View Full Version : I'm Breeding My Dog Cause She's Pretty

02-09-2006, 07:01 PM
Long conversation.. please read and give me some advice on how I could approach her more calmy and nicely try to discourage breeding. :(

Love4BCs is me, ox lmao is my friend.

ox lmao: hey
Love4BCs: Hey
ox lmao: sup?
Love4BCs: Not too much.. signing a petition for Oprah to do a show on spaying and neutering your pet..... haha
ox lmao: Ooooh
ox lmao: my dog isnt spayed xD
Love4BCs: Are you going to get her spayed?
ox lmao: no.
ox lmao: 1)
ox lmao: we've never spayed dogs, it feels more natural to keep them natural, and our dogs are healthy (we have two), and we've always taken care of them, they've never been "bred" or anything
ox lmao: 2)
ox lmao: we plan on breeding my dog Tara if her kidneys can handle it, when she's over three years old.
Love4BCs: lol Spaying and neutering doesn't change your dog much.
ox lmao: yes it does lol
Love4BCs: Why breed her? :confused:
ox lmao: natural males/females act differently
Love4BCs: Nahuh.. ;)
ox lmao: breed her because she's got good temperament, beautiful dog... she's so.. we love her personality
Love4BCs: That's so untrue.
ox lmao: no its not x.x
ox lmao: we've compared
ox lmao: natural males/females are a bit harder tot rain
ox lmao: and they are more edgy/aggressive/assertive
Love4BCs: lol Just because she has a good personality doesn't mean her pups will.. it does boost the chance.. but.. And you shouldn't breed her because she's beautiful and she's got a wonderful personality. You have to breed for the best of the breed......that the dog represents the best of the breed at it's natural abilites.
ox lmao: Well you shouldn't be telling me what I can and cant do with my dog.
ox lmao: not to mention..
Love4BCs: If you're going to breed her, don't tell me about it. There's enough dogs being put to sleep because people breed their pets because their's is "beautiful" "it has a wonderful personality".
ox lmao: you dont know my dog, so why are you assuming?
Love4BCs: What am I assuming?
ox lmao: We're not like that -_-;
ox lmao: we arent going to ditch puppies
ox lmao: or sell them
ox lmao: we're either keeping them or giving them to homes we KNOW will have them in good hands
ox lmao: and im sure we'll be keeping at least one
Love4BCs: Okay then. You do that.
ox lmao: its like that
ox lmao: "Thats my baby" show on uhh.. Animal Planet
ox lmao: we're people that actually care
Love4BCs: I guess the reality of the situation of all the beautiful, wonderful dogs dieing DAILY by the THOUSANDS in shelters hasn't hit your heart and mind yet.
ox lmao: yeah thanks -_-; you're really ******* pushing me
ox lmao: it has hit me
Love4BCs: You're the one who brought it up
ox lmao: our last dog we ADOPTED HER FROM A SHELTER!
Love4BCs: I'll ttyl.
ox lmao signed off at 6:55:44 PM.

02-09-2006, 07:08 PM
She seems clueless to the fact that million upon millions of dogs are put down every year because of this situation. I'd show her a website or something with all that stuff.

02-09-2006, 07:14 PM
Send her these to read from my blog.

Just One Litter.

She is so cute, I would love to have a litter from her, and she would be a great mom.
How many times have you heard that from someone?I think if I had $1 for every time I heard this statement I would be rich beyond my wildest dreams. If I had a dollar for every time I had heard the other excuses I would have more money than Oprah!!!! You know the comments I am talking about … “ She is such a great cat/dog, her babies would be wonderful” “I want her to have one litter before I get her fixed” and my all time favorite “I want my children to experience the wonder of birth.”
Well folks, time to wake up and smell the coffee ….
· She is so cute. There are millions of cute puppies slaughtered every year in shelters across the world, and their moms were all cute and really good moms too.· Just one litter…. Take a trip to the local pound and look at the results of the “just one litter” line of thought you will find most of them on death row, abused, half starved or dumped because no one wanted them.· Her babies would be wonderful … I am sure they would be, they all are, sadly most of these wonderful babies end up dead, piled one on top of the other at the local pound.· The wonder of birth … I hope you also want your kids to experience the reality and the heartbreak of death. Because as sure as god made little green apples, chances are at least half of the puppies/ kittens born will die prematurely due to that fact that no-one wants them.
So what is the answer to this dilemma, my opinion is Spay/Neuter your pet, it really is that simple. Your animals will live longer, happier, healthier lives, and in and ideal world there will no longer be a need for pounds, shelters and rescues. (Yes, I know it’s a pipe dream.)
In shelters throughout America, an animal is killed about every 10 seconds, not because it is sick, or aggressive, simply because no-one wants it, there are to many animals and not enough homes, and they are the lucky ones. Many more are starved, beaten, drowned or shot. If you have any doubt in your mind go take a look at the local shelters, 100’s upon 100’s of unwanted animals.
So come on people set an example, care for your animals. SPAY AND NEUTER TODAY!

Disposable Society

So we can all accept we live in a disposable society.

Bic razors, ball point pens, plastic bags and ring pull cans, all very useful.

In recent years we have advanced even further, disposable printers, computers, TV's, we can even trade in our old cars for new ones.

Sadly it also seems that a lot of society have adopted this attitude to life as well, your friends disagree with you so you dump em and get new ones, you don't like your job.... dump it and get a new one, your cat reaches 10 years old and starts to have health issues, dump it and get a new one... oh I’m sorry, you said you can't give it the time you used to, that makes sense, I mean you have had it for ten years, just like that 10 year old car, it requires a bit more care, that makes sense, you'd trade the car in, why not the cat.

Then of course you have the untrained dog in the yard, you know, the one you tell everyone about, well heck, it got out the other night and bit the neighbors dog, hmmmm, this could cost you some money to fix, awwww heck, just dump it and get a new one, if you play your cards right, you can save a life in the process, and if your really lucky the dog may even come with some extras, like training, what a deal, you didn’t get that with the last one. The problem is the old one you want to trash, what are you going to do with it?

Well lets look at the options, take it to the vet and put it to sleep hmmmm ... nah can’t do that, first it would cost money, and second it would take courage, one you can't afford, the other you haven’t got.

Ok so that option is not open. I know, take it to the pound, hmmmm, nah can’t do that, that’s where your going to get the new one, it may give them the wrong idea, darn they may even think you a lousy dog owner and not let you have a new one, what’s worse is, they may put the old one to sleep and YOU can't bare to think about that, after all you love this dog, you fed it, you got it's shots, you even let it live in your yard.... nope that’s not going to work.

Now what? hmmm, let me think for a second, I got it, take the collar off, and go for a drive in the country, dump the dog in a nice rural area and go home, someone is bound to pick it up, and who could not love this dog? (You do, otherwise you wouldn’t be going to all this trouble.) The one that has no manners and has no training, and has lived out in a back yard all of it’s life. Yep that is definitively the answer, because even if the worst come to the worst, and the dog turns nasty or becomes a lost cause, you won’t have to face your failure or your responsibilities, the person that picks the dogs up will do that.

Yep, that’s the answer, hey you may even get a new dog that matches the new car, wouldn’t that be a big bonus.

After all, everyone accepts that we live in a disposable society.

02-09-2006, 07:33 PM
Ugh, I know how you feel. Some breeders are fantastic at what they do, but really, if you see dogs running around the streets, does it really look like we need anymore? And it's not with just people breeding their dogs when not needed, but another thing that really bothers me (this is really off subject but it had just happend and I needed to add it) but my friend just got a new chihuahua, and I was talking to him on the internet, I asked *Is your dog spayed/neutered?* and he was like *huh?* I asked him if anyone in his family knew ANYTHING about taking care of a dog, he said he wasn't sure. And instead of going off and looking at how to even take care of a dog, him and his sister went to get some clothes for the dog!! This was the part that made me go *ARE YOU SERIOUS?* my friend said *my dog is making weird noises* and I said *what kind of noises?* and he replied *barking noises*.... is he serious? I kno I shouldn't get that mad because of those things.. but he should of studied more about owning a dog! When we got our first dog Buffy, I was reading about dogs every second I could. -- sorry its very off topic

02-09-2006, 07:47 PM
give this to her, too..


02-09-2006, 09:03 PM
ox lmao: we've compared
ox lmao: natural males/females are a bit harder tot rain
ox lmao: and they are more edgy/aggressive/assertive

So wouldn't that be more of a reason to get her spayed? :p She sounds clueless.

Definitely give her what flip195 posted. I hope she realizes what she's doing :(

02-09-2006, 09:07 PM
She sound like a complete idiot... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Dixieland Dancer
02-10-2006, 08:40 AM
People like her should not even own a dog let alone breed one. Being a breeder is a task that can take on many different avenues. First the dogs (both sire and dam) need to have health clearances that they are healthy. What is her comment if her kidneys can handle it???? What about other parts of her body? Second, Ask her if she is willing to pay the vet costs if something goes wrong. I have been involved in perfectly planned breedings that have gone wrong. The worse case was a mom who needed an emergency cesarian and then died on the operating table with 9 newborns healthy with no mom. The cost of feeding them not to mention the time to bottle feed until we found surrogate moms willing to help out.

Is she willing to guarantee none of her pups ever go to a shelter, for any reason. Responsible breeders are willing to bring a pup they breed back into their home no matter what the reason. What if the dog is totally aggressive or worse yet, she finds out one is being abused no matter how hard she tried to make sure they all got loving homes? If these questions offend her then it is just further proof she should never breed a dog.

This link is powerful and shows the difference between a responsible breeder and a backyard breeder. She should know she would be a backyard breeder. http://st15.startlogic.com/~justonel/breeder.html

02-10-2006, 09:47 AM
"Just one litter" -- We had that thought too when we first got Star, we were so in love with her - but my vet convinced me it was far better to spay her before having a litter. I'm glad we did. When we decided to add another dog, we adopted from a shelter. It was March, and they were literally overrun with "Christmas litter puppies" that weren't adopted. There were cages that had as many as 8 and 9 puppies all crammed in together. Rosie had been part of a litter of 7. She was only the fourth to be adopted. I often wonder how many of those "adorable puoppies" made it to a home? Seeing that was enough for me, personally I think only serious breeders should be the only ones to breed their dogs. When we adopted our third dog, Sherman, his breeder (professional breeders) She said their philosophy is that THEY were responsible for bringing these dogs into the world, THEY were willing to be responsible to that dog for its entire life, and made it clear that he would ALWAYS be welcomed back FOR ANY REASON.
I hope you don't loose a friendship over this, and i admire your efforts to show her the other side of puppy breeding. I hope she'll listen.