View Full Version : Trouble in Paradise

K & L
02-08-2006, 07:19 PM
I don’t know what’s going on around here but ever since our company left we’re having major cat issues here. First off all the cats were all on their best behavior with company. We had a houseful from 5 extra to as much as 11. Now we’re having peeing problems. I believe it’s between Mouser and Leila and don’t know if it’s from the previous guests or if it’s the on-going battle between them. Every morning and afternoon I find pee somewhere and never in the same place. It’s not spray, but puddles. Mouser & Leila fight continually and I’m not sure if it’s better to let her back outside, or see if the 2 will adjust to one another? Tomorrow we’re receiving another set of guests along with their dog (a small yorkie) and I’m stressing big time that they’ll wake up to a pee smelling house. What do you think, should I let Leila back outdoors, try and have Mouser secluded to the garage and cat-run area temporarily, or just don’t fret and try and be patient? I can tolerate anything the cats dish out but spraying/peeing.

02-08-2006, 07:51 PM
Are ya sure it's not a UTI?? They could be stressed out from all the company. I have a feeling the yorkie coming to visit isn't going to help matters any either. It might be a good idea to separate the two till the company is gone.

K & L
02-08-2006, 08:18 PM
Are ya sure it's not a UTI?? They could be stressed out from all the company. I have a feeling the yorkie coming to visit isn't going to help matters any either. It might be a good idea to separate the two till the company is gone.

A UTI was my thought, but it seems the pee is in the areas where either Leila or Mouser frequent. OK, here's what else just happened. I was in the bathroom and what does Leila do??? she squats right in front of me and pees. She got mad at me earlier on because I was vacuuming and told her to "get" cause she was getting scared. Then she did that, like saying "piss on you" :D . You know us, we'll always have our cats checked out by a vet if we feel there's even a slight problem. I really believe this is a behavorial issue with either Leila, Mouser, or both. I'm sure the dog isn't going to help matters either. Luckily we have a nice fenced in backyard where the dog can spend some time.

02-08-2006, 08:48 PM
Our Ebony is that way. But she pees on my bed. no where else but my bed.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-08-2006, 09:02 PM
Oh, oh....I really don't know what I'd do except if you think separating them will work.... How "cat friendly" are your guests? If they are fellow cat lovers, they will understand and may even offer some good suggestions and a few more pairs of eyes to watch and see what's really going on. If they only cat tolerant though, separate - definitely. However, I can't imagine anyone only "cat tolerant" visiting you. ;) Is the Yorkie familiar with cats? How familiar are the cats with Yorkies? I can only see the Yorkie adding to the problem, but you never know. Maybe like Eddie and Edwina they'll join forces against the D-O-G and forget their own animosity for awhile.....hopefully..... ;)

All I know about cats peeing right in front of me is when Peanut did it, it turned out she had a tumor and had to have surgery, so if it were me, I'd panic and have Leila at the vet so fast her head would be spinning! ;) Hopefully this is not really the case with Leila.

02-09-2006, 12:32 AM
I'm sorry to hear this. :( I'd also have Leila checked out just to make sure it's not a medical problem. Hopefully you'll be able to find a solution soon.

02-09-2006, 05:37 AM
Since you actually SAW Leila peeing on the floor, I would have a urinalysis done. I have found that it is better NOT to assume.

If it turns out to be 100% behavioral, then you need to ask yourself "How would I feel if I put her outside to live?"

Also, for the time being (while company is there) since she is definitely peeing, I would separate HER in the cat run. It would also allow you to determine if someone else is also peeing inappropriately.

K & L
02-09-2006, 09:50 AM
Thanks everyone! She'll be going to the vet, and in the meantime it will show if others are also doing this (mainly Mouser). She was outdoors for a year and decided to come inside. She does have a personality problem so it could be behavorial. We will find out for sure though!

02-09-2006, 01:48 PM
Thats ,I thionk the worst nightmare for we Multi Cat Guardians and that the Cats are going to use the House as a Bathroom,and ruin the Equity in the House.
I am praying that its just temporary
and they dont piss you off

K & L
02-09-2006, 02:20 PM
Is the Yorkie familiar with cats? How familiar are the cats with Yorkies?

Yes, most of them. They have visited before but never actually stayed with us. They would let their dog stay here during the day while they were out doing things. Of course we have some new ones like Leila and Mouser who are a problem anyway! :D We use to have 2 Yorkies also, but that's been awhile. I'll let you all know how it goes.

02-09-2006, 03:29 PM
I have no additional advice to give other than what others have already said ... just wanted to say I hope it all gets resolved! ;)

You sure are brave to have so much company!!!! :eek:

02-09-2006, 04:24 PM
What she said! You ARE brave!!

Hope things go well at the vet...........