM
How old is Bear? Looks like there could be some Bernise Mountain dog (spellcheck) possibly. Maybe even some Rottie?

I know what you mean about Pepper getting out. I have a cat that door-dashes all the time, and there is no way we can let the cats out where we live (busy road).
:eek: It is a constant worry. Our other cat seems to have no interest in going outside. :confused: go figure...........

04-15-2002, 05:20 PM
The other 2 shy away from the door. Dh tried to take Milo out (holding her) and she freaked and clawed dh :( Which Im glad for. I dont want her going out...

IF Pepper sat on the step it would be ok but I dont want to risk finding out. Funny if she goes out alone she's fine but if one of us carry her she freaks.

Most (not all but most) of the time, she's following me out the door :/

04-15-2002, 05:26 PM
Oh what cuties they both are! :D

04-15-2002, 05:32 PM
Wow! I love the picture of the puppy. Where is Pepper at in that picture? Is she in something?

04-15-2002, 07:29 PM
Pepper is on the back of my couch :) She is look at me "me". I am sitting at my computer desk :D All 3 love to sit there and creeeep over my shoulder...

04-16-2002, 06:44 AM
The pictures are great!

Maya and Foxy have the same habit of dashing out of the door. We live on the 4th floor so there is no danger (unless we accidentally forget to send the lift to one of the "petless floors"
:D ). I don't understand why they do it sicne they are both scaredy cats and go into panick mode if I need to take them anywhere :rolleyes: Prema on the other hand would not dream of going out of the front door.

04-16-2002, 06:57 AM
What cute pics! Yum Yum does the same thing about going outside everytime we open the door. It is bad to do especially when we have to come back in for something on our way to work.Then we have to catch her before we leave. :(


04-16-2002, 11:26 AM
:rolleyes: Oh !! As soon as Sydney hears the doorbell ; he rushes to it ,hoping we won't notice him . Once in a while we forget to close the door between the hall and the livingroom when somebody is at the frontdoor .... Sydney loves to sleep all day , but in this case , he can run faster than the wind !!! But as soon as he gets in the garden , he freakes , gets very nervous and panics !!! Not easy to catch him then !! Shaking with his dry-food-box is usually the only way to get him back inside :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

As to the pictures , they are great Rachel !!! I've told you already
didn't I , Pepper is my favorite of your pets !!!

04-16-2002, 12:38 PM
Im going to go pick up a couple leashes today at lunch and see if she wants to go out... Hopefully I can leash train her... until we can fence in the back yard.

04-18-2002, 12:14 AM
Great pictures. My cat Pepper sometimes thinks that he wants to go out with me. He'll run out into the hallway and then hear a noise or see someone and then get scared and run back in. Sunny and Storm have no interest in going outside. Storm will try to go out on my balcony though. Once the sliding glass door is opened , he knows how to open up the screen door to let himself and the other kitties out.