View Full Version : For all those rescues out there...

02-08-2006, 03:15 PM
I like good stories of great puppers who found that great home after a not so great life. Anyone have a little success story to share? Even if your pupper isn't a rescue, maybe you have a neat little story about him or her that you like to brag about? I love happy stories about happy dogs, so share em!

Oh, and how do you post a picture on this thing? I forgot how. :(

02-08-2006, 03:20 PM
For pictures, do this without the spaces [ img ] url [ /img]
I transported dogs from the pound to a rescue group in Pinellas county for a while. Chance was my only personal rescue. I still wonder how he's doing. Here's the first thread. I have to get ready for work soon so don't have time to post them all.
I wish so much that I could know the family that adopted him. I think of him often.

02-08-2006, 03:21 PM
To post a picture, you have to upload it on a server - I suggest www.photobucket.com
After uploading them you have to get the url (right click on the image and click properties) and paste it between the IMG code :

OR if you do use photobucket, copy the already made IMG code photobucket supplies, right under the image you want to post.

I'll be back in a bit with stories about my pups. ;)

02-08-2006, 03:32 PM
my RB Lady had a pretty hard life before we got her - she's been gone since I was about 16. Hard to believe it's been 10 years! ANyway, she was actually our neighbor's dog, and we found out that they beat her and abused her. She also used to run away from them a lot (wouldn't you?). So, we 'stole' her. Lady was already 8-9 years old or so, and had been enduring this all her life. Even through all of the abuse, she was the sweetest, kindest, most gentle dog I've ever met. We moved out of the neighborhood shortly after taking her, and a year later her old owners called us (they must have found out from a neighbor or something that we had her). We told them that we had to give her up. We had to put her to sleep when she was around 17 because she had cancer and it was getting pretty bad, but I'd like to think that she had a good life once we got her. I still miss her and think about her to this day.

02-08-2006, 03:41 PM
oh i have a lot of stories! :D

i rescued Darcy from the Washington Animal Control. she was the most terrified dog i'd ever seen! she shook constantly and ran the opposite direction when the wind would blow. she was HW+ and very skinny. i had her about 2 weeks. our household is just too loud for her. too many dogs and people. she's now in a permanent foster home in Indianapolis,IN.

Maggie was my first foster dog. she was only with me for about 2 weeks. she was skinny and was HW+. she now lives in a mansion in IL! :D

Eastwood was the best foster dog! he was a 9 yr old clunky big dog. this dog was so crazy. he injured him self getting out of his kennel, he locked us out of our car, he tried to kill himself by jumping off the grooming table. :rolleyes: we almost adopted him, but the day before i was gonna adopt him from the rescue i got a call saying he was adopted by a family in MO. he was adopted by a great family, even though it's not mine.

Trudy was a 6 week old puppy with scars and dodging traffic when i found her. she stayed with us for 2 months. we had many possible adoptive families, but none of them worked out. i finally got a call from a stay at home mom with two well mannered boys. they came from Chicago,IL to pick up their new puppy. Trudy is now a spoiled pet that goes to puppy kindergarden, doggie day care, etc. i get pics of her every so often. here's a pic they sent me right before Christmas-

i'll postmore later.

02-08-2006, 03:44 PM
My little Fenway was found in a box on the side of a road with his 3 brothers in Pennsylvania. He & his brothers were brought to NH for adoption. When I went to the foster parents home to meet the pups, Fenway stood out. He was so cute & funny - not too aggressive - just playful. It was love at first sight. He is my first dog and I love him to death. I can't imagine how scared he must have been in that box. I'm so lucky he was found and brought to NH.

Here is a picture:


02-08-2006, 04:18 PM
Here he is, the dog of my life. I brag about him as often as I can because he was the greatest success, and the best dog, I've ever had. Now that he's gone it makes me want to talk about him all the time, it just makes me feel better I guess.

This is Tikaani, Tok in the middle, And Teekan on the end, while on and island in Maine.

I had been 4 years without a dog and it was killing me. I went to many shelters while living in Alaska to find a pupper to call my own. None of the dogs I met really "clicked", and I was about to take any old one just to have one. Then I found a homemade sign at one of the shelters about a dog. It said he was a part wolf who needed a home right away or he'd have to be destroyed. I called the number and went to meet him.
Maybe just seeing how he lived was enough to make me want to save him, he was matted, filthy, tied to a tree living on his own frozen filth. He had a dog house, but in -40 degree weather it didn't seem enough. He was about 5, and I was told his "companion" froze to death a year before. They were afraid of him, so if he didn't find a home before the deep freeze set in, they planned to shoot him. I gave the woman $50 to feed him and keep him until I got a fence put up. When he came up and put his head in my lap, I was sold.

He'd never been in a car, never saw concrete, carpet, or the vet. If I carried any objects near him he'd cower. His collar was imbedded, and he was grossly underweight. I thought I'd gotten myself into trouble. What do you do with a dog who's afraid of his water dish?

But Tok surprised me, I took it slow, intruduced him to things by laying objects on the floor and letting him get used to them at his own pace. Soon he was my best friend, walked everywhere with me, rode in the car all the time, we backpacked all over Pa. He was the most gentle animal ever, and even protected me when a stranger came at me while on vacation. He slept curled up in bed with me, and he loved to lick my face.
He came from nothing, someone's garbage, and turned into everything, he became my treasure. At about 9 years old he was diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy, but he stayed strong and steady. Last month his stomach twisted, and we had to let him go. He said goodbye, I knew by the way he "hugged" me.

We miss him, but it helps to know he didn't die all those years ago on the cold mud with a bullet. He got to live a good life, and got to leave this earth with good memories and someone to miss him.

02-08-2006, 05:10 PM
Here's Kaedyn's Story:


It was my first day at the shelter as a volunteer. He was the second dog I saw that day. My eyes were drawn to him initially because I had already had a Sheltie.. and would have loved having another one. But then I noticed that he looked so empty and sad. I called my mom right away and told her about this adorable, quiet sheltie (hah.. quiet sheltie.. now there's an oxy moron for ya :p). Two days later, we all went down to the shelter to look at him. My mom filled out an application form right away. We were told that there were 6 other applications for him. He was still being held for his impound period (7 days) so we wouldn't find out if we got him or not until a few days later. Well, a couple days later, my mom called me at school to tell me that we'd be picking up a new dog after school. :D

Apparently, the shelter had tried catching him a few times. He was allowed to roam around the neighborhood. The neighbors got fed up and called the shelter.. but they were never able to catch him. One day, he was in a neighbor's yard and got cornered. Because he had his license on, he was given a free ride home. He was actually given a couple free rides home but no one ever answered. The owners were contacted and said they'd pick him up, but they never did.

Since I don't know much about his past, I can only guess what happened to him. I have a feeling he was hit as he was extremely hand shy and took an awefully long time to start trusting people.. even now, two years later, he only trusts me completely. He definitely wasn't being fed properly. He was 16 pounds, stick thin, and had the dullest coat I've ever seen. I also don't think he was taken to the vet in a while as he had major problems with his teeth. Our vet said any vet would have pointed it out right away.

Ah well.. his (idiotic) past owners' loss was my spectacular gain. He's the reason I started getting interested in competitive obedience and started training other dogs.

Here are a couple pictures..

He was so thin :( This doesn't even show how bad it was cause of his fur. He was all skin and bones.

02-08-2006, 05:19 PM
:) First of all Welcome to Pet Talk & enjoy all the talks & pictures..

All nine of my babies are rescues & or abuse cases..
I have three dogs & six cats.. They all had either medical or mental tramas..
One dog is blind & two of the cats are one eyed & one of the cats is three legged.. But all are so heartwarming & give such unconditional love & laugher to me.. I love & live for them all so dearly..

02-08-2006, 06:16 PM
Here's Kodies story..

We have no idea about his past,where/when he was born.Kodie and his siter were abandoned at 3 weeks old on a buisy highway here in houston.They are very lucky they were picked up by someone and were brought to a local rescue.We adopted him when he was 3 1/2 months old,and he had been a wonderful joy to our family.We've had him for almost 3 years now.

And with Lucy,i dont know her past.We adopted her when she was 3 months old.The rescue told us that she was brought in by a lady and gave her to the rescue.We too had been a wonderful joy to our family,and we've had her for a year now.


02-08-2006, 07:39 PM
that is a great picture of Lucy! she grew up to be a beautiful dog.

02-15-2006, 11:06 PM
Huney's Story (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=12243&highlight=huney)

02-16-2006, 11:06 AM
Jen (howl4metok) :( omg... just looking at your screen name makes me cry now!! Oh what a great life you gave him! He'll love you forever for it!
I have a friend that has wolfdogs and one was just diagonsed with bone cancer and has not been given long to live. Sometimes I think it's better not knowing what's to come.
Do you still have the others in the picture you posted? They all are Gorgeous!!
I have two rescues, my first is Sierra:
I adopted her from a GSD rescue back on January 21st of 2002. She was 6 months old and had been picked up as a stray and was in danger of being put to sleep because she snapped at the dog warden. So she's my princess now, still head shy, and will run and hide if voices are raised, and will still close her eyes and jerk away if you move your hand too quickly near her. She is quite the talker & she sleeps between/on my feet every night.
We realized she needed a "Buddy" so I started looking on Petfinder and found the man of my dreams. At a local kill shelter was a 1 year old male gsd. JUST what I was looking for. When I went to the shelter to see him on December 21st 2002, I was shocked to see how deathly terrified he was of everything!!!! Oh I cried as soon as laid eyes on him. He was afraid of his own shadow, crouched down as low to the ground as he could get, ears pinned back. They had to turn a small office into a room for him because they couldn't get him in a crate. There was only one person there at the shelter that he would let handle him. We went into a room and it took a loooong time before I got one tiny little smooch on my hand. That's all it took!! He won my heart with his sad eyes so full of fear. Sierra took to him like she was waiting for him her entire life!! :rolleyes: :p and he took to her just as well! It was a match made in heaven!
He took to his crate with ease, but for the first 6 months I was the only person that he would allow to put him in his crate, he snapped at my hubby twice and to this day he STILL give my hubby a few low grumbles to remind him that he still isn't too sure of him. As most people here know, Buddy and my hubby still do not like one another... that will never change I'm sure but he'll never go anywhere! Buddy is my soul dog!!! He'll squeeze all 90 lbs of him onto my lap when I'm sitting in my recliner!! He's a mamma's boy for sure!