View Full Version : pooping everywhere!

maxx's mom
04-15-2002, 10:49 AM
My cat has been running around my house, pooping everywhere for the last 3 days. I know it's not a behavoiur problem, because she seems scared and confused. I don't know what's wrong with her! Any ideas?

04-15-2002, 11:04 AM
Take her to the vet, the sooner the better. She may be sick, and unable to control herself, which would leave anyone scared and confused!

How old is she, and I take it before now, she never did this? Any big changes in the household? Still, call your vet now, just in case.

04-15-2002, 02:10 PM
First of all : welcome to the world of Pettalkers !!! It's so much fun to be here !!!!
How long do you have that cat of yours ??? If she is new , then do not worry ; she (or he) has to get used to its new home and family !!!!
But as Karen says , the cause can also be a medical one ; I would try to see a vet as soon as possible !!
Please get us updated on how it goes !! Success to you !!!

maxx's mom
04-15-2002, 04:28 PM
She is about 9 months old, and has never done this before. I have an appointment at the vets tonight and will keep you posted.

04-15-2002, 06:53 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk. Fingers and paws crossed for you and your fur-baby that all goes well at the vets this evening. Do keep us posted on what the vet says. What is your cat's name?

[Duh moment here: by any chance is your furbaby named ... Maxx? :rolleyes: :o Sometimes I swear I need a keeper! Good luck to you both!]

maxx's mom
04-16-2002, 12:24 PM
Well, it seems that the vet can find nothing unusual with Maxx, other than she has a bit of a fever. She is not to get any food for 24 hours to "empty her out", and she is on antibiotics. She is not a happy kitty at the moment! Her hunger cries this morning just about broke my heart. I hope this works!

Former User
04-16-2002, 12:28 PM
Oh poor baby, I hope she will be fine soon!
Welcome to Pet Talk, any pictures to post about Maxx?

04-16-2002, 01:35 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk. I hope your baby feels better real soon. Please, keep us posted.:)

maxx's mom
04-16-2002, 03:34 PM
Here is a picture of Maxx. She is our little baby!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-16-2002, 03:51 PM
Oh, such a sweet face. I sure hope she's feeling better soon. :( :)

04-16-2002, 05:26 PM
Oh, Maxx is such a pretty girl. Would you please give her a cuddle for me? Is she starting to feel better yet, or is it still too soon to say?

04-16-2002, 06:12 PM
Oh she IS precious!!! I sure hope she's feeling better! Do let us know how she is!
Welcome to Pet Talk too! Prepare to become addicted! :D


04-17-2002, 07:35 PM
Oh Maxx looks just like my little Scooter did. I sure hope Maxx feels better real soon. Please keep us posted.

maxx's mom
04-17-2002, 08:37 PM
Maxx has not had another episode since Monday morning. I am trying her on her regular food now, with the hope that the problem has passed for good. She is tearing around the house as we speak with her favourite toy, a plastic drinking straw, so I think she is feeling okay. Thanks for all your good wishes!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-17-2002, 09:11 PM
Good to hear Maxx is feeling so much better! :)

However, I wonder....do you know what happens with all the straws when she is done playing with them? It seemed like she was acting like she had some kind of blockage, and I'm no expert, but I think parts of a plastic straw might be the culprit if she chews on them when she's done playing with them.

Just an idea because I know you would feel so bad if that's what it turned out to be and you could have done something about it.

04-18-2002, 01:09 AM
I used to let Cassy and Sassy chomp drinking straws: they did look really cute with them. I quit when I noticed: 1) that there were a lot of ragged edges that could break off and get swallowed after chomping and 2) they were getting acquisitive over the straws in my sodas. I never lost a straw I was actually using to the kids, but forsaw problems (and REALLY grossed out visitors/ relatives) if they continued.

For what it's worth...

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-18-2002, 01:18 AM
Glad she is feeling better please give that pretty kitty a BIG HUG FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-18-2002, 06:22 AM
Hi Maxx's Mum and another Welcome to Pet Talk - she is the most BEAUTIFUL furbaby and I hope she's continuing to make good progress - is she still one the antibiotics? Don't forget to finish the course. I think I'd agree with T&P's Mum and AmberLee - little tiny pieces of broken straw could cause trouble.
Look forward to more pics., of Maxx. :) :)


maxx's mom
04-19-2002, 06:25 PM
She was doing better until this morning when she decided to urinate on my favourite jacket, looking me in the eyes the whole time! I am really getting frustrated and beginning to think this is a behaviour issue, rather than a health issue. I never thought about the guests and my cat attacking straws. That is rather gross isn't it?:p Tonight I am going to completely clean her box and give her fresh litter and see what happens (although I've already done that and I am really good about keeping her box clean). I don't know what else to do!